Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 936

Niuniu knocks on Mr. Chen's door with doubts, but no one answers. When Niuniu is ready to knock again, the door opens from inside.

"Sihan! Long time no see

Sihan fixed her eyes on the tall and thin man in front of her. She was stunned for a while before she reflected, "Sijun?"

The man gave her a smile, put his hand on her shoulder and led her into Mr. Chen's office.

"Aren't you abroad?" Sihan looks at the man who has matured a lot, but is still a little familiar.

The man is still smiling, "well, just came back a few days!"

Sihan is led to the sofa to sit down by him, and then completely reacts.

"Wait, what are you doing here?"

Sihan looks around. Judging from the furnishings inside, it's true that this is President Chen's office, but at this time, there are only her and Sijun in the office.

"Don't worry. I'll tell you later."

Si Jun pats the back of her hand, gets up to pour a glass of water, and hands it back to Si Han. It's as if this is his territory.

"What about Mr. Chen?"

Niu Niu is not in a hurry to ask about Si Jun, because she came here to find Ning Yi and Jiahao. The matter with Si Jun is a private matter, and should be put after the official business.

"Mr. Chen has gone out to do business. You are waiting for brother Ning and brother Hao. They just went to the recording studio. You sit for a while, and they turn around."

The more Niu Niu listens, the more wrong she is. She stares at Si Jun with her tea.

"Si Jun, how do you know our colleagues so well?"

Si Jun stood up, first straightened his clothes, then put away the smile on his face, and seriously stretched out his hand to her.

"Hello, Miss Sihan! I'm the new boss assistant Si Jun, please give me more advice in the future! "

Sihan looks at him in a daze. After a while, she reaches out and holds his hand.

"Didn't you say it was only a few days? How did you become our boss's assistant? "

Si Jun introduced himself with a serious face, sat down again, took the tea and moistened his throat.

"I graduated early with enough credits. It's been a week since I came back to China, but I'm busy making arrangements for my living place and job interview this week, so I didn't have time to contact you."

Niu Niu understood this and nodded for him to go on.

"Before I came back, I saw the recruitment advertisement of Xinying entertainment on the talent resources website, so I submitted my resume a month ago, and received the interview notice before returning home. After I came back, I was accepted through the normal interview channel, and went to work the day before yesterday."

After hearing his explanation, Sihan stood up and bowed to him respectfully. "Assistant secretary, I'm Sihan, an artist of the company. Please take care of me in the future."

Si Jun raised his hand and patted her on the head, "OK, don't disturb me."

Si Jun has been studying abroad for several years. He still keeps in touch with Sihan from time to time, so they still maintain a good friend relationship.

When Ning Yi Jiahao and Si Jun don't come back, Sihan starts to chat with them. While they are chatting, Sihan suddenly comes up with a question, "Sijun, you just said you were the boss's assistant? Not assistant to the general manager? "

Sihan is always obsessive about who is the boss of the company.

"Yes, it's the assistant to the boss, not the assistant to the general manager!" Si Jun is very clear.

Sihan approached him and asked curiously, "have you met our boss?"

Si Jun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I haven't seen you yet, but the personnel department clearly told me that I am the boss's assistant, not the general manager's assistant."

Sihan raised her head and looked around, "then why are you in the office of general manager Chen?"

"Oh, well, because I haven't seen the boss for the time being, the personnel minister arranged for me to come over and follow Mr. Chen to get familiar with the work process. Maybe I can help the boss when the boss comes back."

Si Jun's guess is reasonable, but Sihan says, "will Mr. Chen be the boss?"

However, Chen is always a 40 year old uncle. Although he is not fat uncle, he is definitely not handsome. This is obviously not the same person as the handsome boss described by sister Fang.

Although Si Jun said he had never seen it, he shook his head with certainty, "of course not! Chen is always hired by his boss from a headhunting company. He is not a boss. "

Niu Niu looked at him suspiciously. "It's strange... You've only been here for three days. How can you be more clear than me, the first person who signed the contract?"

Si Jun laughs helplessly. "Sihan, you are a big star in the company. You don't need to care about the company's affairs. Just play your play well and you will be able to hold your position as the first sister of Xinying. But I'm not the same. When I come to apply for a job, I naturally have to understand the structure and members of Xinying

Si Jun's analysis is very reasonable. Niu Niu has nothing to say. Although I always feel that there is something wrong in my heart, I can't say exactly what is wrong.

What else do you want to say? The office door is pushed open, and Ning Yi and Jiahao stand outside.

"Sihan, have you been here for a long time? Come on, you'll come with us to the studio and listen to the recording

They stand at the door and directly ask Sihan to go out. Sihan looked at Sijun, and the other side patted her on the shoulder. "Go ahead. I'll go out and do something later. We'll call later."

Sihan has no choice but to get up, wave to him, and then follow Ningyi and Jiahao to the recording studio.

"Sihan, listen to a Jun, are you old acquaintances?"

"Yes, I've known him since junior high school. It's really many years!"

After Ning Yi mentions this, Sihan thinks back and finds that she has known Si Junzhen for a long time.

"This guy is good. He is down-to-earth and smart. No wonder so many people choose him in the interview."

Jiahao's words indirectly confirm Si Jun's words.

Sihan came out of the studio in the afternoon. She thought to see if Sijun had come back and said hello to him before she left. But the secretary told her, "ah Jun is out on business and won't come back today."

Sihan breaks her mind of reminiscing. She talks with Tong Ke about their first specialty and goes home in her car.

At dinner in the evening, Sihan mentions meeting Sijun in Xinying during the day.

Letong was surprised, "ah? Is Si Jun an assistant in Xinying? That child is very good. Your boss is really smart. I told your father before that, let's see if he wants to work for Ji after graduation. "

Yue Tong is very regretful to finish saying, turn head to ask big treasure, "he comes back of affair, do you know?"

As far as Letong knows, Dabao has a private connection with Sijun.

"Well, he called me before he came back and said he would meet me after he came back, but he seems to have been busy with his work since he came back, so I haven't seen him yet."

Niu Niu secretly wonders when her brother's relationship with Si Jun has become so familiar?

And most of all, how could she never know?