Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 904

After some communication with Dabao, Niuniu never asks Tian Fang to find a personal assistant for her.

She just put another sentence of Dabao firmly in her heart, "only when you are red, can your sister Fang follow you to drink and eat spicy food!"

Now she finally realized that what she was carrying was not only her own dream, but also Tian Fang's future, and even the expectations and interests of the company's boss.

With this awareness, she has become more hardworking and hard-working. In addition to her own subjects, she will listen to popular music courses whenever she has time.

After listening to the professional course of popular music for more than a week, she benefited a lot and got new inspiration intermittently. She revised and perfected about ten pieces of music on hand, and made three new pieces. Then she put the new and old pieces together, with a total of nearly 20 pieces of music scores, in a folder and handed them to Tian Fang.

"Here you are, sister Fang."

Tian Fang, sitting in the driver's seat, took the folder she handed over with a puzzled look on her face.

"Song, didn't you say that the boss wanted me to write some songs for Tong Kehe

It's true that Tong Ke and Gao Xin, who are totally out of tune in appearance and temperament, are the right combination. Moreover, they are also a popular combination with high reputation in their university.

Tian Fang put away a look of surprise, bowed his head and turned it seriously, roughly counted, "have you finished so soon? Wow, so much more? "

"Sixteen of them were written before. Recently, I went to more than ten popular music courses, which inspired me a lot, so I made some changes in the details of these sixteen pieces. The first three pieces were new works during this period. You can show them to the producers and supervisors, and use them if you think they are useful."

Niuniu is full of inspiration these days. In addition to the three songs she gave to Tian Fang, she has also made several other songs about family love. She plans to keep these songs for herself. If possible, she may release a small album in the future. She doesn't need to sell, just to satisfy her interest.

As for her idea of producing an album, she has never mentioned it to Tian Fang, who seems to have no long-term plan and arrangement for her future.

It has been nearly a year since she started filming at the beginning of the year. She has only made one film and one print advertisement, and then there are fashion shows and film publicity in several major cities.

Although she is still half a newcomer, she also knows that her current workload is pitiful.

Therefore, when Tian Fang didn't give her any specific work arrangements, she had to make full use of the time and accumulate a lot.

The night Tian Fang took the song, Niu Niu received her call.

"Niuniu, ten of your dozens of songs are favored by the producers and supervisors. Of course, some details need to be revised. You won't have class tomorrow afternoon, will you? I'll pick you up at noon. I'll go back to the company for lunch. I'll see the producer and the producer by the way. Can you communicate with each other face to face about specific questions? "

Niuniu has no opinion about this. After she hung up the phone, she said with a smile to Dabao, who was absorbed in reading a book, "brother, those songs I made are favored by the producers. It seems that I can treat you to dinner with the money for selling songs!"

Dabao rolled his eyes silently, then glanced at her askance, "I'm not ambitious. How many songs have been taken in, just enough to treat me to dinner?"

"Ten songs!" Niuniu complacently said that in her opinion, it really doesn't matter how much these songs are worth. What matters is that they are liked by the producers and supervisors.

This means that some people appreciate and like her improvised music.

"Tut Tut, ten songs is enough for a meal? That's buying cabbage, not music, right? Is the price discussed by Tian Fang? I'll call and ask her! " Dabao said, and his hand had already felt out the phone.

It's rare to be lazy. Niu Niu, who sleeps comfortably on his lap and plays games, has a clear eye and a quick hand and snatches his phone.

"Sister Fang didn't say the price at all. She just told me that ten songs had been chosen. She would take me back to the company tomorrow to meet with the producer and the producer and talk about them in detail."

Dabao didn't insist on calling Tian Fang any more, but he said that he would communicate with Tian Fang in private about the price of the music, and then repeatedly told Niuniu, "you see the producer and producer tomorrow, just talk about the music with them, and you don't have to worry about anything else, no matter what they say."

Niuniu thinks that she is not sharp enough and shrewd enough about money. All the time, whether it's her advertising endorsement fee and film payment, or the details of the contract, it's her brother who gives her a lot of bickering and deliberation. This time, she is also relieved to leave it to her brother.

After talking about music, Dabao suddenly mentioned another thing“ I'll go with you to the fashion show in Beijing next week. "

Niu Niu glared, "I'm going for three days. Can you take so many days off?"

It's not that she didn't want her brother to accompany her. On the contrary, she was very happy to hear that her brother said that she would accompany her.

But when she calmed down, she felt that she was too selfish. For most of the past six months, her brother was so busy that he had to work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays. Now he has three days to accompany her. When she comes back, can't he be so busy that he doesn't even have time to sleep?

"It's not a vacation. It's a project we worked with my uncle. There are some important issues to discuss. So I'll go with you, but I may not be able to stay with you all the time. I have to do my own business."

It is said that he is going on a business trip to accompany her to take off. Niuniu is not disappointed. On the contrary, she is very happy to say, "it doesn't matter, brother. You are busy with your business during the day. You are accompanied by Tian Fang."

Today's Niuniu is not the little girl who didn't even have an assistant a few years ago. She has Tian Fang to take care of her. She doesn't have to worry about any unexpected things.

"What's more, sister Liu called me yesterday and asked me to get two tickets for her family. She said that if I needed to, she could ask for leave to accompany me for a few days."

Dabao shook his head helplessly. "Yangliu is really getting worse and worse. When you have time, tell me about her. She is a master of economics from a world-famous university. She idles all day and throws things to her husband. What's the matter?"

Originally, it was a matter of uncle's family, or, more accurately, of willow and her husband. The husband was willing to spoil his wife and play with him, but he couldn't manage it.

However, her eldest daughter threw all the things to her husband to play happily. Her foreign devil husband was too busy to help, so she often asked him and Xiaobao for help.