Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 915

The premiere ceremony was very successful. In addition to Fang Kai, a popular fried chicken with a high degree of attention, who was loved and sought after by the media and fans, Lian Sihan, a newcomer, also received high attention and praise from the media, fans and audience. Needless to say, the publicity effect was much better than expected!

At the end of the premiere ceremony, sun Dao couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He patted Sihan on the shoulder in front of a crowd and said with a smile.

"Sihan, I'll give you a commission on the box office revenue. After that, I'll work as hard as I do today. Do you know?"

Sihan doesn't care about money at all. What she cares about is how to keep a good relationship with the senior stars in the play.

"Mr. Sun, the Commission will be avoided. Film promotion is my job, and hard work is my duty. If I don't work hard, you have to deduct my film salary, don't you? "

Don't say that she really doesn't care about money. Even if she does, for that little bonus, she will lose other stars. It's just like picking up sesame seeds and dropping watermelon. It's not cost-effective.

In this regard, Sihan is not as smart as her four family members, but she knows how to weigh and calculate the advantages and disadvantages.

In the past, I didn't measure or calculate, just because I was used to the protection of my family. Now I'm facing this complicated interpersonal relationship alone. Naturally, many of the ways I learned from my family come easily.

"Ha ha ha, young people, should have this kind of drive and work attitude, good, I like it!" Sun Dao laughs admiringly and pats Sihan on the shoulder.

"It's all the credit of my elder sister Luo Tao and elder brother Fang Kai. I'm a new person who doesn't know anything. What I do is to learn from their elders and draw gourds like they do."

Sihan's words subtly transferred sun Dao's praise to his predecessors. The actors who followed him, including Luo Qingru and Jiang Tao, relaxed their tense faces involuntarily.

Sihan's brilliant performance, we all see in the eye, but a new man completely robbed the limelight, said not jealous, do not care, nature is false.

But Sihan's words pacify the little bumps and pits in everyone's heart. What jealousy, what envy, what blush, when they are buckled by such a high hat, they can't see anything.

In one side has been pinching a cold sweat Tian Fang, can't help in the heart to think Han point ten thousand praise.

All the way to the parking lot, the whole group will rush to the airport to another city for publicity.

Because Sihan has Ji's exclusive car and driver to pick him up, instead of following the brigade, Sihan and Tian Fang get on their own car.

"Well done, girl

As soon as the door closes, Tian Fang gives Sihan a thumbs up.

Si Han, who was praised, laughed sheepishly, "sister, did you have a heart attack just now?"

Tian Fang patted her heart to show her fear.

"Indeed, when the reporter asked you the second question, I thought, no! You will not only offend a few seniors, but also make Fang Kai's fans angry! Eh? I didn't expect that you had a beautiful turn, and immediately sent the flower reputation to Fang Kai. How powerful

Now Tian Fang is more and more optimistic about Sihan.

After all, people who are good at interpersonal relationship will not get too bad no matter where they go.

What's more, Sihan is excellent in both external and internal conditions. What's rare is that the audience is very popular. In front of the screen, there is sun director Luo Qingru, who is praised and recommended by her predecessors, and behind the scenes, there is Ji Jia who supports and escorts her. It's hard to be popular!

Sihan reached over and held Tian Fang's hand, "elder sister, you touch, my palm is still sweating."

So, this girl, in fact, is playing at a super level?

Tian Fang really can't figure out this girl. Sometimes she looks silly, but she is very smart in big things. Is this the typical person in legend who is smart in big things and stupid in small things?

After chatting for a while, Niu Niu said she was a little tired and wanted to close her eyes for a while. Tian Fang took out her laptop and opened the web page to search for relevant reports.

When she saw that passers-by fans on the Internet were basking in all kinds of 360 degree beautiful photos of Sihan and praising Sihan one after another during a group of reporters' interviews, she couldn't help poking the girl who was sleeping next to her.

"Niu Niu, come and see, your lion troupe seems to be growing rapidly again!"

Niu Niu opened her eyes slightly and came slowly. She scanned the comments and reports on the screen with her sleepy eyes. Then she drew back and closed her eyes again.

"Don't be happy too soon, sister Fang. These fans are all rational and wait-and-see. Just look. If my performance is not satisfactory after the film is released, these people will certainly scold the loudest."

Although Niu Niu is still a newcomer with only one work, her attitude towards this industry is extremely peaceful.

If a lot of new people like her become popular in just a few months, I don't know what they will be like.

She is very good. Seeing these comments and adoration, she looks like a little old man who has seen through everything.

"Hey, girl, can you stop being so boring sometimes? I remember when your lion troupe was founded, you were so excited that you couldn't sleep. Just a month later, you were tired of your lovely fans?"

Niu Niu still opened her eyes and looked at her. "It's not boredom. It's just that these passers-by fans are totally different from the fans of the lion group. OK, maybe there are some fans of other competitors. What's the common name of these fans? It's called black powder, isn't it? Don't you say all that yourself? "

For more than a year, Tian Fang has been nagging Niuniu about a lot of things in the entertainment industry, including fans pinching each other, hiring a navy, and so on. She has told Niuniu a lot.

However, she said it as soon as she said it. Unexpectedly, the people who listened to her remembered it all.

"I did say that, but I thought you didn't remember it." Tian Fang is honest.

Niuniu opened her eyes, and her eyes were clear again.

"How can you forget it? This road is my own choice. For me, there is no way out on this road. Since there is no way out, we should try our best to achieve our goals. In this way, we can not waste the support of daddy, Mommy, brother and brother, including your support for me, can we? "

Niu Niu never said these words to Tian Fang.

But until then, Tian Fang had to admit that master Ji really knew this girl, because as early as a few months ago, he asserted that this girl wanted to be more popular than anyone else!