Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 944

In most families, when the children are still young, they are hot and noisy. When the children grow up, they are cold and lonely.

Because most young people have their own life and circle, home has become a place for aging parents to stay and wait for their children to return home.

However, Ji Jia has never seen such a situation.

Even if the three children have grown up, the three brothers and sisters still love home as before. They don't stay too late when they go out to socialize or play occasionally. Almost the same time, the three brothers and sisters will go home on time.

A family of five had a lively and festive Spring Festival. Before the Lantern Festival, they went to work separately.

Because the historical drama had been filmed for nearly four months, Niuniu delayed the whole semester's class. Fortunately, the school leaders were very flexible and allowed her to make it up this semester after the Spring Festival. Therefore, after the Spring Festival, Niuniu devoted herself to her study.

Although there are still a lot of invitation calls to Tian Fang, Tian Fang has helped her push off all of them. Therefore, in the first half of the year, Niuniu has no other tasks except the promotion and endorsement shooting of historical dramas.

The historical drama was staged in the summer holiday, and the box office was as expected by Tian Fang. It was not good, even tragic.

However, professional film critics' comments on the plot arrangement and acting skills of the film are consistently higher. As the summer vacation is drawing to a close, it is said that the film has been shortlisted for best picture and best actress in the Golden Lion Award.

Sihan, a popular female leader, leads all the way in the online voting. However, when the results of all the judges' votes are announced, she narrowly loses to her "mother" Luo Qingru by a few votes.

Sihan, 20, missed out on best actress in the heat.

This report has been on the front page of major entertainment sections since then. Tian Fang looked at these reports and said to Niu Niu, who is usually revising the tune by no one around her.

"Niuniu, now many people say that you are the king without a crown. How do I think it's a good thing for you not to take the best actress?"

Niu Niu didn't lift her head. "It's a good thing. In that case, I will continue to strive for it."

Tian Fang was surprised by her words, whether consciously or unconsciously, "Niu Niu, don't you mean it?"

"What?" Niu Niu finally raised her head and looked at her with a puzzled face.

"If you win the Golden Lion for best actress this time, you won't work hard? I'm not going to fight any more? "

Niuniu tilted her head for a moment and nodded honestly, "well, the final goal I set for myself is the best actress of the Golden Lion Award. If I get it, I'm not sure if I will consider changing direction."

Niuniu has been in this circle for two years, but it seems that she has not been affected by this circle at all. No matter what type or purpose she receives, she is always different from others.

No wonder, looking at the whole performing arts circle, whose background and origin is as big as her Ji Sihan.

This time, Tian Fang is really glad that she didn't win the best actress award.

"Sister, last time you said that the hostess of the double personality movie was chosen?"

Tian Fang sighed in secret. This little ancestor is going to give her a bone again! It seems that the celebration just now is earlier!

"You want to play?"

"Well!" Niu Niu nodded without hesitation, "female owner has dual personality, equal to one person playing two roles, it should be very difficult to play."

Tian Fang is already familiar with her ideas, and quickly agrees with her, "come on, this time you want to surpass yourself, right? I'll contact the director for you in the afternoon and get back to you tomorrow at the latest. "

That night, Niuniu happily announced to her family that she would soon enter the group to play a double personality. The other four members of the Ji family frowned together.

The young master is the quickest, "double personality? Doesn't that mean you're insane? "

Niu Niu not only did not deny it, on the contrary, she happily returned to him, "yes, I'm going to play a psycho this time."

Dabao didn't say anything at that time. When they returned to the third floor to be alone, Dabao held the man to his thigh, first came a French kiss, and then asked in her ear.

"Do you really want to take that film?"

Niu Niu gasped in his arms. After a while, she got out of his arms and sat up straight. They were face to face, looking at each other directly. You only had me in your eyes, and I only had you in my eyes.

"Yes, I want to."

Dabao asked "yes", Niuniu answered "yes".

The answer seems mild and there is still room for negotiation, but Dabao knows very well that she just doesn't want to be tough. In my heart, I am very persistent.

"Double personality, if you don't pay attention, it's better. If you play with your heart, it will be very troublesome if you get into the play too deeply! This, you know? "

When Niu Niu first entered the performing arts circle, Dabao knew nothing about this circle and was not interested in exploring it.

But now he is very familiar with this industry, so he has no estrangement when talking about her work with Niuniu.

Niuniu nodded, "I know! But I still want to take it. "

Dabao sighed silently, "OK, I'll let Fangfang reply. However, you have to promise me that you can't force yourself too much. If you really can't do it, you should delete the difficult parts of the script. "

Many famous actors will delete or modify the script according to their own preferences after taking over the play. Although Niuniu is not the biggest one, it is not difficult for Dabao to delete or modify the script.

Niuniu and Dabao look at each other for a long time and realize that if she doesn't make corresponding concessions, her brother won't let her take over the play.

"Well, I promise you. However, you have to promise me that if you want to delete or change those places, you have to ask for my permission first. You can't make your own opinions. "

Dabao nodded and agreed.

The next day, Tian Fang calls the director to explain that Sihan's brother wants to talk about the contract with him face to face. Naturally, the director knows that Sihan is the gold of the Ji family. When he saw Ji as a child, he was a little nervous and thought that he would ask for a lot of money and raise the film pay.

I don't know that master Ji didn't mention the pay for the film. He only asked the crew to hire a psychologist with the crew. The psychologist was arranged by Ji Dashao. In terms of expenses, if the crew's funds were insufficient, Ji Dashao could pay for it.

The director has always been very appreciative of Sihan, but he also knows that Sihan rarely takes on plays and is very selective. At that time, he contacted Tian Fang, and the director just took a chance to try. Unexpectedly, after thinking about it for a month, Sihan finally agrees to play the heroine. Let alone ask him to hire another psychiatrist, even for the first team, he doesn't need to think about it.