Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 920

As for Sihan, she doesn't pay much attention to the rumors on the Internet, because she knows more and more that when there are more and more different voices around you, it's the time when you need to enrich and strengthen yourself most. In this way, you won't be swayed by the rumors.

The film is still on, and Sihan's name is mentioned by the audience and film critics again and again every day. As the client, Sihan has put down the role of "spring", which brings her countless applause and aura, and continues her studies and career with a deep heart.

Originally, Sihan took over only two jobs, and they were both in the spring shooting of Mr. Mai and the half leading role of Luo Qingru.

In terms of positioning, Tian Fang completely follows Dabao's advice. Therefore, her work for Sihan is small and refined.

In this way, not only can she have time to take care of her studies and her family, but also her popularity can be gradually and steadily improved. Unlike many popular stars, they work too much, resulting in excessive consumption of popularity. In the end, these stars can only be a flash in the pan.

But on this day, Tian Fang received a call that she didn't expect.

She's been an agent for at least seven or eight years, and she's brought several famous artists. At the present level, Sihan is not the most popular artist she's ever brought

But even though she has brought many popular artists in the past, it is the first time that she has received such a call.

"Hello, are you miss Tian Fang, Sihan's agent?"

"Yes, Hello, who are you?" Tian Fang felt that the man's voice was strange. For a moment, she couldn't guess who was the owner of the phone number in Beijing.

"Hello, I'm Jin Fan, chief director of BBTV Spring Festival Gala."

For a moment, Tian Fang thought she had heard the wrong thing. Fortunately, her reaction has always recovered very quickly, "Jin Dao, Hello!"

Tian Fang's mood at this time is even more happy than winning the five million welfare prize.

The chief director of BBTV is not an idle person. He will take the initiative to call her. As soon as he speaks, he mentions Sihan. Then it must be about Sihan.

Sure enough, Tian Fang was right.

"Hello, Miss Tian, our TV station would like to invite Sihan to participate in the rehearsal selection of our Spring Festival Gala program."

When she appeared at the Spring Festival Gala on BBTV station, many people couldn't get into the gala. The director of the department took the initiative to call. Naturally, Tian Fang agreed without even thinking about it.

"OK, we'll let you know the specific time and arrangement of the selection in a few days."

Tian Fang hung up the phone and remembered that she was dazed by excitement. She forgot to ask, director Jin, what is the specific program of running for the election.

Turning around, Tian Fang told Dabao about it. Dabao didn't say it well or not. Tian Fang and Dabao have known each other for some time. He knows that he doesn't make a statement because he doesn't know what the specific program is.

For Dabao, BBTV is far less important than his baby sister's image.

"Yu Shao, turn around and I'll call director Jin and ask about the specific program before I report to you?"

"Well!" Dabao's answer was concise.

Tian Fang is full of anxiety. She is afraid that Sihan will lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and that director Jin will really arrange an unacceptable program for Sihan. By then, she will be in a dilemma.

She thought that she had to lose sleep for at least a few days until director Jin called again to confirm the program time and specific program.

As everyone knows, that afternoon, Dabao called her and told her.

"Niuniu's selection program is a violin duet with Mr. Fan. The selection time is January 10. You can communicate with Mr. Fan about the specific arrangement and then determine the schedule."

It turned out that after Dabao hung up Tian Fang's phone, he personally called BBTV, the director surnamed Jin, and got the exact information.

Tian Fang hastened to open Sihan's schedule. On January 8, all the exams in xiaowenchi school will be over. In terms of time, it's just right.

On January 10, Tian Fang accompanied Niuniu and teacher fan to Beijing to participate in the selection. After three days of heavy selection, the master and apprentice finally got out of the siege and won a performance place in the Spring Festival Gala.

After the selection, in order to cooperate with the arrangement of the program team, Sihan began to travel frequently between Beijing and r city.

On New Year's Eve, several members of the Ji family flew to the capital to live with the Yang family.

In just a few months, Niu Niu, who has become a celebrity in her family, after performing in the live broadcast Hall of the TV station, slips out of the backstage in a hurry, gets into the car waiting for her outside in the morning, and flies back to the Yang family to welcome the new year together with her family.

The Ji family and the Yang family are sitting in the big living room of the Yang family. They all raise their glasses to celebrate the new year.

Niuniu doesn't drink at ordinary times, but this evening, she was given a glass of champagne by Yang Liu for her adult age.

Niu Niu, who always seems to be quite noisy with her family, becomes very quiet after drinking that glass of champagne. With a quiet smile on her face, she cleverly touches Dabao and quietly listens to the family's laughter and noise.

Dabao put her arms around her waist and talked with her family about the program of the Spring Festival party. From time to time, he looked down at the gentle girl in his arms.

"Niuniu, as soon as the program just came out, did the fans on the Internet get excited again?"

It was Yang Sheng who asked.

Xiaobao's younger brother is quite competent. From the moment Niuniu performed live, he has been keeping a close eye on the trends and comments on the Internet with his iPad.

"Yes, the amount of reading has reached 50 million, and it's about to burst the screen!"

"Tongtong, none of us thought that the three of your family, the most eye-catching, were Niuniu."

Yang Sheng is also telling the truth, no matter from the IQ or EQ, Niuniu is far from Dabao Xiaobao.

Letong smiles, "we didn't think of it, but Niuniu thought of it early!"

Everyone who knows how to use and develop his own strong points is a smart person.

So, who can say that Niuniu is really dumber than Dabao and Xiaobao?

"Niu Niu and teacher fan represent the development and inheritance of the new force and the older generation of artists. The director Jin really works hard." Churan, who came to Xiaobao to see the comments on the Internet, also took one.

A big family, you a word I a word, the topic unconsciously all around Niu Niu.

"Niuniu, I heard that you took on another play in the next year, playing a role with Luo Qingru, an old dramatist. Luo Qingru is a well-known acting school. Any one's action and every look is a play. You are really brave. You dare to take on such a play!"