Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 935

In Ji's general manager's office, as soon as Dabao put down the phone, Xiaobao came to him with a stack of documents.

"Is my sister's phone broken?"

On the way back to Ji's house after the two brothers met the client, Dabao called Niuniu several times. The phone was busy. Xiaobao, sitting beside him, saw that his brother was very upset. When he asked, he knew that his sister's phone couldn't get through.

He also took out the phone to try, the result is the same, he also Dabao the same, worried for a long time.

"No, she and Fang Kai talked about the movie for more than an hour."

Dabao's answer was very clear, but it was not the same in the young master's ears.

"Fang Kai? The man who starred in the film directed by sun with his sister? "

Although the young master doesn't keep a close eye on Dabao, he always keeps an eye on the man who walks around his sister. It's really a hindrance. He can't help but investigate in private. When necessary, he can't rule out making some small stumbling blocks.

"Well, that's the man." Dabao now, more and more show the momentum of a mature man, even if the heart some pimples, but the surface, is a little bit can not see.

However, Xiaobao is no one else. His understanding of his brother and sister is no less than his mother's.

"Is that man too popular?"

After all, the young master is not as calm as Dabao. Moreover, this matter concerns his precious sister, so he cares more about it.

Dabao looked up at him. "Xiaobao, don't worry about it. Your sister should be able to deal with it."

On hearing this, the young master turned his eyes secretly. How dare he feel? Does his brother know that this man named Fang Kai is interested in his sister, but still pretend to be generous?

"Ji Dabao, you don't know that your sister, that fool, is very slow in emotion!"

Dabao nodded. "I know. It's because she's so insensitive to other people that I'm not afraid of it."

If you say you're not afraid, of course it's a dead end.

But he really can't control her too much like a jealous husband. After all, she is not only Ji's daughter and Ji Dabao's future wife, but also the actress Sihan.

She has her interpersonal circle, her way of doing things and her principles. If she manages too much, it will only disgust her and push her further away.

Xiao Bao stares at him for a long time, and then shows that he doesn't care.

"Well, since you don't care about your own wife, my brother and uncle, what do you care about? Isn't this a typical emperor who doesn't worry about eunuchs

Dabao shrugged and didn't say anything. Xiaobao was even more stuffy. He just felt that his brother wanted to face up and was fake and generous.

At the end of work, Xiaobao takes Dabao's car home. On the way, Dabao suddenly turns a direction.

"Ji Dabao, are you too busy to stop in the wrong lane?"

"That's right. Your sister said she wanted to eat peaches. It's not the peak season yet. The fruits in Lesheng fruit chain supermarket are the most complete and fresh in the city. I'll go there and buy some. It should be fresh." Dabao follows the good.

"Tut, another wife slave!" The young master turned his lips.

Dabao glanced at him with a smile, "don't worry, young master, you can't run away. We Ji's family, do our best to serve our wives! "

The young master scratched his head and said, "Tut, it's a good gene."

The smile in Dabao's eyes was deeper. "Yes, if you want to blame it, you should blame Daddy!"

Because they wanted to buy fresh peaches, the two brothers came home half an hour later than usual.

Niuniu probably heard the car and ran out to open the yard door to meet them.

"Why is it so late? Is there a traffic jam?" Niuniu a little worried to open the co driver's door, let Xiaobao out of the car.

Generally speaking, if people of the Ji family want to come back late, they will call home to say so, so as to save everyone's worry.

The young master glanced at her and hummed, "don't you fool want to eat peaches?"

Niuniu was surprised, and she looked at the young master blankly, "yes, isn't the fruit shop at the corner selling it?"

"Somebody's not fresh!"

The young master said, leaving the two idiots to walk into the yard.

Niuniu looked innocently at Dabao walking in front of her, "what's the matter with him, young master?"

Dabao smiles and kisses her on the lips, holding fresh peaches in one hand and walking towards the yard with her waist in the other, "don't worry about him, he's unbalanced."

Niuniu immediately understood that the young master had been walking around for a long time, and was suffocated by the exhaust gas.

"Brother, go and have a rest. I'll wash some peaches and taste them."

Niuniu carried peaches into the kitchen. Ten minutes later, she brought out a few cups of fresh juice on a tray. The first one was handed to the young master.

"Xiao Bao, try the peach you bought specially to see if it's sweet?"

The young master took the cup and took a sip.

"How's it going?" Niu Niu asked.

"Well, not bad!"

The young master said with a face, raised his head and drank more than half of the glass in one breath. He glanced at the other two glasses of juice on the tray.

Niuniu immediately agreed, handed Dabao one of the cups, took one by herself, and then said, "there's something else in the kitchen. If it's good, you can pour it again."

Niuniu just finished. The young master stood up with the empty cup and strode into the kitchen. Dabao gave Niuniu a thumbs up and a mouthful of juice.

"Well... It's really sweet."

It seems that this half an hour's journey is really worth it!

Two days later, Niuniu is recalled by Ning Yi and Jiahao to discuss another artist's new album. Instead of troubling Tian Fang, Niuniu directly asks Ji's driver to send her back to the company.

Usually, she only stays in the artist's office when she comes back to the company, but on this day, Ning Yi and Jiahao are not in the artist's office. Tong can be a few just in, told her Ning Yi and Jiahao to the general manager's office.

Niu Niu thought she was waiting here, but Tong Ke said, "elder martial sister, Ning Ge asked you to come here. Go to the general manager to find them."

Niu Niu, the boss of Xinying entertainment, has never met her. However, she has met general manager Chen several times. Chen always treated her politely and thoughtfully, and their relationship is not bad.

"Well, I'll come over."

Niuniu came to the high-rise office with the snacks and fruits she bought on the way. She gave the food to her colleagues in the hall. They seemed to know what she was coming for. They pointed to the general manager's office and said, "brother Ning and brother Hao are on Mr. Chen's side. They asked you to come in and look for them."

Niuniu feels strange. She has been in the company for several months. The relationship between the superior and the subordinate is very harmonious and casual. Suddenly, she is told three times and four times, as if she has something important to tell.