Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 914

In the eyes of Le Tong, who is a mother, love is a matter for two people. What others see is only superficial. Whether it is the right person or not, only the two parties in love can feel it.

Therefore, she doesn't have much demand for her sons' love objects. She only asks that they really love her sons, not the background and influence behind them.

However, in this respect, she still believes in the eyes of her sons. Dabao is the same as Xiaobao.

"Xiaobao, what kind of girl do you like? My sister will give you some heart."

Niuniu has forgotten to be angry with Dabao. She straightens up from Dabao's arms and looks at Xiaobao.

Xiaobaobai glanced at her, "sister, your eyes... Forget it, don't bother you!"

Niuniu looks at Dabao with a look at her head. "Brother, my eyes are not good?"

Dabao felt that this girl really threw a big problem to him.

Say she has a bad eye? But she likes herself. Does that mean that he is not so good?

Does she have a good eye? But with her inspection standard, Xiaobao's eyes are absolute!

"I feel that you have used up all your good eyesight by choosing me! So, don't worry about Xiaobao. Let Xiaobao do it by himself! "

Dabao answers Niuniu's question tactfully and mildly under the gaze of Niuniu, and gives her a kind advice.

Xiaobao claps her legs and laughs with her brother's witty reply, while Niuniu is so angry that she just stands up, runs to Letong and sits down. She clearly wants to draw a line with her brothers.

At this time, she has completely forgotten those fans in the post bar on the microblog. In her eyes, there are only occasionally noisy but actually happy family members.


In the blink of an eye, December is coming, and the publicity of "spring" is officially put on the agenda. As a student, Sihan has to start her busy life of working and studying on both sides.

Compared with the film shooting, the publicity work seems to be harder. On the first day, Sihan followed the crew to two cities and went to two universities for publicity.

What makes Sihan happy is that, as the first time she was electrocuted, there were many "lions" at the premiere ceremony. When she and Fang Kai accompanied Sun Tao on the red carpet, there were not only female fans shouting at Fang Kai, but also many male and female fans shouting "Sihan".

Seeing this, sun Dao said to Sihan in a low voice, "girl, it seems that I have to give you some box office Commission."

Sihan replied with a smile, "Sun Dao, you are so blatant that you are not afraid of Fang Kai's taste?"

Fang Kai also laughed, "what I eat, people outside all spread, saying that sun Dao finally found the Royal heroine for so many years, that is to say, you and I have the same status, the best left and right Dharma protector ha!"

The three took over the pen handed by the etiquette lady with a smile and signed their names on the background screen.

Sihan is very sensible and takes the initiative to step back. When sun Dao and Fang Kai sign their names, she signs her own names under them.

Luo Qingru and Jiang Tao also went on stage arm in arm. Several leading actors stood together and the media kept taking pictures.

Luo Qingru stands on the other side of Sihan and whispers to Sihan, "girl, you are so popular now. When you enter the group, you will be the biggest one in our group."

Luo Qingru certainly does not come to ridicule Sihan. She is really surprised that Sihan became popular before the movie was released.

Originally, she and Jiang Tao were very optimistic about Sihan. They basically believed that as long as Sihan didn't do it himself, and there was no accident, Sihan would be popular overnight as soon as the film "spring" was released!

What she didn't expect was that before the movie was released, the girl had been accepted by many young audiences, and quickly had her own fan group. At present, besides Fang Kai's fans, Sihan's fans are the loudest.

Sihan rubs Luo Qingru's body and says in the voice of the female owner of "spring"“ Mom, even you laugh at me like that, OK? "

Luo Qingru patted her head and looked down at her with a smile.

The media reporters on the stage have photographed the intimate pictures of the mother and daughter on the screen one after another. As a result, the positive report of Sihan's excellent relationship with the starring members of the cast, together with the pictures, occupies the front page of the entertainment pages of the major websites.

Some passers-by fans who gossip about Sihan's performance videos and fashion shows on the Internet are attracted. In the comments below, they say that they will go to the cinema to watch the film because they are looking forward to seeing Sihan's performance on the big screen.

At the premiere ceremony, Sihan couldn't see the first-hand news.

It's time for the media to interview. Sure enough, someone mentioned the video that was forwarded on the Internet some time ago.

"Sihan, could you tell me, is the player on the violin playing video, which was heavily forwarded on the video some time ago, you?"

On this matter, there are all kinds of speculation and voices on the Internet, but Sihan and her company have never given any positive response. As a result, this reporter's questions have been answered by his peers“ Yeah, is that you? Think of Han

Sihan smiles shyly, then nods, "yes, that's me! I didn't make up that day. I was ugly, wasn't I? "

Although Sihan is a newcomer, the way to adjust the atmosphere is not bad at all. The fans on the scene immediately responded loudly, "not ugly, not ugly. In the eyes of lions, our Lion King is beautiful!"

The atmosphere immediately warmed up, and the reporters were also amused by Sihan's fans. "That Sihan, who was the finale of the international brand fashion show in Beijing last month, must be you, too?"

Sihan has a charming smile on her face, shrugs and casts a mischievous look at everyone, "well, I'm cool, right?"

"Yes, very cool!" The lions in the audience really cooperate.

Sihan, who has a good interaction with fans and can tactfully answer reporters' questions, has become the focus of the whole premiere ceremony.

Reporters also want to ask, after Sihan's winking at the fans, he turns his eyes to Fang Kai, who is beside him. Without any trace, he turns the topic focused on himself to Fang Kai, "but no matter how cool I am, I'm not as cool as Fang Kai's role in the movie!"

Tian Fang on the stage, seeing that Sihan has gained the limelight, is secretly worried. After all, she is a newcomer. It's not a good thing that she has taken all the limelight from the cast.

At the moment, seeing her tactfully turn the topic to Fang Kai, she is secretly relieved!

It seems that his worry about this girl is in vain.

This girl is much more tactful and intelligent than she imagined!