Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 968

"Then why does sister Fang always insist that the boss is a handsome man?"

It's clear that my brother and sister Fang are hiding things from me!

Dabao put his face together and said, "am I not a handsome man?"

Niu Niu pushed his face aside. "But this is my company!"

Since her name is written on the legal person, she is the boss, isn't she?!

Dabao hugged her with a smile on his face. "Wife, don't you know that there is a company called husband wife file?"

Two people make for a while, big treasure just in Niu Niu's interrogation to heart shadow of the origin.

Before Niu Niu entered the entertainment circle, Dabao would never have thought that one day, he would go to the muddy water.

But since Niu Niu decided to enter this circle, Dabao tried to understand and analyze the industry with the attitude of an investor. He spent half a year writing a detailed investment plan, which he was going to submit to the board of directors.

However, after reading the plan book, Letong and Ji Rui unanimously proposed that Dabao should invest in this entertainment company and all other related industrial chains in his own name.

Dabao has been involved in the investment industry since he was 12 or 13 years old. Even if his income and share dividends in Ji's company in recent years are not included, the money earned by his investment in these years alone is astronomical. Therefore, even if he does not rely on Ji's mountain, he still has enough funds to operate and operate.

Of course, he understood the painstaking care of his parents.

For one thing, Ji's directors don't know much about the entertainment industry. It may take a month or half a year or even longer to persuade them to enter this new field. However, in shopping malls, business opportunities are always emphasized. If the opportunity is missed, the feasibility of this scheme will be greatly reduced.

Secondly, parents should want to give Niuniu a guarantee. No matter what happens in the future, this entertainment company is also Niuniu's asset.

And facts have proved that Dabao's investment vision is really very good. So far, Xinying has ranked among the top entertainment companies in China in terms of scale and strength. The number of artists, from the beginning of a single person, has now exceeded 100.

In this large group of artists, there are different departments and positions, and their agents will set different directions and goals for them. Artists can basically get the maximum development in the company.

For this reason, just over three years ago, because of the good reviews in the industry, some excellent artists automatically switch to the heart movie company after their appointment with other companies.

"Wow... It sounds like my company is quite amazing..."

Niuniu doesn't know anything about investment and management, but Dabao's words are simple and easy to understand. Even if she is a fool, she knows what her brother means. Now, Xinying entertainment is a fragrant steamed bun in the industry.

"Of course, you also have a lot of credit, you are the heart of the most loud, the most advertising effect of live signs."

Dabao didn't say anything.

It was only after he had a deep understanding of the industry that he gradually realized that artists like Niuniu, who have their own talents and talents in this field, work hard and have clear goals, and most importantly, have excellent audiences.

For more than three years, he has been standing behind her, watching her step by step for her goal. The pace is hard, but firm and powerful.

On the Internet, there are often some sunspots who say that Sihan is too lucky to be popular.

But Dabao knows better than anyone that her luck is actually to exchange her efforts for strength, and then maximize the opportunity in her hands to become what others say.

But Niuniu herself was a little embarrassed by Dabao“ Did you start talking nonsense after drinking, Then he put his nose together and sucked like a little dog.

Dabao took the opportunity to kiss her on the tip of the nose, hugged her tightly, and motioned her to be safe. Then he opened the drawer and took out a stack of materials.

"Wife, we're going to register for marriage in the afternoon, so I have to confess these things to you first."

Niu Niu stares at him, "what do you want to confess?"

Dabao takes the information and puts it in Niuniu's hand to show her to see for herself.

Niu Niu is sleepy all day now. Seeing this huge stack of data, she has a headache.

"Ah... Brother, please speak with your mouth. I feel dizzy when I see these things..."

Dabao looks at her in surprise. You know, although Niuniu is not as smart as he and Xiaobao, she always works hard.

"Dizzy?" But look at her appearance, she really has no spirit.

"Yes, I feel sleepy again. I want to sleep!" Niu Niu said, leaning against his arms and yawning.

Compared with Dabao Xiaobao's shrewdness, Niuniu is a little confused. Now, she will evolve into a confused spirit.

"It seems that you have a little pig in you."

"Mr. Ji, don't forget, he is your child, he is a little pig, you are a big pig, an old pig."

Dabao did not retort, nodded along with her words and admitted, "yes, I'm an old pig, and I'm a pig Bajie!"

"Well, Mr. Zhu Bajie, what are these materials?"

Dabao put the information on the table and turned it out one by one.

"I've invested in several photography bases in the film and Television City, and I've earned no less than Xinying in the past two years. In addition, I also set up a movie special effects company. From this year, the profit is also very considerable. Finally, Xinying will acquire Xingtao and Yunfeng entertainment after the Spring Festival. If there is no accident, at the end of next year, when our baby is born, Xinying entertainment group should be able to go on the market... "

Niuniu was stunned when she heard what Dabao had told her.

"Silly? Or sleep? "

When Dabao saw that she was silent, he shook her.

Niu Niu came back to her senses. "So, I'm a rich woman?"

Dabao shook his head with a smile. "You're wrong. You're not a rich woman. You're a super rich woman!"

Niu Niu can't agree with the name "super".

"Super? I'm not qualified, am I? At best, it can only be regarded as a rich woman.... "

Dabao doesn't know whether the girl is really stupid or pretends to be stupid. "Niu Niu, don't forget that you are the second miss of Ji family. You also have a share of Ji's stock."

Although Niuniu is an adopted daughter, Letong and Ji Rui do not favor one over the other. When they were 18 years old, the three brothers and sisters also obtained 5% of Ji's shares from their parents as a rite of passage.

Niuniu remembered that when she was 18 years old, her parents asked her to sign such a gift book.

"If you don't say it, I forgot..." Niuniu put out her tongue and laughed at herself.

"I've invested all your share dividends in Xinying and a series of other investment projects in recent years, so now you are absolutely a super rich woman."