Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 955

"Sihan, this is sister Fang's acceptance speech for you. Take a look."

Si Jun doesn't know when he will also be at the table. He sits down on the other side of Sihan and hands Sihan a piece of paper.

Sihan took it over and murmured in a low voice as she unfolded, "sister Fang is really, the baby is about to be born, and she still has an endless heart."

Si Jun knew that she was concerned about Tian Fang. He laughed and joked, "since you care about her so much, you should work hard. In that way, she can pay more commission to buy delicious clothes for her baby."

Think Han Bai He one eye, "that you also hasten, have been so lonely.", Sihan doesn't like to mix with others, but she hopes that Sijun can find the person who accompanies him to taste cold and warm as soon as possible.

But, strictly speaking, Si Jun is only one or two years older than Si Han. For men, he is still young, and his career is on the rise. He wants to spend forty-eight hours a day. What's the point of falling in love?

"I'm not in a hurry!" Si Jun's answer is within Sihan's expectation.

Sihan takes a deep look at him and doesn't say anything.

Sijun and Sihan have been friends for so many years, and they know her very well.

She turned her head and looked at him on the stage without any expression. She was silent for a while and poked her arm with her finger.

Sihan turns her head and looks at him slightly.

"Don't worry, I didn't think about anything else. I just want to lay a good foundation for my career and then think about life."

Sihan nods gently, but still doesn't say anything.

The master of ceremonies on stage is happily listing the candidate list of various awards. Sihan's eyes seem to be cast on the master of ceremonies, but it is empty.

At this time, she didn't listen to what the emcee was saying at all. She was just carefully screening out whether any of her friends had a better personality and good conditions. She didn't dislike Si Jun as an orphan.

She is not really anxious to give Si Junsai a personal help, but she really wants to help him find a friend with the same ideals. Maybe she has a feeling, and it's really done?

"Sihan... Sihan..."

Next to the Si Jun pushed her, tone a little urgent.

Sihan returns to her soul and looks at him in a hurry.

"You are the best composer!"

Sihan is slightly stunned. She turns her head to look at the big screen on the stage. Indeed, there are several big words on it. The winner: Sihan.

She didn't even know that her song won the prize!

"What tune?"

Sihan has already stood up, but she still takes advantage of bending to ask Sijun.

"One man's stage..."

This song is a song written by Sihan for Tong Kehe. It was released at the beginning of the year and can be heard on major radio stations at the end of the year. It has been adapted into various styles, such as dance music, jazz music, Rb

Since Tong Ke is happy to sing the song, the two singers naturally want to accompany Sihan to the stage for the award. The two handsome guys accompany Sihan to the stage one by one. The awarding guests on the stage can't help whistling loudly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm applause to our handsome and beautiful combination!"

Sihan has been involved in the entertainment industry for at least a few years. She has been able to cope with this kind of scene for a long time. Although this is her first award in the field of music, just like the mother who has given birth to a child, the first daughter is very nervous. When she comes to the second one, whether she has a son or a daughter, she will be calm after all.

"Feng elder brother is more and more naughty. With you and LAN elder sister, coco Xingxing and I are not a combination of handsome men and beautiful women!"

Sihan, who takes over the microphone generously, laughs and jumps out a sentence that no matter who loves to hear.

Sure enough, brother Feng had a happy smile on his face. After he handed the trophy to her, he gently hugged her.


This Feng elder brother is an old man in the music world. He can shake the music world a few times with just a few words. He is famous for being difficult to deal with at ordinary times, and few people dare to provoke him.

To get his sincere congratulations is a great encouragement for a new generation. At the same time, it also shows recognition.

"Thank you

Sihan responded sweetly, and then politely hugged another prize winner.

"At the beginning, when Keke and Xingxing said that most of the songs on their album were composed by Sihan, many people must have said privately that Sihan must be a singing duck. Otherwise, she went to Siberia out of tune. Otherwise, how could she throw so many good songs to others if she didn't sing by herself? But no one thought that Sihan's voice was so amazing

There are a lot of Sihan fans under the stage. After listening to brother Feng's teasing, he cried out, "I didn't expect it! That sounds so good! "

Fengge successfully started the first round of heat on the field, looking at Sihan with a smile, "Sihan, we all want to hear you sing a few words on one's stage..."

Well, Sihan is really unprepared.

After all, even if she had confidence in herself, she didn't expect to win the best composition award. Coco on one side looks at Sihan and knows that she is unprepared, so she says with a bitter face.

"Brother Feng, as soon as the voice of elder martial sister opens, who will buy the records of Xingxing and me in the future? Brother Feng, leave a way for the little ones to walk, OK?"

He is plainly complaining like this, but everyone knows that he is relieving Sihan.

Feng brother has always been soft, but he doesn't eat hard. Seeing that a few young people are really unprepared, he also eats, "Oh, OK, OK, coco Xingxing, you two go to prepare and perform hard. Next, let's give it to Sihan and listen to her acceptance speech."

She looks at the note Si Jun gave Si Han. However, Tian Fang didn't expect that she would win the best composer award. So, the people who thank her are different.

"Thank my fans, thank my company and all the staff, thank Ning Ge and Hao Ge, and most importantly, thank my teacher en normal, who opened the door of music for me, and then there are so many songs signed as Sihan. Thank you, thank you

This time, she didn't thank her family or the people she loved, because she knew that real gratitude didn't need to be publicized in front of so many people.

Sihan makes a deep bow to the audience, and then leaves the stage with the cup, leaving the stage for the singer Tong Kehe to be happy.

"Congratulations Si Jun went all the way to the stage and held out his hand to her.

Although there has been an affair between the two before, both Si Jun and Si Han seem to be quite generous. Now, Si Han puts his palm on Si Jun's hand and takes it back to his seat.

"Just now Yu Shao called to ask if you need him to attend?" It seems that Ji Yu has seen the picture of her winning the prize from the live broadcast.