Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 945

As Ji Dabao expected, since she decided to take on the double personality drama called double faced man, Niu Niu began to enter the stage of closing up.

This time, instead of planning classic movies like the historical drama she had prepared before, she went to the library and came back to read a lot of novels and psychological works about dual personality.

Although people in the Ji family are worried about her persistence and hard work, they don't say much about her. However, everyone secretly has an eye on her and pays close attention to whether there is anything strange about her.

Fortunately, before entering the group to shoot, Niu Niu did not have any abnormal emotions.

Not long after school began in September, Niuniu began to make films. Because the film conveys more spiritual things, she does not need to go to other cities for shooting. Most of the films are shot in the studio, and a small part of the scenes are also shot in the nearby city.

This makes Ji's family, especially Dabao, particularly satisfied.

This is Niu Niu's fourth film. The director's fame is not as good as sun's, but he is a new and cutting-edge director in recent two years. It's said that the director surnamed Zuo doesn't make three films, including commercial films, idol films and hot films.

For example, this time, people in the industry think that he is crazy to make such an unpopular film at the time when comedies are so popular that they sweep the box office. Even filmmakers are ordinary people who have to eat, OK?

As a result, when Zuo Dao let out the wind to shoot double faced man, many colleagues were waiting to see the joke.

At first, the left leader did run into a wall everywhere. It took nearly a year just to attract investment.

When he finally found an investor, it came out that he wanted to find Sihan, who was very popular recently. Many of his peers could not help but persuade him. Sihan is a beautiful woman, who only depends on the script and production.

With director Zuo's production investment and unpopular theme, can you please Sihan, who has a strong background and is also very talented and popular?

Director Zuo happily announced that when the female owner of double faced man confirmed that Sihan would play, her glasses fell to the ground. It's said that the left director is lucky. Such an unknown new director invited Sihan to be the hostess!

Outsiders may not know, but insiders do. A popular and good actor can even decide the life and death of a movie.

As a result, Zuo Dao agreed to Ji Dabao's extra request without thinking about it.

The main line of the film is not complicated. It mainly focuses on the two-sided character of the heroine and unfolds two different life paths.

The female owner in the film is totally two people during the day and night, and the existence of these two different personalities does not know each other's existence.

The two personalities secretly fight in the subconscious of the female owner, hoping to defeat each other and become the only master of the body.

At the beginning of the story, the two personalities of the heroine exist independently in the day and night, and do not interfere with each other. For Sihan, it is equivalent to playing two different roles, because there is a buffer and time for conversion, and Sihan has made sufficient preparation for these two different personalities, so it is not difficult to control them.

In the first half of the month's shooting, Sihan basically went through every scene once, which is quite difficult for an actor who has only been in several plays for more than a year.

Zuo Dao is more and more satisfied with Sihan.

In the first half of the month, Dabao and his family were worried for nothing.

But after shooting for nearly a month, Dabao found that Niuniu seemed to be silent and more and more absent-minded. The most serious time, Dabao called her when she was in a daze. She looked up at Dabao with a strange look. She looked at Dabao like a stranger.

Dabao's first taste of terror!

It's the person he loves, or the face he loves, but the look in his eyes is so strange that he is afraid!

Dabao didn't dare to tell Niuniu's parents and Xiaobao about her changes, so that they wouldn't worry. He just called the psychiatrist he had arranged for on the set, and the other party rushed to see Niuniu's condition, asked Niuniu a few more questions, and pulled Dabao aside.

"Yu Shao, Sihan is too involved in the play. Why don't you talk to the director and stop shooting for two days? Let her rest for two days, and I'll come and talk to her twice in the morning and evening. "

Dabao originally wanted to stay and listen to the doctor talking with Niuniu, but the doctor said that his presence would affect the effect. Dabao had to leave the study for Niuniu and the doctor who was not right.

He himself, in the living room, dialed a phone to the left guide.

Zuo Dao's words confirmed Dabao's conjecture.

It turns out that from the day before yesterday, the ruthless second personality of the heroine in the film, who belongs to the night, began to wake up in the daytime. At the beginning, her momentum was extremely weak, but the degree of awakening was more and more day by day. The two personalities began to restrain each other, and made the heroine have different illusions.

"Zuo Dao, Sihan is in such a situation now. I don't trust her very much. She needs to take a break and adjust these two days. Please adjust the shooting schedule."

Zuo Dao's voice was full of fear. "I understand. Please tell Sihan to have a good rest."

The next two days, the doctor came to chat with Niuniu for a few hours every day. At other times, Dabao took Niuniu out for a ride, shopping and watching movies. In short, he tried to keep her away from the imaginary world fabricated in the movies.

Niuniu had a rest at home for three days before she returned to the cast. This time, Dabao did not dare to take it lightly any more. He directly asked the psychologist to follow her all the way. As soon as Niuniu left the camera, the psychologist would try to pull her back from the illusory role.

Maybe Dabao's arrangement played a role, or Niuniu herself gradually mastered the method of quickly pulling herself away. Until the end of the film shooting, Niuniu didn't appear any abnormal again.

On that day, not only the director and the crew were relieved, but also the Ji family.

After the movie, Niuniu entered the exam season again. Niu Niu, who should have been studying in school, is always running to Xinying company these days.

Sometimes, even dinner is settled in the company.

Dabao knows that Niuniu is going back to Xinying to find Ning Yi and Jiahao. Niuniu is always vague about what to do. Although Dabao has some thoughts in his heart, he doesn't say much. He just tells Tian Fang to take good care of her. Even if she doesn't go home for dinner, she should make sure that she can eat on time and don't be hungry.

What Niu Niu is doing in this period of time, until after the Spring Festival, Dabao did not know the answer.