Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1200

Wei Zhiqian: "it's agreed not to mention it!"

Zhao Guxian: "no, I have to be well prepared."

Wei Zhiqian: "what are you going to do?"

Zhao Guxian: "this is the first time that I meet my future four aunts' parents. Can't I leave a good impression? Because of me, I can't delay our fourth uncle. "

Zhao theorem: "you are very conscious."

Zhao Guxian: "fourth uncle, haven't you started yet?"

Zhao theorem: "of course, I started. On such an important day, I should not only be late, but also arrive early to meet the elders of both sides. I'm on my way now. "

Wei Zhiqian

He wants to quit.

Zhao Guxian: "then how do you have time to chat now?"

Zhao theorem: "I had a good talk with my future father-in-law last night. I drank a little too much when I met my confidant. There's still a hangover today, so it's your fourth aunt driving now. "

Thanks to Li Xiaoyun's driving, we can't see the group chat.

Otherwise, Zhao did not dare to blow it like this.

By the time Shengyue arrived, the chat records had been much better.

And Li Xiaoyun doesn't have time to watch it.

Nan Jingheng: "Yo, uncle Zhao has already experienced one of the benefits of having a wife before he gets married."

Zhao theorem: "isn't that right? Not only today, I had a drink at the last party, but also Xiaoyun drove to pick me up. "

Wei Zhiqian: "we're going to Shengyue together today anyway. You can let people drive. I'm drunk. How can I let someone pick you up? "

Zhao theorem: "you can still get along with Xiaoyun alone. You don't understand the fun."

Zhao Gushen: "you don't understand."

Han Zhuoli: "you don't understand."

Han Zhuoling: "you don't understand."

Row after row of "you don't understand.".

Wei Zhiqian looks at the screen full of [you don't understand]: "..."

Zhao Guxian: @ Zhao Gushen, brother, are you also driving by your sister-in-law now

Zhao Gushen: "of course."

Wei Zhiqian

He wants to quit.

Zhao Guxian: "brother, you have a hangover, too?"

Zhao Gushen: "that's not true, but your sister-in-law said that the fourth uncle can't help showing off in the group today. As the fighting power of our family, don't delay driving. Let me chat in the group on behalf of her."

Zhao gu Xian Are you selling my sister-in-law? "

Zhao Gushen

If you're not careful, you talk a little too much.

Zhao's theorem

Wei Zhiqian: "ha ha ha! Zhao theorem! Did you see that! Everyone knows that you are showing off! "

Zhao theorem: "what about that? Anyway, I have, you don't

Wei Zhiqian

Zhao theorem: "I still have a show, you don't have it."

Wei Zhiqian

Talking all the way, the time on the road passed unconsciously.

Even the three men in the Zhao family had not talked enough before they arrived.

I came first.

He and Li Xiaoyun went to the room reserved in advance.

After a while, Zhao Gushen and ye Fei also arrived.

Ye Fei is not polite to Zhao. When she comes, she leads Li Xiaoyun to the room to chat.

The room they reserved is a large suite.

There are three rooms in all.

In the middle is the dining room, which is a standard round table for 20 people.

The small room next to the dining room is the living room.

Sofa, tea table, and wall TV, like a small salon, it's very convenient to sit and chat.

The room on the right is the game room.

When the guests finish eating, they don't have to go to the next stall.

You can play directly in the next room.

Board games like werewolf killing, and some small games.

Including children's favorite games.

If you bring children, you can put them in this room and let them play.

Adults can concentrate on their meals.

Ye Fei pulls Li Xiaoyun to the small living room on the left.

They sat on the sofa, and the waiter came in and poured tea for them, and gave them biscuits and other snacks.

When the waiter left, ye Fei asked in a low voice, "what's the situation? The fourth uncle came home with you yesterday, and is engaged today? "

"Are you willing to get engaged so early?" It can be said that ye Fei really knows Li's father and mother very well.

Although Li Xiaoyun was single before, Li Xiaoyun's mother was eager to introduce him to a blind date.

But mother Li's plan is to have an object to talk about first.

As for getting married, I don't have to worry about it.So ye Fei was shocked to hear the old lady say that she would come to talk about engagement today.

The Zhao family is not in the habit of making a grand engagement.

As in ordinary families, parents of both sides sit together for a meal and discuss marriage matters with each other.

Only when it comes to the wedding, it will be grand.

However, the old lady has other concerns.

Although he didn't say it, ye Fei knew it.

Because when she married Zhao Gushen, there was no one in her family.

But even if it is, it is impossible for both sides to sit down and have a good chat.

The old lady didn't want to favor one over the other, so she gave them the same treatment.

Li Xiaoyun tells Ye Fei what happened last night.

"My parents have never been through such a battle." Li Xiaoyun now says that when he is having a headache for his parents, he feels a little funny.

"A theorem, they can not deal with together, plus an old lady, where they are rivals, this is not into the pit?" Li Xiaoyun said with a smile.

Ye Fei's tears almost came out: "OK, then you are ready to marry in. You can't get away with it. "

Li Xiaoyun is a little blushed by Ye Fei.

But in addition to the Zhao theorem, it's really because ye Fei is also here, so Li Xiaoyun doesn't feel flustered even if he marries in tomorrow.

She's very down-to-earth.

Of course, the little guy followed.

But because ye Fei has something to say with Li Xiaoyun, the little guy is playing in the game room by himself.

The manager specially sent him switch to play.

With the game, the little guy can play by himself. He doesn't want to have fun with adults.

Ye Fei talks with Li Xiaoyun. After a while, Li's father and Li's mother arrive.

They also want to arrive early.

All the three elders of the Zhao family are much older than them.

Although Zhao Xiaoyun and Li Xiaoyun are together, their in laws are of the same generation.

But I can't really say that, can I?

So you have to get there earlier.

I thought they came early, but I didn't expect they came earlier.

After greeting, Li Xiaoyun asked his father, "Dad, how do you feel when you get up this morning? Is there any discomfort? "

"Of course not." Father Li answered immediately.

Li mother is not to face the open: "don't listen to him."