Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1199

"I was going to show you this morning." Zhao said.

Zhao theorem said so, Li Xiaoyun did not fight for the job with him, just sat waiting for Zhao theorem to cook porridge.

Anyway, steamed stuffed buns are not afraid of being cold. If you heat them in the microwave, they taste the same.

As the bone soup was heated again, the fresh flavor became stronger.

"All right." With that, Zhao came back with a big soup bowl.

But what is different from before is that now the soup bowl has turned into thick soft glutinous porridge.

A few minutes ago, Li Xiaoyun put the steamed buns in the microwave oven for heating.

Zhao gave Li Xiaoyun a bowl: "try it quickly."

Li Xiaoyun tasted a mouthful of white porridge, soft glutinous, full of fragrant bone soup.

A mouthful down, especially solid, but also with the delicious bone soup.

Li Xiaoyun couldn't wait to take a bite of eggplant stuffed bun, and immediately drank a mouthful of porridge.

Let the steamed buns with soy sauce and bone soup porridge blend together.

Bone soup porridge has the flavor of soy sauce.

This mixed delicious food made Li Xiaoyun close his eyes.

Looking at her reaction, Zhao said happily: "it seems that I cooked porridge for the first time, which was quite successful."

Li Xiaoyun is not stingy praise, thumbs up: "can be too successful, too good to drink."

"That's how I should have cooked it." Li Xiaoyun said regretfully.

"If I didn't have the steamed buns and the side dishes, I wouldn't be able to open my stomach. And at the beginning, I drank bone soup for the first time, which is totally different from what I feel now. That step is also indispensable. " Zhao said with a smile.

"The most important thing is, if you do, how can I have the chance to play?" Zhao said with a smile.

"Yes, too." Li Xiaoyun was soon relieved.

Zhao put a thin cucumber into the porridge.

The cucumber sticks float on the porridge.

Off white porridge is green cucumber, it is particularly good-looking.

Zhao used the tips of chopsticks to stir the cucumber strips, so that the juice of the cucumber strips could spread slightly in the porridge.

Then scoop up the part of white porridge dyed by the juice and send it to the mouth with cucumber strips.

It's like bone soup seasoned with a little soy sauce, with a slightly spicy and sweet taste.

Let originally also some monotonous bone soup taste a few more layers.

In the soft glutinous porridge, feel the tenderness and crispness of Cucumber Strips.

Zhao's appetite seems to be better than just now.

At this moment, it seems that all the hangover and discomfort have disappeared.

Breakfast is very simple, but very comfortable.

"Porridge is delicious." Li Yun felt his stomach.

"I'll study more and cook it for you at the weekend." Zhao said with a smile.

It takes time to cook porridge.

Like today's bone soup porridge, if Li Xiaoyun had not cooked bone soup in advance, he could not make such a taste.

It would take a long time to add up.

On weekdays, it's too late.

Li Xiaoyun nodded expectantly. Seeing that the time was almost the same, they packed up and set out for Shengyue.

Today, the old lady also called Zhao Gushen and ye Fei.

The old lady is also very considerate of Li Xiaoyun. She thinks that with Ye Fei as her best friend, Li Xiaoyun can be more relaxed.

Moreover, with Ye Fei's endorsement, Li's father and mother would like to be more at ease with their family.

But Zhao Gu Xian didn't know where he heard the news. He would follow him.

It's just like children who are grinding adults to go out to play and don't promise to wallow at home.

Originally, the old lady refused to let zhao gu Xian do whatever he wanted.

Call Zhao Gushen and ye Fei. If you are in love, you can be forgiven.

And Li father and Li mother should not think much.

Call more people, but Li Xiaoyun's father and mother are the only two people in the family, and they will look weak.

Don't you feel too much pressure on others?

As the father of Zhao theorem, the third master is bound to participate.

It's just that every female elder is here. How can she discuss things with mother Li?

So the old lady also wants to participate. How inappropriate is it for the old lady to join her brother-in-law?

So, the old man naturally followed.

In addition, the old lady did not call Zhao Dinghuan and Zhao Dinglian husband and wife.

Zhao Dinglian and his wife are good, both of them are more relaxed than enjoying life.

But Chi Jing thought about the dog's temper, that is, he knew more about it.

Don't understand, the first time we meet, most people think it's not easy to get along.

At that time, it's not too unfair to scare Li Xiaoyun's parents and think that his mother-in-law still has this kind of devil.So the old lady plans to cheat Li Xiaoyun first Oh no, marry into the Zhao family and let Chi Jingsi show up.

Zhao Guxian said that he just wanted to watch the study in advance and feel what it was like for parents of both sides to meet.

Later, it was his turn to avoid stage fright.

The old lady thinks that Zhao Guxian's words are quite reasonable.

Zhao gu Xian added: "grandma, I'm not here anymore. I'll have to count on you to see my granddaughter-in-law and meet my in laws! My father and my mother are thinking of playing all over the world. How can they think of me? So you have to take me! "

When the old lady saw it, yo, zhao gu Xian was quite conscious.

I don't need her to urge me. I've already started to work hard.

The old lady was very satisfied with Zhao Guxian's attitude, so she agreed to take him with her.

Zhao gu Xian came to the old house early to go with the elder.

Mr. Er sits in the back, while Mr. Zhao Guxian sits in the front seat.

Anyway, being idle is also idle. Zhao Guxian immediately said in the 8864 group, "my fourth uncle and fourth aunt met with their parents today, and I was also lucky to attend. @Wei Zhiqian, brother QIANZI, I'll talk to you later. "

Wei Zhiqian: "go away!"

It's not that Zhao Gu Xian's parents meet and talk to him!

These people are going to piss him off these days.

Zhao Guxian: "if you are like this, I'll call old lady Wei."

Wei Zhiqian Don't stop me. I'm going to beat this kid today. "

Zhao Gushen: "no one stops you, you go."

Zhao Guxian: "brother???"

Wei Zhiqian


"It's not that you find your girlfriend and parents meet. What are you talking to me about?" Wei Zhiqian.

Zhao Guxian: "I come here with the heart of learning and the good wish that I will get off the list soon. My old lady is very satisfied with my more positive attitude. It's not like you, not only don't take the initiative to learn, others want to tell you, you still don't listen. Not at all positive, not modest. No wonder old lady Wei always beats you. "

Zhao Guxian: "if I want to have an unfilial grandson like you, I will beat you."