Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 966

When listing the guest list, Chu ran suddenly pulled Le Tong's sleeve, "Niu Niu there...", Chu ran said half of the words, and wanted to say nothing.

Yue Tong understood her meaning, then took the words.

"I also know about this. A few years ago, someone claimed to be Niu Niu's uncle, but later basically ruled out this possibility. Later, Niu Niu met a person in University, who should have known that Niu Niu was our foster daughter, but that person only appeared once, and then did not show up again. Over the years, No one else has revealed anything about her life experience. "

About Niu Niu's biological parents, Letong doesn't think about it in private.

Generally speaking, her attitude on this matter is quite contradictory. From a perceptual point of view, it's a good thing that Niuniu can find her biological parents. But from a rational point of view, this pair of parents can throw the full moon Niuniu on the desolate beach and say that they have love for Niuniu. Is that false. Therefore, she was also afraid that if she really found the parents, it would be a kind of harm to Niuniu.

Ji Rui is always clear about Letong's ambivalence. Now, he pats her on the shoulder and says in a deliberative way, "otherwise, let's ask Niuniu what she means. Let's see if she wants to find her parents. After all, they are still kind to her."

Letong bowed her head and fell into meditation. Indeed, no matter how worried she was, it was better to give Niuniu the final decision.

Just then, Ji Dabao came down the stairs.

"Sleep?" Letong looks at her eldest son.

"Well, as soon as my ears stick to my pillow, I go to sleep."

When Dabao sits down, Letong says to him.

"Bao, we are both mother-in-law and mother-in-law at your wedding. Of course, we don't mind what others say. However, your father and I both think it's time to ask Niu Niu's advice and help her find out the whereabouts and origins of her biological parents. "

Dabao was stunned for a while. In the past two days, he was dazzled by the successive surprises and had no flaw in thinking about other things.

When Letong mentioned it, she remembered that the wedding was a great joy for both men and women's families, and Niuniu didn't think she had any thoughts about her parents. But on this once in a lifetime special day, maybe she would feel sorry for her unknown life experience.

"I'll ask her later. All in all, it's her opinion."

Only Niuniu thought that Dabao would do everything to help her check, but if she didn't want to, he would never force her.

When they got home at night and settled down, they went back to their bedroom and lay on the bed. Dabao talked about it carefully with Niuniu.

"Niuniu, have you ever thought about getting your biological parents back?" For fear that she would think more, her broad palm gently stroked her long hair to appease her.

But even though he was so careful, Niu Niu raised her head warily and asked nervously, "brother, is there any rumor about my biological parents on the Internet?"

The reports that he was the prince of the Ji family and she was the adopted daughter of the Ji family had spread wildly on the Internet last night, but Niu Niu, as the party concerned, seemed to be the last one to know. Until today, when she came back to the mansion to listen to Xiao Bao's questions, she learned that the relationship between her and Ji's family had been made clear on the Internet.

Now when Dabao said that, her first reaction was that someone used her real life experience to hype and even make trouble for the Ji family, so she was so nervous.

Dabao was funny in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it. "Fool, how can I let these rumors appear on the Internet?"

Niu Niu stares at him as if she is seriously evaluating the credibility of his words.

For a while, Niu Niu took a long breath.

"That online about your identity and my life experience of those reports, are you inspired?" Niuniu understood something vaguely.

Dabao grinned and pinched her face, "wife, your husband, in addition to bed, I can be very powerful in other aspects."

Niu Niu's face flushed and hit him with a fist. "Don't play with hooligans!"

"To other women is to play hooligans, to his wife, this is to do their duty!"

Two people play for a while, physical strength is obviously not as good as before Niuniu, and soon panting, finally, Dabao holding gradually slow down Niuniu seriously asked again.

"Niu, answer me seriously!"

Niu Niu stares at him obediently, "well."

"Do you miss your biological parents?"

Niuniu didn't say a word, Dabao had to say, "Daddy and I know a lot of people, we can try to investigate and find out, we can always find some clues."

Niu Niu dropped her eyes and stared at her fingertips.

Dabao held her head in his arms with a heart ache. "I'm sorry..."

All along, she said that she was the natural daughter of the Ji family. Dabao thought that she didn't care about her parents.

But in fact, who really doesn't mind at all?

"Brother, you don't need to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong, I know, you are all for my sake..."


Niuniu struggled from Dabao's arms, raised her head and interrupted him, "brother, even if I don't have daddy's and Mommy's blood on me, I feel that I am their own daughter. No matter my family or anything else, I never lack, and even get more than many children. As for the people who gave me life, since they were so cruel to abandon me at the beginning, for them, this world has long been without me, isn't it? "

Niu Niu's tone was as calm as if she was telling other people's stories.

"Well, I get it..." Dabao sighed in his heart and quietly pushed her into his arms again.


The next day, Niu Niu in her sleep was awakened by Dabao's gentle kiss.

Light as fluffy shallow kiss fell on the face and neck, "baby... Get up..."

Niu Niu opened her eyes slightly. She felt that the morning color was light. She looked very early.

"Brother... I still want to sleep..."

Niu Niu tugs hard at the quilt, unwilling to be separated from the quilt.

"Honey, honey, let's check in today."

In Dabao's opinion, it's very important to register for marriage. Therefore, even if he loves Niuniu, he doesn't mean to be soft hearted.

Niuniu doesn't want to be helped up by Dabao, but she doesn't want to open her eyes.

Dabao had no choice but to bend over to pick up the person and walk into the washroom. He first put her on the floor, let her lean on himself and half circle her. With his long hand, he took the toothbrush, squeezed the toothpaste, filled a cup of warm water and put it into her hand.

"Si Jun called in the morning and said that your boss wanted to see you. After breakfast, I asked the driver to take you back to Xinying. At noon, I'll pick you up for lunch. In the afternoon, we'll register."