Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 953

Not long after new year's day, Niuniu ushered in the last exam week of her college career.

After the exam, Niu Niu told Tian Fang that she would take a week's vacation.

Tian Fang, who is about to give birth in more than a month, doesn't go around any more, but she goes back to Xinying every day to deal with the affairs and guests, and is responsible for managing a group of brokers and artists, while Niuniu's work is still in her hands.

Tian Fang was surprised to hear Niu Niu's request.

In recent years, Niu Niu's own initiative to arrange work often happens, but it's rare for her to take the initiative to take a week's vacation.

"What? Does Yu Shao want to travel with you? "

Tian Fang asked like this, but she felt that the possibility was very low. Because the end of the year is the busiest time for major companies, not to mention Ji Yu, the general manager of Ji family, and Zhihao, the branch manager, who works overtime every day and travels for a week.

"No, I just want to have a rest..."

Tian Fang was stunned for a moment. The voice from the microphone was really tired. Probably, I'm tired of preparing for the exam.

"OK, I'll arrange a week's holiday for you first. In a word, just remember to attend the awards ceremony next month."

"Well, thank you, sister Fang!"

Niuniu just hung up, and aunt Guan's voice came from the door to remind her that she could have lunch, but she lay on the bed and didn't want to move.

After the last exam this morning, several good classmates agreed to go out for lunch together, but somehow she felt very sleepy and tired after the exam and wanted to go home to sleep. Finally, she had to push the appointment and let the driver take her home to make up for her sleep.

"Aunt Guan, I'm very tired. I'll sleep for a while and then get up for dinner."

Sihan doesn't force herself, so she pulls the quilt directly to cover her eyes and wants to sleep for a while.

Aunt Guan thought she was too hard, and she didn't say anything. She just told her to remember to heat the food after waking up, and then she went out to buy things.

Niu Niu slept until more than three o'clock. After sleeping for several hours, she still felt weak and weak.

Niu Niu thought to herself, it seems that this week's vacation is really right. Recently, she has gone a little too far. Her body's load seems to have exceeded the standard seriously!

Niuniu got up and warmed up the food. She probably slept for a long time. Looking at the rich food, she couldn't raise her appetite at all. Finally, she forced herself to eat half a bowl of rice.

In the evening, the family gathered to eat together, but she still had no appetite. Dabao reached out to touch her head and looked at her anxiously, "what's the matter with you? Are you tired of preparing for the exam recently

Niuniu wants to shake her head, but she nods at last, and then makes fun of herself.

"If my head is as good as my brother and Xiao Bao, I won't worry about the exam."

"Sister, aren't you the last one today? You won't have to worry about the exam any more." Master Xiaobao comforts Niuniu.

"Is there any announcement after that?" Letong, who is a mother, wants to ask her daughter to have a rest for a while, but it's hard to say so. She has to ask roundly.

"I asked sister Fang to arrange a week's holiday for me. Next week, I'll have enough food and sleep at home and eat again..."

Dabao grinned and pinched her pale face. "Do I have a pig?"

A week later, Niuniu proved Ji Dabao's words with her actions. She was indeed a lazy pig he raised at home.

For a whole week, she really spent most of her time on eating and sleeping. In addition, she went online to read books and didn't even go out of the yard door.

On Sunday, Dabao was afraid that she would be bored at home, so he made the Secretary postpone his work and wanted to go out with her.

I don't know. She doesn't sell at all.

On Sunday, she got up at 11 o'clock and had lunch at home. Dabao said that she would take her out for a walk. She was all in her strawberry sofa and would not move.

"Brother, I don't want to go..." Niuniu lazily raised her eyelids, looked at Dabao's eyes, as if she hadn't woken up, with a bit of confused sleepiness.

Dabao squatted down in front of her, clasped her head in one hand and kissed her, holding her hands in the other hand. "I really don't want to move?"

Niu Niu rubbed her face against his neck socket and hummed lazily from her nostrils

"Well, we're not going anywhere. I'll be at home with you today, OK?"


Niu Niu snorted lazily. She put her hands around his back and put her head into his arms.

Dabao swept her back helplessly, half kneeling and embracing her.

After a while, Dabao felt that his feet were numb, so he simply picked her up, took her back to bed, and let her nest on himself, just like you like sleeping, playing and playing.

And he took a book and turned it up slowly.

Niu Niu lay on him, motionless like a dead dog. After reading a few chapters, Dabao was a little bit uncomfortable with such a quiet girl. Although she was not a very lively girl, she was seldom absent-minded in front of him, and even less sick like now.

Frown slightly, lift the hair on her forehead, bow to kiss on her smooth forehead.

"Niu Niu, I'll take you to the hospital to see if you feel sick."

Niu Niu didn't even open her eyes for a moment, but she shook her head desperately. "I'm ok. I overdraw too much energy before, so I want to have a good rest."

Her words made Dabao unable to refute.

Although she didn't receive the film this semester, she had to be busy with her studies, as well as a series of publicity itineraries and signings after the release of the album. On the day when she finished the exam, she really didn't try to have a good rest all day.

"Anyway, you have nothing to do next. Why don't you take a long holiday and arrange the announcement after the new year."

Niu Niu squints and lies on his chest. After a while, she says, "let's talk about it..."

Niuniu said that besides, Dabao thought she had a lot of work to do next, so she took the phone and dialed Tian Fang.

Tian Fang seems to be very surprised, "no, from now to the Spring Festival, I didn't dare to arrange any itinerary for her. However, several major award ceremonies have already sent invitation letters. She just remembers to attend."

Dabao asked Tian Fang to send him the itinerary of several major awards ceremonies. Conveniently, he set the itinerary on Niuniu's mobile phone memo, and then let her take a rest at ease.

Niuniu then fell for more than half a month, until the end of the month of a music award ceremony, she reluctantly stepped out of the door of Ji family.

Tian Fang had already started taking maternity leave, so Si Jun, the assistant boss, came to pick up Si han to attend the award ceremony.