Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 916

Niuniu followed the crew to two cities and went to two universities to promote the film, which was similar to the situation at the premiere ceremony. Sihan, a newcomer, seems to be more popular than many other veteran actors except for kairedu.

The lion group, which has just become a fan group, has done a lot of support work in several publicity spots in both places. In addition to constantly cheering for Sihan on the scene, she also spontaneously raised funds to make Sihan's small peripheral and support materials and distributed them to the audience and media friends.

Sihan is grateful to her fans who have become her loyal fans in a short time. After the event, she gave Tian Fang's contact information to a lion who has been accompanying her around since the premiere, and said that when she has good publicity photos, she will choose some autographs to give to the lions.

This lion was soon elected as the president of the fan association by many fans, and in the future, it will become a good hub for Sihan and the fan group.

Sihan and other members of the crew complete the last publicity meeting in city B. It's nearly ten o'clock when she returns to the hotel. Tian Fang takes two lunch boxes from the crew, but only puts them on the table. She asks Sihan to take a bath first, and then picks up the phone to call the nearby porridge shop to send some takeout.

Sihan comes out after taking a bath. The original two boxes of bentos on the table are gone. She changes them into some steaming boxes of bread and two bowls of delicious rice porridge.

"Finally, there's no need to eat a box!"

Niuniu had a takeout lunch box for lunch and dinner. The girl, who was raised by the Ji family, ate two lunch boxes in a row. Fortunately, Tian Fang sympathized with her eldest sister's stomach and ordered the most famous snacks and hot porridge nearby while she was taking a bath.

"Eat quickly, I will be guilty of starving you!"

In addition to being Niu Niu's agent, Tian Fang is also her close nurse. Naturally, Niu Niu is also responsible for her food and clothing.

After supper, Tian Fang picked up her laptop and got up to go out. Niu Niu looked at the time. It was almost eleven o'clock. She couldn't help but wonder.

"Sister Fang, where are you going so late?"

Tian Fang pointed to her phone, "I'll go to Mr. Luo to have a love talk with Mr. Ji. Please hurry up."

It turns out that Tian Fang is creating an opportunity for two young lovers to share their heartfelt feelings.

Niu Niu blushed, "Oh... I'll call you when I'm finished talking..."

Although she felt sorry for Tian Fang, she really missed her brother.

Finally, Dabao's face appeared on the computer screen, and Niuniu began to talk endlessly with Dabao about today.

Dabao looked at her with a smile, gently asked her a few questions from time to time, and told her to keep warm, because the temperature difference between day and night in B city is very big.

"Brother, I'm not a child. I can still take care of myself for such a small matter!"

Niu Niu seems to be complaining, but in fact, she is coquettish.

"Well, of course I know you're not a child. Fangfang told me that. I also watched the videos of your premiere and publicity meeting on the Internet. Your performance is really good. Even mom and dad praised him, saying that he is worthy of being the child of our Ji family. He can handle any occasion calmly, which is great. "

Dabao's praise did not come from Yue Tong's mouth to comfort Niuniu.

Moreover, when Letong said these words, her face was full of pride.

"Director Sun also said that he would give me a box office Commission. I refused his kindness. No matter how much money he gave me, I couldn't buy elder brother Luo. Don't they care for me?"

"Tut, my little girl is more and more proficient in arithmetic!"

Dabao is really happy from the bottom of her heart. Sure enough, people can't protect her too much. When she is old, she should let her go and try. Only in this way can she realize that he and her family can't teach her how to live and live.

Brother and sister talked about the movie for a while, while Niu Niu suddenly held her cheek and said to Dabao on the screen, "brother, what should I do?"

In the home nest bed big treasure, thought this wench met what has no way to solve the trouble, immediately heart all tight.

"What's the matter? What happened? "

Niu Niu wrung two pretty eyebrows in distress, "I miss you so much..."

Dabao's heart seems to have been hit hard by something.

I wish I could break off the screen and pick out the distressed person inside, then hold him tightly in my arms.

"What shall I do, I'll fly over now?" The serious expression in Dabao's eyes doesn't look like a joke.

Niu Niu immediately panicked, repeatedly waved her hand and shook her head, "no, no, brother, don't scare me. It's almost eleven o'clock now. I'll just talk about it. Don't take it seriously!"

Dabao looked disappointed. "Oh... Originally, you just said it casually... You didn't really miss me..."

Niuniu was unable to argue. "Oh, brother, where do you want to go? I really miss you, but I didn't let you fly here now. I'll go back tomorrow night. No matter what I think, I'll go through with patience, won't I?"

Dabao pursed her lips and opened her eyes, but she didn't say a word.

Niu Niu is more worried now. She is really afraid that her brother flies over in the middle of the night, causing others to worry about small things and making him suffer from big things.

"Brother, don't really come here..."

Niu Niu on this side is crying, while Da Bao on that side is still thinking and hesitating.

"That's ok if I don't go. When I come back tomorrow, you have to make it up to me..."

Niu Niu was finally relieved and could not think about it at all. Maybe it was a big pit set by her brother. She nodded and agreed busily, "well, I'll make it up to you when I go back tomorrow!"

The melancholy guy on the screen is a handsome guy. His eyes flashed with the pride of his success, but when he was in line with Niuniu, he quickly changed into a poor look of abandoning his husband.

The two chatted until more than 12 o'clock. Until Tian Fang knocked on the door, Niuniu was surprised. She took a look at the time, said goodbye to Dabao in a hurry, jumped down and ran barefoot to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Tian Fang gave her a blank look, "ah, are you still there?"

Niuniu scratched her head awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I forgot to watch the time..."

Tian Fang stood up and said, "I understand. Men and women in love can understand..."

Tian Fang returned to her bed with a laptop. As soon as she fell, she fell down on the bed.

"Oh, I'm so tired. Brother Zhihao is very good. He doesn't even call me. I'm not the same as you."

Niuniu understood immediately.

Ho, it turns out that sister Fang is not angry with her, but annoyed with brother Zhihao, who doesn't understand the amorous feelings!