Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 967

After breakfast and sitting in the car, Niuniu is a little more energetic.

People changed spirit, thinking naturally become clear, "Si Jun, why does the boss suddenly want to see me?"

No wonder Niuniu feels strange. Xinying, the boss, has been invisible for more than two years. From her initial curiosity, she gradually forgets the existence of this person.

"Sihan, do you forget that you have won several awards for Xinying these days?" Si Jun on the other end of the phone is very likely to be cried by Sihan.

"Because of this?"

But Niu Niu's intuition tells her that the boss's sudden appearance is due to other unknown reasons. In short, it's not because she came back with several trophies.

"Why else? You're the first sister of Xinying, and you've brought back the two most prestigious awards of this year's music and film industry for Xinying. Not to mention the boss, even our employees want to give you up like a god! "

But even if Si Jun talks about this, Niu Niu still believes her intuition more.

After chatting with Si Jun for a few words, she hung up. Niu Niu was a little more energetic, so she took out her mobile phone to brush the net.

Enter the keyword "Sihan" and have a general look at the news and gossip related to her. Indeed, as my brother said, there is no speculation or rumors about her biological parents on the Internet.

Niuniu finally put her heart down and played a small game with her mobile phone.

More than an hour later, Niu Niu, led by Si Jun, knocked on the office where she had never seen anyone.

Without waiting for the inside response, Si Jun has already unscrewed the door, "Sihan, you go in, I still have something to do, I won't disturb you."

Then he took her by the shoulder and pushed her gently into the door. Then he backed out and the door closed silently behind her.

The office is no different from the ordinary office. There is a large desk with computers and office supplies. There is a chair in front of the desk and a large bookshelf full of books behind the chair.

Next to the bookshelf is a huge floor glass window. In front of the window stands a tall man standing with his back to the window.

The man's back is facing the door. From Sihan's point of view, you can't see the half face of the man.

The floating light outside the window gilded his overall outline.

I don't know why. It's the first time that she meets the boss, but she is so familiar with her figure that she blurts out, "brother?"

That figure, standing still, Niu Niu can't help but wonder, is this the wax figure shaped according to her brother's ratio of one to one?

Even if that person ignores her at all, but Niu Niu still believes her intuition, "Ji Yu?"

At this time, she didn't think about how her brother could appear in the boss's office? But just rely on intuition firmly believe that the person standing in front of the window, is Ji Yu, her brother, of course, but also can be said to be her future husband.

She approached the man step by step, but he remained still.

Niu Niu stopped talking and went to the man and looked up at him.

The man standing still with a smile on his face is not Ji Yu. Who else can he be?

"Ji Yu! Are you deaf? "

Niu Niu is angry and funny. She holds her hand to his ear and touches his warm skin. It's clear that she is a living man. How can she be a wax figure of one to one?!

Niu Niu's teeth itch with hatred, and her strength makes her a little big. The tall man who is twisted by her ears finally breaks the gong. His hand on the back of her waist entangles her and pulls her into his arms.

"Silly girl, are you so sure it's me?"

Niu Niu's right hand was still twisting his ear. Listening to his teasing tone, she was even more angry, adding a little strength to her hand.

"Ji Yu, it's fun to make fun of me, isn't it?"

Dabao smilingly put his face together and gave her a kiss on the lip“ My wife, please forgive me. I'll never make fun of you again

Niu Niu forced herself to smile and smacked him twice. She was hugged by him and went to the sofa in the meeting room to sit down.

"I'll pour you a cup of hot milk..."

Dabao helped her to sit down, got up and walked to the storage rack. Until then, Niuniu completely reflected.

"Brother, why are you in our boss's office?"

Dabao had turned around with a glass of milk in his hand.

"Fool, don't you understand?" Dabao put the hot milk into her hand and sat down next to her.

Then, naturally, he hugged her waist and half owned her.

Niu Niu held the cup in her hands and stared at him with her eyes wide open. After a long time, she asked uncertainly, "are you the boss of Xinying?"

Dabao nodded first, then shook his head.

Niuniu frowned slightly. Obviously, she was confused by Dabao's nodding and shaking her head.

"Is it, or is it not?" Niuniu stares at Dabao.

Dabao's face was always with a happy smile. He held her hand and handed the milk to her mouth. "You drink this first to warm your stomach. I'll talk to you later."

Niuniu thought, hum, I'd like to see how you plan to realize this lie!

Actually, it's more than two years!

Ji Dabao, how are you!

The more Niu Niu thought about it, the more angry she was, but she still drank the milk into her mouth.

So, in Dabao's eyes, Niuniu becomes a cute pet with bulging cheeks and white lips.

"Take your time. Don't worry. It's up to you to fight or scold."

Dabao looked at her fondly and saw all the careful thoughts she had written on her face.

Niu Niu turned away from him.

Dabao was not angry either, and he slowly swept her back with a smile.

After she finished the cup of hot milk, he pulled her to the desk, carefully supported her shoulder and let her sit in the chair.

Open the drawer and take out a notebook.

Spread it out and pass it to her.

"See for yourself."

Niu Niu is still angry, hands motionless on the knee, no meaning to pick up, but the eyes, it is not controlled to glance at the contents of the book.

No, it's OK. Niuniu was surprised!

"Brother, why me?"

Dabao threw the notebook on the table, squatted down in front of her with a smile, wrapped her hands with his hands, and looked up at her.

"Why do you say that? Is Xinying entertainment your company from the beginning? Don't you always know? "

Dabao laughs very calmly, but Niuniu sees a very obvious sense of ridicule and embarrassment from his eyes.

But she really never paid attention to such things.

"Always?" Niu Niu asked uncertainly.

Her not so clever head always thinks that there must be something fishy here.

"Yes, it has always been. If you don't believe it, ask Tian Fang and Si Jun. Otherwise, you can check it on the Internet! "