Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 918

In December, Niu Niu spent most of her time flying around. She was a little fat because of the winter, but she became thin again.

However, the hard work of her and the whole crew was wiped out when the box office success came on the first day of the show.

The producer's decision on the release date of the film surprised many senior filmmakers. Instead of choosing Christmas Eve or Christmas as the hot holiday, the producers chose December 26 as the release date.

At 0:00 a.m. on December 26, the first premiere, Ji Rui, a father, packed all five movie halls in the most luxurious studio in r city. All Ji's staff are invited to watch.

In Beijing, Yang Sheng, as the uncle of Sihan, the actress, did the same thing as Ji Rui, but he hired Yang's staff.

As a family member, Ji ruiletong Dabao Xiaobao, in the first scene of the premiere, sat in the best position in the cinema and watched Niuniu's first film with Niuniu.

The film lasts for 90 minutes, during which there are subtle nose sucking sounds and screams from time to time in the cinema.

The sound of sniffing is moved by the warm scenes between the female owner and her parents in the film. The cry of surprise is scared by the beautiful and dangerous fighting of the female owner in the film.

As for the love drama, indeed, as director Sun promised, it seems to focus more on the depiction of family affection. In terms of love, it is actually a picture of men and women leading and supporting each other and growing up together. The intimacy between the two people is not at all, but more on the exchange of eyes. As for the most intimate physical contact, it is probably the back of the two people holding hands and walking away at the end of the film.

When the 90 minute film is completely finished, the audience in the cinema is not in a hurry to leave. It seems that they are waiting for their emotions to ease down.

"Niu Niu, you are really good. Mommy hasn't seen such a good film for a long time. I didn't expect that your acting was so good! "

In Letong's eyes, her three children are the best. However, this level of excellence is not a blind belief, but an objective evaluation.

Letong has heard from director Sun for many times that Niuniu has great talent for acting, so she had a general evaluation of her daughter's performance at the beginning of the film.

However, after watching the film, Niu Niu's performance is much better than her expectation!

At first, she thought the heroine was her own daughter.

But within a few minutes, she forgot that the girl inside was Niu Niu. Instead, she had been brought into the play and subconsciously thought that the girl was the hero in the film.

Ji Rui and as like as two peas, the same as the music of Tong Tong.

Three people are praising Niuniu, only Dabao doesn't look at Niuniu in silence.

Niuniu is the first person to find Dabao's abnormality, "brother, what's the matter with you? Am I not good at acting

Dabao gave her a deep look and shook his head silently.

Letong listened to Niuniu's question and looked at Dabao, "son, you are not jealous of Fangkai, are you? It's just a hand-in-hand lens. Don't care too much! "

Letong, as a mother, is only jealous of her eldest son!

But le Tong's guess, say right also line, say wrong, also line.

Dabao still shakes his head and his eyes are enigmatic.

Niuniu was worried, "brother, what's the matter with you? You have a word to say

Dabao shook his head, and his eyes began to soften.

"I just think that the heroine in the film is very strange. But clearly, that's you! "

Letong rolled her eyes silently. Isn't that the same as what we said?

However, Letong, Ji Rui and Xiaobao can accept this fact, but Dabao can't seem to accept it.

"Clearly you are my girl, how can you become a stranger and his girlfriend?"

Originally, or jealous!

Niu Niu was stunned. She looked at Dabao in a daze. For a moment, she didn't know how to answer.

That was acting! It's clear to all that a man as smart as my brother can't see clearly?

It's one thing for Niuniu to know, and it's another to accept.

Now, Dabao is in such a situation. He knows very well that it's just the plot in the film. Intellectually, he knows that Niuniu is just translating other people's stories. But he couldn't accept it emotionally, especially when he saw the heroine looking at the man with an obsessive eyes, he almost went crazy!

Yue Tong, who is a mother, does not think it is too big to watch the excitement. She is gloating and just stirs up the flames beside her. "Oh, my son is really jealous! My daughter, who has been raised for nearly 20 years, is also called a mother. I'm not jealous! "

Niu Niu's head is really big now. She looks at Le Tong with begging eyes.

Letong stands up with a smile, one by one, pulling Ji Rui up“ Daddy, Xiaobao, let's go first and let them communicate slowly! "

The people in the movie hall, when the whole family is chatting, have basically gone clean. When Le Tong leads the other two handsome men of the Ji family to leave, Dabao and Niuniu are left in the movie hall.


Niu Niu opens her mouth with fear and reaches for Dabao's arm.

Because there is no intimacy in the film, she has never worried about her brother's jealousy.

But now, as mommy said, my brother is really jealous, and his jealous point seems a little strange.

Dabao covered his eyes with his hand. "Wait for me to calm down..."

In fact, not only Niu Niu felt strange, but also he felt strange enough.

Intellectually, I know that the person who smiles and cries at other men on the screen is not her. But emotionally, I feel that the heroine with his favorite woman's face, no matter crying or laughing, can only do it to herself.

It's said that the actors are too deep into the play and can't make it out. Now, it's Dabao, the audience, who is too deep into the play and can't make it out.

Niu Niu didn't dare to say or do anything, so she had to sit quietly in her seat and wait for her brother's mood to return to normal.

If my brother always looks like this when he sees every movie in the future, will she take over the play?

Finally, Dabao and Niuniu sat in the movie hall for another ten minutes, and Dabao finally convinced him to make a mischief of the little man and walked out of the movie hall with Niuniu in his arms.

"Niu Niu, you are very good! Really

As if in response to Niuniu's confusion, Dabao immediately gently kisses Niuniu on her forehead, saying gently, "you need to refuel for the next movie!"