Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 902

Otherwise, she would not have seen the company and several younger martial brothers and sisters until today.

But she intuitively felt that with Tian Fang's ability, she was absolutely competent for the position of director.

"Well, how do you know? Five of them told you? "

Tian Fang also glanced at the glass room with a smile, but then she thought, no, she has been staying by her side.

"Guess!" Niuniu rightfully admits that she is just saying things by intuition.

"Oh, when did my little ancestor become so clever? It's a good guess!" Tian Fang pinched her face and joked.

Niuniu soon came up with a practical problem. In the past, the company had only one artist of its own, and Tian Fang followed her closely all day. That's a matter of course.

But now, there are a lot of new people in the company. In addition to the new people, there are agents and assistants for them. The management of these people all fall on Tian Fang. If she keeps close to her all day, she will not be able to bear it, and it is impossible, right?

"Sister, are you usually busy? Is it better to hire another assistant for me? "

Tian Fang didn't expect that she would take the initiative to ask for an assistant for her. After all, she is the personal agent specially hired by master Ji for her. According to the salary given by master Ji, it's not too much for her to serve her ancestors 24 hours a day.

But this silly girl, but offered to help her another assistant.

"Fool, don't you forget that I'm your brother. Please come back and escort your career as a full-time agent. Let other assistants accompany you. Don't worry about me. Your brother won't let me go first!"

Niuniu shrugged, "my brother, I can tell him. I'm not a new person who doesn't know anything now. Just find a trusted assistant to follow me. Sister, go ahead boldly

Although Niu Niu patted her chest to guarantee that it would be on her, Tian Fang didn't agree with her.

Then in the evening, Dabao worked overtime in his study, and Niuniu dragged a single sofa to sit beside him and read the script.

After more than an hour's work, Dabao finally stopped to pick up the cup and drink tea. The other one kneaded his eyebrows consciously.

Niu Niu immediately got up, stood behind him and gently kneaded his shoulder, which was tight because of a day's hard work. "Brother, have you finished it?"

Niu Niu glances at the screen, and all the previously densely arranged windows have been closed. On the screen is a sweet picture of her and them together.

"Well, it's done!"

Niuniu listened, lying on his shoulder, buttoning his face, "Bata" kiss on his lips, after kissing, licked his lips and said, "brother, I'll tell you something."

Dabao didn't want to listen to her at this time. With a slight rotation of the chair, she turned around and held the person in her arms. With the help of her hand, Niuniu fell on his thigh and knelt face to face in front of him.


The black eyes are getting closer and closer, until their eyelashes touch, and they blink at the same time, and their long eyelashes are tightly intertwined. The slight but clear numbness sensation caused by each other's eyelashes stimulating the skin is clearly transmitted to their minds, and they tremble slightly.

Having been with Dabao for so long, Niuniu certainly knew what he was going to do next. She put her hand around his neck, slowly closed her eyes and put her lips up.

Dabao's lips with mellow tea smell are close to her slightly warm lips. She has just eaten chocolate. The mellow smell of tea and the sweetness of chocolate are the wonderful taste of the hot kiss that makes the two people blood boiling and breathing quickly

The temperature in the study suddenly rose many degrees. When Dabao finally let go of her lips, he felt a suspicious blush on his face.

Niu Niu pretended to be a dead dog in his arms, until each other's breath gradually returned to normal, and the temperature around gradually fell back to the original temperature, Dabao rubbed his head in his arms and said gently, "don't you mean you have something to tell me? What's the matter? "

Dabao felt that he was really not an ordinary coward, but a kiss, so that he could surrender. He was very clear that at this time, no matter what she asked, he would be very difficult to refuse her.

Niuniu got up from his arms, straightened up, and slightly opened the distance between them.

"Brother, did Fang Jie tell you that our company has signed several new artists and hired new agents and assistants, while Fang Jie has been promoted to manager of agents."

When it comes to business, niunius is unambiguous.

Dabao blinked, and his eyes flashed a touch of reflection.

Niu Niu's heart is raised. She knows her brother too well. He usually appears when he is calculating.

But Dabao's face was as calm as usual. "I didn't hear her mention it, but it sounds like a good thing, doesn't it?"

Niu Niu couldn't figure out the meaning of her brother's words. Similarly, she couldn't figure out what his indifferent attitude represented.

Sure enough, playing tricks with an old fox like my brother, I have no chance of winning at all.

Forget it, let's just say it!

"Well, it's a good thing! Because of the good things, I don't want to hinder sister Fang. " Niu Niu freely admits her mind.


Dabao looks at the little girl very funny. He really doesn't understand the structure of the girl's brain. If he let out the news that his younger sister wants to develop in the entertainment industry, I'm afraid that most of the well-known agents in the industry will come to offer themselves.

Because people with eyes can see that this is a good opportunity that many people can't ask God to worship Buddha!

She said that she was in the way of others!

Even Tian Fang herself knows very well that just waiting for his precious sister of master Ji is tantamount to inviting honor and wealth into the family. Therefore, she resigned from Xingtu without hesitation.

"Yes! You see, sister Fang is following me all day now. How can she go back to the company to manage other artists, agents and assistants? If she looks like this, sooner or later, the boss will have an opinion, right

Although Niu Niu has only worked as a student in Ji's school for one summer vacation, she still knows some rules of the workplace.

Dabao shook his head with a smile, and flicked her forehead with his fingers. "Silly girl, it's not so silly to say you are stupid. It's not about you. It's about your boss and Tian Fang. "


"It's nothing, but you have to remember a very important thing. What's more, you always have the confidence that you are the number one of your company! The rise and fall of your company depends not on others, but on you, you know? "