Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 913

Overnight, Sihan can no longer go out as unscrupulous as before. Now she has to wear a hat and sunglasses like many big stars when she goes out in public. Even in school, she is not as peaceful as before. From time to time, she is surrounded by onlookers, and the people looking for her signature are batch after batch.

Even though the phone calls to Tian Fang about Sihan's various announcements are still going on every day, Tian Fang hasn't received any announcements to Sihan. Sihan's popularity on the Internet is rising day by day. However, she is still busy as usual, going to school and going everywhere to participate in various training courses, However, he has never appeared in various media or directly responded to any suspicions and questions on the Internet.

However, when she returned home, she registered a number on her microblog under the name of Sihan. The first microblog had only three words: "I'm here!", With a few photos of her and her fans at the airport and a few close-up photos at the fashion show, the microblog opened only a few days ago, with more than 200000 fans.

About the name of the troubling fan group, she mentioned it to Dabao. Dabao thought, "how about a lion?", Holding his chin, he took a serious look at Niuniu and pinched her face with a serious gesture. "Well... Although you don't look like a lion at all, you are clearly a little white rabbit!"

Niuniu clapped her hand and cried, "Hey, this is good!", Roaring in his mouth, he couldn't care to argue with Dabao about the little white rabbit. He excitedly ran to the post bar and registered a number in the post bar with Sihan's name.

Then, in the post about the name of Sihan's fan group, it came out and gave a suggestion to her enthusiastic fans, [lion, OK?]

As soon as her reply is sent out, a thousand waves are aroused. Sihan bar is boiling. In private, AI te has a large number of fans. Sihan wants to point out a few important replies, but the computer is so jammed that it can't be buffered.

Naturally, Ben Zun's choice soon won the support of fans, and then Sihan naturally became the king of their group of lions, or "Lion King" for short. Then, from this "Lion" fan group, many nicknames for Sihan were derived.

Such as: the lion king who can play violin, the lion king who can show

When Sihan showed Dabao the nickname of her fans in the post bar, Dabao hugged her and said with certainty, "they are wrong. I am the lion king and you are the lion queen."

Sihan really doesn't care too much about Wang Shihou. However, Sihan has been happy for a long time that she has a fan group.

In her spare time, she has one more hobby. Let's take her mobile phone or iPad to microblog or post to see the latest topics and new trends of fans.

When Tian Fang saw her like this, she suggested with a smile, "girl, after your movie is released, I'll ask the company to arrange a fan meeting for you. How about that?"

Sihan naturally agrees with this proposal. In her opinion, she should return something tangible to her fans for giving her so much support and encouragement.

Dabao didn't care much about this group at first. However, with the growing size of this group and Sihan's increasing attention to this group, Dabao began to have a little hostility to this group called "Lion" with a common name.

On this day, after dinner, the Ji family's five members still chat and enjoy tea and watch TV in qiwo sofa. However, Sihan keeps brushing with her iPad. Her concentration is like that she is the only one left in the world. Occasionally, she makes a few chuckles, which attracts the attention of the rest of the Ji family.

Dabao just glared at him at first, but in the end, he found that he was ignored by Niuniu no matter whether he was staring or white eyed.

The ignored Dabao is completely angry. She reaches over and grabs her iPad. Niu Niu is startled. She looks up at him and tries to grab it back.

But Niuniu, who is more than seven meters tall, only has some advantages in front of Letong in Ji's family. In front of Dabao, who is tall, she is a weak person. If she rushes over like this, it's like sending sheep into tiger's mouth.

"Brother, give me back my iPad. I'm reading the review!"

Niuniu struggles in Dabao's arms and wants to get her iPad back. Naturally, Dabao won't give her the iPad as high as she wants, and turn her face to face herself.

"Girl, when you come back home, you are not allowed to swipe microblogs or visit posts!"

Niu Niu is not happy, pouts her lips and says, "brother, how can you do this? How can I turn a blind eye to the fans who support me so much! "

Dabao is not happy, "so you are willing to ignore us for these fans?"

Niu Niu Wei was extremely bent, "I didn't have it!"

Dabao leaned forward and stuffed the iPad into the cupboard behind him, "otherwise, I'll let Fangfang find someone to manage your microblog and post number for you."

Niu Niu was even more unhappy. "Brother, how can you do this?"

Dabao held her shoulder and looked straight into her eyes. "Girl, tell me, are they important or are their families important?"

Niuniu said without thinking, "of course you are important! But I can't ignore them. They treat me unconditionally. I have to respond to them occasionally. "

"You usually pay attention to them at school and on the way back and forth. At that time, you were Sihan. But when you get home, you are Ji Sihan and our family, so your time now belongs to us, not them. "

What Dabao said made Niuniu unable to refute.

Dejected ground "Oh" a, then quietly nest in big treasure bosom, bored to watch TV.

Young master Xiaobao, who has been watching, is afraid that the world will not be in chaos. Seeing that the two people stop fighting, he stands up with a smile, takes the TV remote control and hands it to Dabao, pretending to be a reporter.

"Comrade Ji Dabao, how do you feel about being jealous with so many people?"

Dabao glared at him fiercely, raised his foot and kicked his ass, "smelly boy, you can watch a good play now. When you fall in love, we'll see how we can tear you down. You have a lot of black history. Be careful, I'll pee your pants when you were a child and almost touch your nose when you learn diving!"

Xiao Bao snorted, "cut, even girls like this I can't stand are not qualified to enter our house, OK?"

Then he looked at Letong, who had been watching the play but had wisely refused to join the war, "Mommy, are you right about me?"

Letong shook her head with a smile. "I can only say that you like it. I don't want to be a bad mother-in-law!"