Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 954

Sitting in the driver's seat driving the car, Si Jun's eyes scan Sihan's face in the rearview mirror several times. Finally, he can't help saying.

"Sihan, why do you seem thin?"

Sihan subconsciously touches his face and says, "ah? Thin? No, I've been resting for more than half a month. I should be fat. "

Although she has not had a good appetite for most of the month, she is very sleepy. Sometimes after lunch, she thinks she will take a nap, but when she sticks to the bed, she sleeps all afternoon.

Si Jun listened to her answer, and seriously looked at her, "do you see what film, so, to lose weight to cater to the image of the people in the play?"

When Niu Niu took over the first film, she lost weight in order to fit the image of the female owner. Of course, Si Jun, a close friend, knew that. Now, she thought that she would torture herself again for the sake of art.

"No, I haven't started to think about the next year yet."

Niuniu herself feels strange. In recent years, she has always been full of momentum in doing everything, but during this period, she seems not interested in anything.

"Oh?" Si Jun picks eyebrows, "it's not like you."

Niu Niu leaned against the back seat and nodded honestly, "yes, I don't think I know myself any more."

After a while, Niu Niu gave herself a grand reason, "Alas... Maybe I'm suffering from job burnout."

Si Jun believes it to be true, "this kind of situation, have you tried before?"

Niu Niu shakes her head. "No, I was a good young man who loved to work."

The aspiring young man who loves his work is sent to the designated image studio by Si Jun, and the familiar stylist brings out several sets of dresses for Sihan to pick out.

Sihan glanced at the dresses and casually pointed to the pure white bra dress.

The stylist hands the dress to the assistant and signals her to help Sihan change it.

Sihan quickly changed her dress with the help of the stylist's assistant. When the stylist saw her, her eyes lit up. "Sihan, do you prefer a simple dress? However, it's really suitable for you. It's immortal! "

"Thank you

"But it seems that the waistline is a little loose here. It seems that it needs to be slightly trimmed."

The stylist and her assistant quickly fixed the loose part of the dress, and Sihan sat down in the chair in front of the make-up mirror. Then she couldn't help yawning.

"Sihan is making a new play recently?" Makeup artist and Xinying are just cooperative relationship, they don't know the artist's work and itinerary.

"I'm taking a long vacation recently..." Sihan covers her mouth with her hand. "However, it seems that the more vacation, the more tired! What a bitch

Make up artist also ha ha laughs, "you still really don't say, the person sometimes is like this, more busy more spirit, more idle but more tired, I also often like this!"

Sihan's skin is good. Several famous makeup artists and stylists in the studio all know it.

"Sihan, have you had a bad sleep recently? The eye circles are a little obvious... "

This kind of situation is common to other artists, but it's the first time Sihan has this kind of situation.

Sihan tilted her head and thought, "well, I really slept a lot during this time, but you have a point. I have a lot of dreams, and I always feel very irritable."

"Can it be neurasthenia? Many artists will be more or less affected by their irregular life." Makeup artists have been immersed in this circle for more than ten years, and all kinds of people have seen it more.

Sihan thinks that what she says is quite reasonable, so she wants to take her to doctor Fu to prescribe some Chinese medicine to recuperate in two days.

The award ceremony started at 7 p.m., but all the guests entered at five o'clock. Before entering, because he knew that Sihan could not endure hunger, Si Jun bought steamed dumplings for Sihan to eat. The makeup artist in the car dutifully made up for Sihan, and then let Sihan out of the car.

In addition to Sihan, several artists of Xinying entertainment have also received the invitation letter of this music festival. Sihan, accompanied by Sijun, enters the show and sees Tong Kehe happy.

"Elder martial sister..."

Tong Kehe is glad to see Sihan. He waves his hand and trots over.

Several people walk on the red carpet together, take the pen of Miss Li Li and sign the name on the background. Sihan smiles and puts a few celebrities in front of the media reporters. After taking the photos, the media reporters come forward one after another and pass the microphone to Sihan.

"Sihan, I heard that you are the hot candidate for the best album, the best new artist and the best singer tonight. How many times do you think you are likely to win the prize?"

Tong Kehe and Sihan are surrounded by reporters. After listening to the reporter's questions, they turn their eyes to Sihan.

Sihan looks at them with a smile. "Although I'm Tong Kehe's happy elder martial sister, I'm a rookie in music. They are my elder martial brothers. It's the biggest affirmation for me to stand with them. It doesn't matter whether I win the prize or not."

Of course, reporters know that this is just a modest statement. Who doesn't know that Tong Kehe and happy have been on the road for three years. Half of the songs in the three albums are written by Sihan. Even many music critics say that Sihan makes Tong Kehe happy.

Seeing that Sihan was so modest, the reporter knew that she would never say anything to offend others, so she changed her tone and stopped asking about the awards.

"Sihan, you said before that when the right time comes, you will disclose the identity of the person you like. If you win the grand prize today, will you disclose it?"

Without thinking about it, Sihan shook her head and denied, "no!"


"It's evening now. This kind of light will bring him out and affect his handsome image! My he is a prince charming, not black charcoal. Kekexingxing, right

The reporter on the scene was amused by her and laughed. Knowing that she couldn't find out why, she followed her topic and turned her attention to Tong Ke and happy, the two good friends.

Sihan several were besieged on the stage to interview for a few minutes, the MC came to the rescue at the right time, let the Miss etiquette lead Sihan and Tongke several to the audience.

"Elder martial sister, I think you can win at least two trophies tonight."

Sihan glances at Tongke, "why, do you want me to blow my one, too?"

Tong Ke waved his hand with a smile, "elder martial sister, how dare I? I just want to say that after the Spring Festival, I and I are going to prepare a new album, and then we will have to work hard for you."

To Tong Ke's request, Sihan smiles and agrees.

Compared with many composers, Sihan is a high-yield composer with great inspiration.

What's more, her songs are not limited to a certain style. Even senior supervisors and producers like Ning Yi and Jiahao have publicly praised Sihan as a rare talent.