Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1198

"You should be sober by now?" Li Xiaoyun talked about him from left to right.

"All right." Zhao said with a smile.

Li Xiaoyun saw that he was so responsive, and by the way, he could also ridicule Wei Zhiqian mercilessly, so he thought that he should have been almost sober.

"Take a rest early. You've drunk so much tonight, and you'll be miserable tomorrow." Li Xiaoyun reminds, "don't forget there is another one at noon."

Tomorrow is the meeting between parents of both sides. We must keep in good condition.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyun felt that it was very strange.

How come it's time for parents to meet?

It's too fast for her to adapt.

This is a reminder of Zhao theorem, let Zhao theorem quickly pay attention to: "then I go to sleep, raise enough spirit, can't give our parents bad impression."

Li Xiaoyun

After two steps, Zhao Xiaoyun stopped and said to Li Xiaoyun, "I'm quite awake now. I'd better take a bath. I love being clean

Li Xiaoyun

It's strange that you emphasize the last sentence.

"You go to bed early, too. Good night." Zhao said.

"I'm going back, too." Li Xiaoyun also got up and came to the bedroom door with Zhao Xiaoyun.

They said good night at the door and went back to the house.

Zhao wants to make out with Li Xiaoyun.

It's just that it's not allowed tonight.

I drink too much, even if I'm sober, but I'm full of wine, and my image is still not very good.

Therefore, Zhao theorem can only give up this idea, honestly said good night with Li Xiaoyun, and went back to take a bath and sleep.

The next day, Zhao had a hangover.

The antidote sugar and honey eaten the night before also played a role.

For breakfast, Li Xiaoyun stewed bone soup for him, and took out the pickled vegetables from the refrigerator, which can be eaten at any time.

Zhao's stomach is not good, Li Xiaoyun dare not make spicy soup for him.

Otherwise, if you drink spicy soup, it's very effective.

However, pickled cucumber is slightly spicy, which can also achieve the effect of appetizer.

Otherwise, after a hangover, you will feel your stomach full and you will not feel hungry at all.

Li Xiaoyun ordered xiaolongbao to take out.

Her current cooking skills are limited to the elementary level.

It's good to make soup.

It's easy to make small dishes.

It's not hard to fry a few simple dishes.

But if it's more complicated, even like dumplings, she's not very good at it.

How to deal with the flavor proportion of stuffing, dumpling skin and BUN skin.

She has to learn from ye Fei about the way dumplings and steamed buns are made.

If it wasn't for going to work, Li Xiaoyun would like to tell Zhao that she would go to Changping college to learn cooking.

But she just thought about it and soon gave it up.

Even if she doesn't have to go to work, she can't keep up with the progress in Changping college.

They are all chefs who have a strong foundation and come out as chefs.

Li Xiaoyun pondered that it would be OK to apply for a culinary interest class or something.

But in addition to work, the rest of the rest time is occupied by Zhao.

Zhao also thought that she didn't have enough time to accompany him. How could she learn cooking.

What's more, Zhao himself is still practising his cooking skills. He vowed to make sure that after three meals a day, he would not ask Li Xiaoyun to do it.

What's more, I can't agree with Li Xiaoyun to apply for a cooking class. How hard it is.

Therefore, Li Xiaoyun can only let go of this year.

If you can't do it yourself, you can only turn to take out.

Fortunately, bone soup is mellow and naturally sweet and delicious.

It's crisp and refreshing.

Li Xiaoyun's point is not the common hot steamed bun, but the steamed bun.

It's equivalent to ordinary steamed buns, but the head is very small.

The skin of steamed stuffed bun is fluffy and soft. It is soaked in the stuffing soup in several places, revealing the color of the stuffing inside. However, the more fragrant it is, the more appetizing it is.

"I'll have eggplant with braised meat and mushroom with rape." Li Xiaoyun said, "it's not easy to get tired of eating meat and vegetables. And now you have a hangover and have a bad appetite. You have to get something with a strong taste to induce your appetite, so you call it eggplant meat. "

"It's also a coincidence that this shop is a wanghong baozi shop." Li Xiaoyun did not expect that it was still within the scope of distribution.

Before, they always let Changlin's Restaurant deliver their meals and seldom ordered takeout, so Li Xiaoyun didn't know what takeout restaurants were nearby.

Who knows, when I ordered takeout this morning, I used the takeout software to search, and I even saw this store.

Although Li Xiaoyun has never eaten, he has also heard of this famous restaurant.Li Xiaoyun did not say much, while the bun is still hot, quickly took a bite of eggplant meat.

The soup of eggplant meat seeps out from the skin of steamed buns. Holding the steamed buns in hand, the fingers are greasy.

Before I bite, I can smell the strong smell of meat sauce.

Li Xiaoyun takes a bite and the caramel filling is diced eggplant and diced meat.

It's hard to tell which is eggplant and which is meat.

Bite into the mouth and chew, then you can taste the difference.

Eggplant is steamed soft and smooth. It melts in the mouth. Pork is a choice of five flowers. Lean meat has a little white edge. When you bite it down, lean meat has a clear texture, fat meat is springing up, and a mouthful of gravy is also burst out. It is absorbed by eggplant, which gives you a good taste.

Rao is Zhao theorem originally because of a hangover and no appetite, at this time a mouthful down, also excited appetite.

After eating eggplant meat, eat a mushroom rape solution greasy.

After the eggplant meat thick oil red sauce, the mushroom rape immediately appears fresh incomparable.

Another bite of spicy crisp cucumber strips is too good for your appetite.

"Unfortunately, there is no porridge." Li Xiaoyun said regretfully.

Zhao nodded: "I think so, too."

"I was worried that you didn't have an appetite, so I changed bone soup. I knew you had such a good appetite, so I just used bone soup to cook porridge." Li Xiaoyun said with a smile.

When I think of that smell, I can't stand it.

Anyway, it's still early. They will meet at Shengyue at noon.

Zhao simply picked up the soup and said, "I'll make porridge."

"Now?" Li Xiaoyun was surprised.

Zhao nodded: "rice is very fast, porridge, half an hour should be enough, may not be so soft glutinous, but it should be OK."

Seeing what he said, Li Xiaoyun was surprised: "when did you even know this?"

Li Xiaoyun remembers that what Zhao Ding paid attention to before was very simple.

Even cooking is very difficult for him.

"I asked Gu Xian." Zhao said with a smile, "I've wanted to do it for you for a long time, but today I had a hangover and got up later than you."