Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 934

"Well..." Fang Kai didn't want to say more. He answered softly and went into the kitchen.

Chaoge follows him. Yiyi looks at handsome Fang by the kitchen door. He skillfully fills the pot with water and lights the fire. Then he takes noodles, fat beef and green vegetables from the refrigerator and puts them in order. The action is complete at one go. It seems that he is skilled in handwork.

When he put the noodles, Fang Kai finally realized that there was a man standing by the door, and he didn't look up. He only asked faintly, "have you eaten yet?"

Brother Chao was so moved that he almost cried, "Oh, I thought you forgot to have a number one like me."

Fang Kai completely ignored his teasing, and no longer asked him if he had eaten, he put a handful of noodles into the pot according to his individual weight.

Super brother was completely ignored, had to say, "although I ate, but now a little hungry, give me half of your food."

Fang Kai didn't say a word. He took the noodles and put them into the pot.

Super elder brother stares at him, a little helpless to say, "you say that you don't know how to put it. Do you value color over friends? How hot I was talking with Sihan just now. I'm tired of seeing each other, aren't I? "

Fang Kai just raised his eyelids and glanced at him. However, it was just a glance. "I have nothing to say to you!"

Brother Chao has a hundred arrows in his body. Life is not like death.

There is an idea in my heart, I dare not ask. Now, I summoned my courage, gritted my teeth, looked at the tall figure and asked, "Fang Kai, do you like Sihan?"

Tall figure stiff for a while, did not return to him, low head grabbed a handful of vegetables to wash in the basin.

"Fang Kai, although I don't know Sihan's background exactly, judging from her usual clothes, the way she goes in and out, and her self-cultivation, it's definitely not a family that ordinary people can reach. If you think about it, she's only been in this circle for more than a year, and her popularity is close to the front line. But her real work is only one. She doesn't stir up gossip and keeps a low profile. In this case, she can still maintain her high popularity. First, it must have something to do with her good audience. Second, her agent Tian Fang does have some means, but the most important thing is that it has something to do with her backers.... "

"Sihan is not a man who has become popular by relying on his backers! She has such capital and strength! "

Chaoge says a lot, but Fang Kai doesn't say a word. But as soon as it comes to Sihan's reputation, he interrupts Chaoge, saying that he has no ghost in his heart, so Chaoge can't believe it.

But brother Chao is also a smart man. As soon as he looks at the tone of the other party, he immediately raises his hands and makes a surrender to Fang Kai, who stares at him in an instant. "Yes, I know she's not. She really has such strength..."

Originally, Chao Ge wanted to say that there are so many powerful actors. How could she be so lucky alone and so popular in just one year?

But when he saw Fang Kai's dark face, he swallowed it back.

Well, some words, even if he said them, were harsh words to the ears of the movie king. Second, he didn't listen to them. At that time, he was in a bad mood and changed himself with a wave of his hand. Isn't that asking for trouble?

Can see his hard work with a few years, not easy to boil into a popular fried chicken people planted in the love word above, he is not reconciled!

But at the moment, how can the movie king listen to it?

Well, I'd better bear these words first, wait for the right time, and then speak to him slowly.

Sihan, however, has no idea of the dispute surrounding her in another apartment. She heats up her lunch again, takes it out and eats it while watching a movie. After two bites, the phone rings again. This time, Sihan takes a look at the caller ID before she answers it.


"Have you eaten yet?" Dabao's soft voice came out of the microphone.

Niuniu still had food in her mouth, so she answered vaguely, "I'm eating..."

"Why is it so late? Are you too obsessed with the movie and forgetting the time to eat

Niu Niu has been studying historical dramas these days. Naturally, Dabao, a brother and pillow man, can't be unaware of it.

And Niuniu's stubborn momentum, Dabao is more than others know too much.

"Mmm..." because there was too much food in her mouth, it was inconvenient to talk. Niuniu swallowed the food in her mouth.

"Take your time. Don't worry. Call me when you're full." Dabao didn't want to disturb her for dinner. She answered "well" and hung up.

Niuniu just stopped the movie. After finishing her meal, she took out the phone and pulled it back according to the record.

"Full?" As soon as the phone was connected, Dabao asked her first.

"Well, have you had enough, brother?"

"Yes, I went out with the young master at noon to meet the customers. We ate it outside. The Gufang roast chicken there is very delicious. We'll try it on Saturday."

"Good!" Although Niu Niu has just had a full meal, as a real eater, she swallows her saliva subconsciously when she hears the delicious food.

"Why are you hungry again so soon?" Maybe Niu Niu's voice of swallowing is a little loud, and Dabao's voice in the microphone is obviously with a smile.

"How could it be..." Niu Du protested.

Dabao is also smart. He didn't go into the problem any more, but asked, "I called you once before, but the line is busy all the time. Is the phone broken?"

Niu Niu, the girl with solid eyes, didn't think much. She said honestly, "the phone isn't broken. It's Fang Kai who called me. It happened that I watched the movie all morning. I didn't understand some of it, so I asked him for advice for a long time."

"Oh..." Dabao answered thoughtfully, and then asked, "have you talked for a long time?"

Niu Niu, the girl, really calculated, "well... He called at more than 11 o'clock, almost chatting for more than an hour."

There was silence on the phone. Niuniu thought the phone was disconnected. "Brother?"

"Well, pay attention when you call later. No matter how important the film is, it's not as important as your stomach, you know? Mommy doesn't always say that Daddy forgot to eat all day before. That's why he got a stomach trouble. Up to now, he hasn't broken the root. "

Niuniu nodded obediently, "well, I know."

They chatted for a while, and Dabao finally asked her what kind of fruit or snacks she would like to eat. He brought them back from work in the evening.

"Oh, I want to eat peaches!" Niuniu didn't even think about the detour.

"All right, I'll bring it back to you from work in the evening. You can go to the yard to have a snack. Go back and take a nap."

Obediently hung up the phone, Niuniu obediently went to the yard to play bone games with the two dogs for a while, until they even yawned a few times, then got up and went back to the house for a nap.