Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 903

Niuniu stares at Dabao. For a moment, she can't accept it. When did she become such an important person?

"Brother, I know what you think. But the fact is, I'm not enough to bear the burden now! "

Niuniu forgot that the boss of the company is not her brother, so it doesn't make any sense for her to tell him this.

Dabao was holding her shoulders, and his black eyes were looking at her. At this time, he was still half as confused as he was just now?

"Niuniu, at the beginning of Xinying entertainment company, are you the only artist?"

Niuniu nodded, "Well!", In this regard, not only she knows, but most viewers who care about gossip know it, because at the beginning, Xinying entertainment announced in a high profile on the front page of the whole entertainment that it would spend a lot of money to build her as a super star.

Dabao asked formally, "what do you think is the reason that a company, without any artists, will sign you a new person instead of a popular star?"

Niu Niu looks at him blankly. She is not the boss of the company. How do you know why he had to sign himself at that time?

Niuniu thought about it seriously. Although she thought it was impossible, she couldn't think of any other possibility. "Or, is sister Fang pestering the boss? And then the boss got bored? "

"Poof!" Dabao rolled his eyes funny and angry.

"Didn't you go back to your company with Tian Fang today? What do you think of it? "

Niuniu didn't quite understand why her brother suddenly changed the topic, but she obediently followed his words and said, "the company is very large, and besides me, the other five signed artists I heard are all unforgettable people with very strong personal characteristics. Although I don't know much about this business, I really think our boss's eye is very tricky, vicious and sharp. As long as my five fellow artists are willing to work hard, they will be able to become queen in their respective fields. "

Dabao listened to Niuniu's analysis carefully, nodded and said, "since the boss of your company can pick out five such excellent artists, it shows that he is not blind! Since he's not blind, he signed you without any artists in the company. At the same time, he spent a lot of money on you. Do you think he might have been pestered by your sister Fang? To annoy him? Or is it true that you are more personal and unforgettable than your five brothers and sisters, so your boss put all his money on you? "

I have to say that Niu Niu never thought about what her brother said.

Because, for more than a year, she only wanted to make herself better and stronger, so, in addition to acting, she constantly absorbed all kinds of relevant professional knowledge to enrich herself.

She never thought about why the company signed her.

Now, after listening to my brother's words, I think it's true that, as my brother said, as a profit-making company, it's impossible to sign her in order to help her realize her personal dream. After all, it's a commercial company, not a charity.

The situation that does not conflict with her realization of her personal dream is that while she pursues her dream and realizes her personal value, the company can also get the profits that she deserves as a businessman.

Therefore, what her brother analyzed was logical and reasonable reasons, while what she guessed was just such farfetched nonsense that even children might not believe.

Dabao looked at all the changes of expression on Niu Niu's face, and knew that she finally understood the relationship of mutual benefit.

"So, since your boss signed you, he was interested in your talent and ability to create huge business benefits for his company. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of your boss, you and your five schoolmates are nothing but a cash cow. Your talents and abilities are your tools for making money. And you, undoubtedly, are the biggest cash cow among them. Then your boss puts his most valued agent next to you as a cash cow and takes good care of your career. I don't think it's wrong, is it? "

Niu Niu has been listening very carefully. She has to admit that her brother's analysis fits the position and ideas of the boss of Xinying entertainment.

Sure enough, a businessman's way of thinking is different from his own.

"It seems that's true!"

Dabao shook his head with a helpless smile, reached out and pinched her face, "now that you understand, don't say such capricious words again. Your boss is a businessman. He knows how to arrange for his money tree to make more money. If you tell your boss to find an assistant to talk to you again, you will help sister Fang, but harm her. Do you know? "

Niuniu blinked. This time, without Dabao's explanation, she could understand the connection. "Well, if I told my boss to find another assistant, the boss would think that sister Fang was not good to me, or I was not satisfied with her. Is that what I mean?"

Dabao nodded with a smile, "that's right, you can teach me! What you need to do now is to do your own thing well, not to worry about hiring a personal assistant. You know, only when you are red, can you follow you to drink and eat spicy food

Before the change, Dabao would not say such words with pressure to Niuniu, even if they were words of encouragement.

But now, he can often feel the fierce fighting spirit in Niuniu's eyes. Of course, her fighting spirit is not for red or fire, nor for the boss to make more money.

She just wants to prove herself in front of more people and let more people see her efforts and growth.

And he also believes that her current company has the ability to make all her efforts and growth get the maximum return!

Niuniu completely understood the chain of interest. Dabao thought that her question was finished, so he wanted to pick her up and move her away, so that he could finish the rest of the little tail.

Niu Niu suddenly frowned, as if she thought of something important, "brother, isn't Fang Jie your agent? When did she become the manager of heart shadow entertainment? "

Dabao shook his head again, "it's really stupid of you to say that! Since I'm willing to sign my own treasure to Xinying, let alone Tian Fang. "

Niuniu suddenly realized, "Oh... That's to say, like me, sister Fang is signing a heart shadow entertainment contract, not a verbal contract with you?"

Dabao nodded. "Of course, now she's listening to your boss, not me."