Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 919

Just like Ji Jia's own evaluation of Niu Niu, with the matinee release of the film, the online affirmation of Si Han's acting skills is becoming more and more intense. In addition to the positive comments from fans and passers-by, many big V celebrities and insiders also forward sun Dao's microblog one after another, indicating that at first they just went to see the film to sun Dao, Fang Kai and several movie predecessors, In the end, he was shocked by Sihan.

In the afternoon, even two or three well-known film critics asserted that if director Sun took part in the film festival to be held next month, the best newcomer award of this film festival would be Sihan.

This kind of voice from professional film critics is not at the same level as that of audiences and fans. Undoubtedly, this voice is more professional and naturally more persuasive.

So, on the evening of the premiere, there was a hot topic on the Internet, called "did you watch it today?"

"See" here means that I haven't seen the movie "spring".

And these are not the biggest surprises.

To the surprise of the producers, sun Dao and others, at 11 pm on the 26th, according to the statistical data sent by the major online ticketing companies, the box office of "spring" has successfully exceeded 100 million on the first day, and it has no doubt become the first day box office of December and the single day box office of December.

Niu Niu, who was watching TV with her family, knew about it for the first time. Because Ji Rui, as one of the investors, immediately received a good news call from the producer.

After Ji Rui hung up the producer's phone, the first sentence was, "it seems that in addition to successful businessmen, there will be a film queen in our family soon!"

Because of the box office title on the first day, Ji Rui bought a car worth more than one million yuan to Niu Niu the next day, which was regarded as a reward. After all, he made the most money as an investor in the box office.

Until then, the Ji family remembered that Niu Niu had not yet taken the driving test.

"I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, with my brother and sister Fang, it doesn't matter whether I take the exam or not."

That's what she said. In the afternoon, Dabao asked someone to sign up for her at the driving school. The reason is, "you have enjoyed so many years of full-time driver service, how to say, it's my turn to enjoy this kind of preferential service!"

When Dabao said that, Niuniu couldn't say any reason to refuse.

When you think, first day 1. The box office of 100 million yuan is already the peak of the one-day box office of the film "spring". After all, there are not many films whose box office on the second day is higher than that on the first day. Some of them are films whose box office on the first day is extremely poor but whose praise is high, and which attack the next day. Generally speaking, the box office of a film with a high box office on the first day, such as "spring", will slowly decline.

But the box office of "spring" the next day once again made many people in the circle break their glasses. The box office of "spring" the next day was 1. 300 million yuan, not only set a new one-day box office champion in December, but also set a new one-day box office record for all films directed by director Sun.

Tian Fang, the agent's phone, rings more frequently, while Niu Niu, in addition to being more excited on her first day, goes to her class as usual after that.

However, she wanted to have a quiet class, but things went against her wishes.

During recess, it almost became her personal fan signature meeting.

The box office of the film has been rising frequently, and the praise of the film is also like a tide. In a few days, Sihan, the new name, has been repeatedly compared with sun Daofang Kai and other celebrities.

If this happened a month ago, the audience would surely think that Sihan, a new comer, is taking advantage of the fame of sun Dao and Fang Kai to increase her exposure.

But it's not surprising that the actress in this high-quality film, which has been on for a week, still keeps a box office of over 100 million every day.

No one said that Sihan was borrowing sun Daofang Kai's light. What's more, they just said that sun Daofang had vision and insight.

Then, Sihan's performance videos and fashion show videos and a large number of close-ups, which were popular on the Internet before, were forwarded to the Internet, and the labels of talented women, model women, acting school and so on were repeatedly pasted on Sihan by netizens.

This time, Sihan has been in the top of the hot search list for nearly a week. She and Fang Kai have almost taken the top of each hot search.

Sihan, really red!

This time, it's really red!

It has to be said that both Dabao and Tian Fang are far sighted. Their three-step plan for Sihan is beautiful and successful.

And from Sihan's popularity, her accomplishment is even higher than that expected by Dabao and Tianfang!

It's different from the previous two times. Sihan's popularity now is not only based on a certain topic, but also on her works, acting skills and word-of-mouth.

As for how popular Sihan is now, the appearance fee is the most telling.

When Tian Fang first received an invitation for a variety show or a commercial performance, the price he offered Sihan was tens of thousands of yuan.

Now, Sihan's commercial performance price has risen to 500000 to 800000, close to a red star.

But even at such a high price, no media or business has successfully invited Sihan.

As Sihan's agent, Tian Fang's reasons for rejecting these media and businesses are that Sihan is still in school, has heavy academic tasks, and has no time to receive any commercial performance or interview notice.

The media or businesses that get such a response will inevitably complain that Sihan is playing a big card in private. So, secretly, some rumors began to flow out, saying that Sihan was popular all night and played a big card.

It took two days for such rumors to spread. Soon, an influential entertainment newspaper made a front page headline to reveal Sihan's day's journey from the perspective of candid photography.

The public can clearly see from her itinerary that this popular new star still rushes to class like an ordinary college student every morning. In her spare time, instead of playing like her peers, she hurried back and forth to study in various places such as yoga, manners, performance, Violin and so on, until nearly eight o'clock in the evening, She just set foot on the way home

The title of this report is very common

At the end of this report, the reporter ended with such a paragraph.

[I have been photographing her for a day, and now I only have exclamation marks in my heart!

She is more beautiful than me, but she works harder than me!

She is more talented than me, but she works harder than me!

She has more money than me, but she works harder than me!

Success is not a necessity, but a result of countless efforts