Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 943

The marriage tree at the top of the mountain is said to be a thousand year old tree. The trunk of the tree is strong and the branches and leaves are luxuriant. At the same time, many branches and branches are mottled and decayed.

Niu Niu gasped, crossed her waist and looked up at the red ribbon floating on the old but vigorous tree trunk. She only felt that the situation seemed familiar.

"Niuniu!" A powerful palm supported her back, and she naturally leaned back to the man behind her, her head resting on her broad shoulder.

"Remember years ago, we threw this thing?"

Dabao gently printed on her forehead. The midday sunlight sprinkled on his handsome face through the tree trunk, setting off his angular features like a statue.

Niu Niu looks up at him from the bottom up. Even though she has seen this face for 20 years, her heart still changes its rhythm uncontrollably.

"So... Are we going to throw it again today?" Niuniu tried to hide her abnormality.

With Dabao's reminding, Niuniu finally remembered that in the autumn of that year, when a family of five went to play, she accidentally lost her foot when she went up the mountain, and her brother carried her all the way up the mountain.

It was also on that journey that she was accosted by Zhang Ziwen, which opened up a different life course for her.

"Of course, at that time, you didn't have any wrong thoughts on me. I think the blessing at that time didn't have the desire to live forever with me, did you?"

Dabao clearly remembers that that night, in the hotel at the foot of the mountain, he thought about this girl for the first time. In other words, his other thoughts about her had been dormant for a long time. It was just that he was triggered by some stimulation that night and woke up.

Niuniu wants to say, how old was she at that time, a little boy, how could she have any wrong thoughts about her brother?

"I knew you were unkind to me at that time!"

Dabao pretended to be angry and pinched her back. With his other hand, he put the red silk which had just written their names into Niuniu's hand.

Big hand holding her hand, struggling to throw up, red silk "swish" in the air to draw a beautiful arc, and then, accurately hanging on the branches of the tree.

Niu Niu looks up at the red silk fluttering in the wind, her eyes are full of red and gorgeous colors, just like the heart's blood red.

"I didn't know anything at that time. You didn't know that. I'm not as smart as you and Xiaobao..."

"Fool, whether you love or not depends on your heart. It has nothing to do with intelligence."

Xiaobao and Tian Fang, in order not to disturb the two lovers who had made their wishes and were talking about love, ran to the other side of the tree very wisely, wrote their wishes on the red silk, waved their arms, and threw the red silk full of wishes onto the luxuriant branches and leaves.

When she went down the mountain, Niuniu could not help gossiping, "Xiaobao, do you have someone you like?"

If not, how could you come all the way here to make a wish?

"It's because we haven't made a wish yet." Xiaobao denied Niuniu's conjecture, and sullenly lifted her short hair with her slender fingers. "Ah... I really don't understand. How can I have no girlfriend if I look like Pan an?"

Niu Niu couldn't help laughing and kicking him, "your eyes are higher than the top, you can't see others!"

Xiaobao smiles and denies "I don't have it!" Then, he held her from behind, put his chin on her shoulder and said in a coquettish tone, "would you like to tell me how your brother cheated you into fishing?"

Niu Niu blushed secretly, raised her elbow and poked him in the stomach, "go, what do you mean to cheat me into fishing?"

Xiaobao ran on her with a smile in his eyes, "isn't it a cheat? So you two love each other? I always thought it was my brother who abducted underage girls! "

Niuniu realized that the young master was trying to find a way to make fun of her!

"So, your goal, in fact, is also a minor girl?" Niuniu seems to have learned something from his run.

"There is no such person at all!"

Xiaobao let go of her and "Deng Deng Deng" step by step.

Dabao, who has been walking behind his brother and sister, jumps down a few steps to Niuniu's side. "What's the matter with you, young master?"

Niuniu told Dabao what she had just said. Dabao shook his head. "Don't pay attention to him. Where does he come from? You are right to say that his eyes are above the top. "

Brother and sister are talking about the young master's life events in the back, but in the front, the young master is jumping down the mountain happily. Sometimes he talks with Tian Fang, and sometimes he turns back to fight with Dabao and Niuniu. How can he be so heartless and helpless?

In the end, Niu Niu doubted that the young master insisted on going up the mountain. Maybe she just wanted her and her brother to make a wish under the marriage tree?


Niuniu has been in the film and television city for more than three months, and it's about ten days before the Spring Festival. Not only Niuniu and a group of actors are worried, but also the director is impatient. Everyone hopes to finish shooting all the plays before the Spring Festival, so there's no need to come here again after the Spring Festival.

As a result, the director discussed with all the actors and crew members that they would rather work overtime before the spring festival than stay in this ghost place after the festival.

Although we have everything here, we all have families. It's really hard not to see our families for three or four months.

And Niuniu, even though Dabao comes to see her every week, they really feel the pain and helplessness of long-distance love in these few months.

It's better during the day. After all, both Dabao and Niuniu are very busy during the day. But in the evening, the two people who can only talk about their love by phone often lie in bed and can't open their eyes, and they are reluctant to hang up.

But these lovesickness bitter, then caused Niu Niu to compose a pile of lingering music score. Instead of giving them to Ning Yi Jiahao, she kept them. She wanted to play or sing them to Dabao one by one.

In the twinkling of an eye, Letong called Niuniu early in the morning and asked the crew how to arrange it. Niuniu had a look at the shooting schedule. As the protagonist, she was full in the next few days.

"Mommy, I'm sure I can't make it back for the new year."

Letong didn't say anything more. She only told her to take care of her health and rest. In the afternoon, a takeout was delivered. It was the dinner of the whole crew. When she asked, she said it was a takeout ordered by Mr. Ji.

The whole crew was touched by Sihan and had a rich and delicious new year's dinner. The director said that it would be the new year's dinner for the crew.

With the efforts of everyone working overtime, the film was finally finished the day before New Year's Eve, and everyone was so excited that they almost didn't cry.