Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 917

Immediately dogleg to the past to Tian Fang back, "elder sister, Zhihao brother may be working overtime." Sihan also scolds brother Zhihao in her heart, but she still speaks well for him.

"Fart, he didn't work overtime, he just thought, we are all old husband and wife, what call still!"

Tian Fang knows Yin Zhihao very well. For a moment, Niu Niu doesn't know how to comfort Tian Fang. After all, where is Tian Fang rich in emotional matters?

"Well, you and Dabao are so enviable... You can't think about it without a day's separation. Niuniu, you really need to cherish it. Young master Ji is not only handsome, rich, smart and capable, but also has a sense of style. Most of all, he is a dedicated man. There are few in the world! You are so lucky. According to Zhihao, you are the first love of master Ji, right? "

When asked about love, the little girl was unavoidably shy, and her face turned red.

Being ridiculed face to face, the little girl is not complacent. She doesn't know how to put her hands and feet. She stares at Tian Fang half angrily and half angrily. "Sister, don't you know why?"

Dabao and Zhihao have been close friends since junior high school. No one knows more about Dabao's past love history than Zhihao and Weiqi.

Tian Fang pulls Niu Niu to bed, and they sit cross on the bed and chat.

"I've heard from Zhihao, but I don't think it's very real. Think about it, young master Ji. Appearance, character, background and personality are all outstanding. There are few such excellent men in the country, OK? I'm so infatuated. If I don't know you, I will never believe that there are such men in the world. However, according to Zhihao, all the men in the Ji family seem to be infatuated, right? "

Niu Niu was shocked and nodded, "well, my dad only liked my mom."

The sweet marriage and feelings between President Ji and his wife for more than 20 years have been praised by many people, and naturally, envied by many people. In the eyes of Tian Fang, who is a member of the entertainment industry, the perfect marriage and love of Ji family is just like watching fairy tales.

If she had not known Ji's family because of Zhihao's relationship, she would have always thought that the happy feelings of President Ji and his wife in the financial reports and various special interviews were just a kind of deliberately fabricated boast, rather than a real story in reality.

But never thought, originally, Ji family this model husband and wife, only compared to the report on more love, more special long love.

Probably because of the influence of their parents, the young couple, Dabao and Niuniu, seem to be as romantic and single-minded as their parents.

"I think I saved the whole space in my last life before I met my brother."

Niu Niu herself often exclaimed how lucky she was to meet her brother when she passed death.


In the early morning of the next day, the crew flew from city B to another city for publicity, and the enthusiasm of the fans continued to increase. The publicity meetings in several major chain studios were extremely sensational. It seemed that they were even more sensational than the media and director Sun.

When they arrived at the third studio, the relevant staff were still reporting at the front desk, and the crew sat in the makeup room backstage, chatting and chatting.

Sihan has a good foundation. The makeup artist doesn't need to take care of her skin and make-up. Therefore, other actors are mending her make-up, but Sihan is sitting with sun Dao and Tian Fang drinking coffee.

"I went back last night and thought about it for another night. I finally understood one thing."

Mr. Sun carries his coffee with a thoughtful and dignified look on his face.

Sihan and Tianfang look at each other and ask“ What's the matter? "

"I was very surprised yesterday. Why did you always refuse me to give you a box office bonus?"

"Well, then?" Niu Niu is really curious. This eccentric director, who is a few years older than her father, has been thinking all night. What's the result?

"There are only two investors in Chunyi, one is your father, general manager Ji, and the other is your company, Xinying entertainment. If the box office of this movie is booming, it's all your family making money! You don't pay attention to the bonus I give you? "

Sihan doesn't pay attention to the bonus, which is the truth, but the middle sentence is not the truth. "Sun Dao, you are wrong. My father just invested 30% and the other 70% of the capital. It's right that our company invested, but the company made money, and I didn't hear that he wanted to give me bonus commission?"

Sihan said, turning to Tian Fang, "sister, am I right? I don't think the company said it would give me a bonus or something? "

Tian Fang Leng for a moment, and then quickly reaction, "well, really did not mention. However, you can rest assured that if the box office is good, I will fight for a big bonus from the company! "

Tian Fang's words are solid, but she doesn't want to give Sihan a guarantee.

Sihan smiles and shakes her head, "sister, the bonus is really not important to me. The company has taken a big risk in signing me. If it is really a box office success, the company should get it."

Tian Fang laughingly patted her head, "you are so stupid! If the company is really willing to send it to you, it will prove that they value you and want to flatter you and keep you. You know, no matter how good a horse is, if it wants to run fast all the time, it has to keep feeding it good feed. Even if the boss really gives you a bonus, it just wants you to be willing to make money for the company. As for you, you still have to put on airs and music! How to say, you are the first sister of Xinying entertainment, you know? "

Tian Fang's instruction aroused sun's nodding, "girl, a Fang is wrong. If you don't put on airs and music, it may make people feel that you are approachable, but it may also make people feel that you are bullying. Since you are the first elder sister in your company, you should put up this spectrum. In this way, ah Fang, the agent, should be proud. "

Sihan nodded very well. "I know. If the company really gives me the bonus, I'll take it generously. After I get it, I'll invite the crew to have a big meal!"

Tian Fang laughed, "well, it's almost the same! If you don't take it, others won't say that you don't care about money, they will only say that you are fake and noble. As long as you feel that you are worthy of these rewards, you will take them generously, you know? "

Si Han bent his head and thought about it. Then he blinked blinkly and asked sun guide. "Then, Sun Tao, is my performance worth giving?"

Sun Dao snorted, "it's really a child..." on his face, but he couldn't hide his smile. "Whether it's worth it or not, I won't make more comments, but as long as my script is suitable for you, you will always be my first choice for the heroine."