Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 901

"Can I say no?" Niu Niu subconsciously refused.

It's not Niuniu's arrogance or deliberate evasion, but, although she has composed a lot of songs in recent years, those are all her improvisation, most of them are not mature. Among the nearly 100 pieces of music, the only one given to Dabao is love, which she thinks is the most satisfactory and mature one.

Tian Fang shrugged. "This is not my has the final say. Do you have many songs on your hand? I know you think those songs are immature, but that's just your own opinion. In a word, you'll give these songs to music producers and producers to evaluate. If they approve, you won't have much to worry about, will you? "

Tian Fang said this, Niu Niu is not good to refuse.

If you think about it carefully, since the scale of the company is very large, the music supervisors and producers hired will certainly be some well-known people. It seems that it's not a bad thing for professionals to evaluate and guide the music they compose.

"Well, I'll sort it out these days and give it to you next week."

Niuniu has 100% confidence in Tian Fang.

First of all, it's because Tian Fang is the agent selected by her brother.

Second, Zhihao is also her elder brother. To her, Tian Fang is like a sister-in-law.

In the past three years, she and Tian Fang have known each other for nearly a year. They are very familiar with each other, and their trust and friendship with each other far exceeds that of ordinary agents and artists.

Between the two people's conversation, they have come to the yard where the music is flying.

Around the fence, Niu Niu finally saw two women and three men sitting on the green ground in front of the house. Judging from their clothes, they should be about the same age as Niu Niu.

Tian Fang wants to call those young people who are still immersed in the music world, but Niuniu pulls her, puts her finger to her mouth and makes a "Shh" gesture.

Tian Fang took a look at her, then stood still according to her meaning, until several young people stopped playing music, Niuniu took the lead in clapping.

Hearing the applause, several young people turned to look over. Then, they stood up and ran to Tian Fang and Niu Niu. They stood in front of them and cried with joy, "good sister Fang, good elder martial sister!"

In recent years, Sihan has gradually got many younger brothers and sisters from teacher fan, but they are really younger than her. In front of her, they should not be younger than her, or even older than her.

Sihan smiles sheepishly, and then reaches out to them, "Hello, my name is Sihan. You can call me after that. It's strange to call elder martial sister!"

But Sihan's modesty is not recognized by these young people.

Standing at the nearest lovely boy to Sihan, he reached out to hold Sihan's hand and excitedly said, "elder martial sister, I can finally see you up close! I can't believe that you are more beautiful than you are on camera! "

Sihan looks at him with a smile and thinks that this person is probably one of the two little fans that sister Fang refers to, "right? Thank you

Standing next to the boy, another tall and thin boy hit the cute boy with his elbow, "Hey, elder martial sister, you're not alone!"

It seems that this is another fan.

The cute boy grinned and let go of Sihan's hand. "Ah, I almost forgot. My name is Tongke. Elder martial sister, you can call me coco!"

A tall and thin boy held Sihan's hand. "Hello, elder martial sister. My name is happy. Coco is a devil. You don't have to pay attention to him!"

Sihan takes a look at Tongke at the end of her eyes, and stares at herself with Fangzheng's big black eyes.

"I'm glad to see you. Coco is very cute. His parents really name him."

When Tong Ke heard this, he turned his lips and bumped into his happy hand. He snorted, "you see, my parents are obviously more prescient than your parents. Look at you, you are still happy with your dead face all day long? It's almost the same to add the word "not happy."

Niu Niu almost burst out laughing, but she managed to hold back her smile. After all, this is the first time I met them. It's too impolite to laugh at the names of her younger martial brothers.

Happy to stare at Tong Ke, let go of Sihan's hand. The long hand pinches Tong Ke's face in the twinkling of an eye, and they are ready to go.

Tian Fang signaled to Sihan not to make complaints about them. It was obvious that she was not surprised at the actions of the two brothers who were the same brothers.

"Hello, elder martial sister. My name is Fang Yang."

Sheep, good name!

Sihan silently praised her. When she clasped her hands, the typical young man of literature and art, who was a little higher than her, seemed to understand her thoughts from her eyes. With a good temper, she added with a smile, "direction, flying."

Sihan's eyes pass a little bit of embarrassment. There is a kind of embarrassment that people see through.

Fortunately, she is not the Sihan she was a year ago, so the smile on her face is still sweet and gentle.

The last two girls in the list are shorter than Sihan. The lovely Lori type is called Mary. The other one is not too tall, but looks very handsome and sexy. Her name is Wang Shuting.

Each of the five younger martial brothers and sisters has an eye-catching appearance. Beautiful men and beautiful women are just like them. Although they are all handsome men and beautiful women, they have their own characteristics and temperament. Even if they are put together, people can still tell who is who at a glance.

Each is very eye-catching, but because each has its own characteristics, no one can cover the light.

While greeting them, Sihan praises her boss for being so smart that she can find five such outstanding artists with different strengths.

Sitting in the living room of the artist's office, Niu Niu asks Tian Fang while several younger martial brothers and sisters are called to open by their assistants.

"Sister Fang, did you sign these artists back?"

After working with Tian Fang for such a long time, Sihan naturally already knows that Tian Fang not only has good contacts in this circle, but also has a very vicious and unique view on artists.

Tian Fang is not modest. "Well, I picked it up with my boss."

According to Tian Fang, Niu Niu is more and more curious about her boss, who is said to be more handsome than a star.

"The boss's eyes look very poisonous, too! I thought only sister fang had the kind of eyes that could see through this person's potential

Tian Fang can't stand her ridicule, white she a way, "Hello, you when your elder sister, I am X-ray machine?"

Niu Niu looks up with a smile, and her eyes inadvertently sweep through the glass room next door, where the assistant is discussing something with several younger martial brothers and sisters.

"Sister, are you the manager of the company?"

Niuniu certainly doesn't know Tian Fang's position in the company, because Tian Fang never mentioned the company to her.