Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 942

The next day, Niuniu had a fever, but Dabao insisted that she stay in the hospital for another day.

As for the scene of Niuniu's wet body being sent back to the room, Dabao originally meant to find a double to shoot, but Niuniu didn't agree. Dabao always respected her, and finally had to negotiate with Director Chen. This set of scenes will be made up after Niuniu's body fully recovered.

Director Chen only asked Mr. Ji not to blame him and the crew for their negligence. Naturally, he accepted the supplementary shooting.

It was not until Dabao drove away that Mr. Chen finally put down his mind.

In fact, he is too worried.

Although Dabao is thoughtful, he is by no means ruthless. After freezing the two directors and the female partner for more than half an hour, things are written off at Dabao's side.

However, before leaving, Dabao told Niuniu to take out some of her power. A person who is too kind is always easy to be bullied.

Niuniu nodded, but Dabao knew she didn't care.

Because, in her concept, the so-called power is almost equal to bullying others.

Turning around, Dabao calls Tian Fang again and tells her to take good care of Niuniu.

Tian Fang knows this dereliction of duty. She apologizes and guarantees that she will take good care of the little girl and that it won't happen again.

Niuniu didn't know that her brother had done so much behind her back. When she returned to the cast, she was very surprised to see that everyone was polite to her. She pulled Tian Fang and said, "sister Fang, do you think everyone was polite to me?"

Tian Fang secretly Tucao in the heart, little ancestor, you this disease, almost let your future husband to kill the drama, do you dare to make complaints about it?

But Tian Fang could only make complaints about it in his heart. In fact, she also felt that she deserved it.

As for the girl, I don't know what she heard from director Chen. Obviously, she is much smarter than he Yinyin and others.

After that, the female partner was particularly serious and attentive in all her opponent's plays with Sihan, and the number of NG dropped sharply.

In private, director Chen said to deputy director Li, "it seems that Yu came here less and helped us a lot."

Like Sihan, the actor is chosen by the director himself. Like Sihan, he is a very self disciplined actor.

But two men and three men, like the girl, are little stars who bring money into the group. Before big Bora, they will be more or less like the girl, playing small temperament and so on.

This time, I was indirectly frightened by Dabao. One or two people who were lazy and arrogant would sit down and recite their lines when they had time. In this way, not only the quality and effect of shooting was improved, but also the speed of shooting was greatly improved.

Sihanjin group a month, Dabao Xiaobao together to visit, this is Dabao's fourth visit, Xiaobao is the second.

Regardless of the past, Dabao brought a lot of delicious food to comfort the crew. Seeing that the two CHILDES of the Ji family came together, director Chen waved his hand and let the crew have a day off.

We talked about going to the nearby beach. Naturally, the three brothers and sisters would not follow the team. They took Tian Fang to the resort dozens of kilometers away from the film and television city.

"Fangfang, Zhihao originally planned to come with us, but he was on a business trip, so he was left alone. He asked me to bring it to you." Dabao handed Tian Fang a beautifully packed box.

Tian Fang was surprised to take over the box, "his dead old-fashioned brain, actually will ask you to bring me something?"

Tian Fang and Zhihao, who have been married for more than three months, are still in their wedding period. However, they are not stuck together like other young couples. Instead, after their honeymoon, they rush into their busy work.

But the two people's feelings can not be said bad, can only say that love this thing, also varies from person to person.

Like Dabao and Niuniu, they are eager to stay together 24 hours a day. Even if they are separated, they also have continuous SMS calls. Although both of them are independent, they are used to relying on each other and indulge themselves and the other.

However, Zhihao and Tian Fang are more rational. They are separated from each other like now. They only talk for a while before going to bed at night, then say good night to each other and go to sleep.

"Elder sister Fang, brother Zhihao is not so old-fashioned. He just feels that he has been with your old husband and wife. He doesn't need to do too many clever things to prove that he loves you."

Niuniu is used to saying good things for Zhihao.

Tian Fang turned and glared at her, "girl, don't talk too much. It's like Xie Zhihao. Be careful Ji doesn't eat your vinegar!"

Dabao gently touched Niuniu's head and said, "how much can she understand Zhihao? She just wants you to be happy and beautiful. "

In a word, he sold Tian Fang's heart.

The resort is built on the mountain, which is one of the famous mountains in China.

Dabao is afraid that Niuniu is tired and hesitates to go up the mountain, but Xiaobao insists on going up the mountain. Niuniu seldom saw him insist so much, so she said she wanted to go up the mountain.

While climbing up the stairs, Dabao and Tian Fang are chatting about something behind them. Niuniu and Xiaobao go up side by side. She can't help but ask him why he has to go up the mountain.

He said with a rare smile, "there's a marriage tree on the top of the mountain. It's said that it's very smart. I'm a single dog. You show me your love all day long. I want to find a girlfriend to relieve my loneliness as soon as possible!"

What he said seemed true or false. Even Niu Niu didn't really believe him. But when he mentioned it, he joked with him.

"Xiaobao, my good friend Xiuer is very good. Do you want to think about it and try to be friends for a while?"

Young master Xiaobao immediately returned to normal, disdained to curl his lips, and looked at Niuniu with a proud look on his face. "One elder sister is enough. I don't like sister brother love!"

"Is it because the men of Ji family are so strong that they prefer the weak ones?" Niuniu consciously divided herself into the weak category.

The young master didn't agree with her, "what is that? Do you think Mommy is weak? "

Niu Niu thinks that it's right. Mommy is the most typical woman who is soft on the outside and hard on the inside. She is also the spiritual core and pillar of the five members of the Ji family.

"It's true that some people really can't look at the appearance. Mommy looks gentle and weak. In fact, she is very tough and strong."

Niuniu said, and then added with envy, "if only I could be like Mommy!"

Niu Niu remembers that she had a similar idea a long time ago.

Really, Mommy should be the first idol in her life.