Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 900

Niuniu nodded, "well, it's OK!"

Dabao came over and gave her a kiss on the lip. He turned to start the car and asked gently, "where else do you want to go?"

Tian Fang really did not guess wrong. Dabao came out from home to pick up Niuniu.

This time, Niuniu shook her head, "I want to go home!"

Dabao raised his lips slightly, and a smile appeared on his handsome face. His girl, no matter what time, is always loving home.

Such she, what does he have to worry about?


The next day, Sihan finished class early. Tian Fang remembered what she said at the dinner table last night and took Sihan to the ring expressway.

But Sihan didn't turn around for a moment, "Fangjie, where are we going?"

Tian Fang gave her a strange look. "Didn't you say you wanted to go back to the company and invite younger martial brothers and sisters to dinner?"

Sihan understands that Tian Fang is taking her back to the company.

I couldn't help exclaiming like a child, "sister Fang, you didn't cheat me? Is it really back to the company? I thought our company was a leather bag company, but it really had it! "

It's no wonder Sihan thinks like this. Who signed a contract for more than half a year and didn't even return to the company once?

Tian fangbai looked at her, "how could it be a leather bag company! You are willing, I dare not! Our company has a large scale. It's just because it's just starting, many facilities and staffing are still being improved, and your time is so precious that I don't want to take you back. "

The car came down from the ring expressway and drove for about ten minutes. Tian Fang pointed to the row of red walls, green tiles and rustic houses in front of her and motioned to Niu Niu, "Nah, that's our company over there!"

Niuniu looked in the direction of her fingers, and saw that the house was arranged in order, surrounded by green trees. Although it was not close, she could imagine that the layout should be a fresh style with a strong pastoral flavor.

As Niu Niu imagined, the car passed a small stone bridge. On this side of the small stone bridge, there was a spacious asphalt road. On the other side of the road, there was a clear stream. Along the stream, there was a long swaying willow with green branches.

On the other side of the road is a row of neat and beautiful spacious bungalows with open gardens. The garden in front of each bungalow is full of flowers and plants, which makes you feel comfortable and freehand.

"Sister Fang, is this really our company?"

Compared with the high-rise buildings like Jishi group, Niuniu seems to prefer this row of fresh and comfortable buildings in front of her, but she still can't believe that this row of buildings like leisure and holiday villas is actually her company.

Maybe it's because she likes it so much. It's just the first time that she comes here, but she has a sense of belonging to the company.

Tian Fang looked at her excited and dubious little appearance and couldn't help feeling funny.

"Of course it is! Well, I won't say that our company is a leather bag company, will I? "

Niuniu laughs twice, points to a long line of houses that look like ten or eight rooms, and asks, "so many houses, all of them belong to our company?"

Tian Fang got out of the car and took a look at the long row of houses by holding the door. "Of course, we told you a long time ago that our boss is a rich man. Although these houses have the same appearance, they have different layout, facilities and functions."

Niu Niu's eyes widened, and her face clearly said, "it seems to be amazing!"

Tian Fang pointed to the house in front of him, "for example, this is the upper Office of the company. Our boss works here, but so far, he hasn't been on duty. The one on the left is the office of the agent and the artist, and the one on the right is the meeting room and the entertainment room. What's more, there are professional training rooms, fitness rooms, video recording rooms and recording rooms. In short, our company's scale, not to mention r city, is one of the best in China, OK

Every girl is more or less a gossip. After listening to Tian Fang's introduction, Niu Niu mysteriously comes up to Tian Fang and asks in a low voice, "elder sister, is our boss a bald, big bellied middle-aged uncle?"

Tian Fang chuckled, patted her head and said, "who said our boss is a middle-aged uncle with bald head and big belly? Our boss is more handsome than the star! Besides, even middle-aged uncles don't have to be bald and big bellied. Look at your father. He's more handsome and charming than many popular students

Niuniu said, "how can my father be the same?"

Tian Fang shook her head with a smile. "Yes, someone else's father is an obscene middle-aged uncle. Your little ancestor's father is Mr. charming, isn't he?"

Niu Niu Chin a lift, a face fart appearance, "hum, facts speak louder than words!"

However, Tian Fang has to admit that the men of the Ji family are really God's favorite. They are rich in wealth, smart in brain, and all of them are handsome.

Tian Fang didn't take Niu Niu to the upper room of the company because she said there was no one in it. Niuniu said that she was a simple child. She believed what Tian Fang said.

Niuniu walks to the agent and artist's office behind Tian Fang. Seeing the green fence in front of her from a distance, she hears the clean sound of the guitar. The melody is very melodious, but Niuniu has never heard of it.

"Sister Fang, this is a good tune."

Tian Fang shook his head. "I don't know. It's estimated that they are playing with their own music. Last night, I told them that I would bring you to see them today, and they said that they would ask you, the elder martial sister, to give some advice on their own music."

"They wrote it themselves? That's good! "

Although Niu Niu majored in classical music, both popular music and classical music have something in common.

As a result, after listening to a short passage, Niu Niu felt that the song was very good.

"They must be so happy to hear you say that!"

Niu Niu died, "I'm not a famous teacher, I say it's good, it doesn't mean anything."

Tian Fang pulled Niuniu forward quickly, "you're wrong, those little elder martial sisters regard you as a goddess! Two of them seem to have heard you play live. "

"And they've heard me play? when? In R big Niuniu didn't expect that she already had little fans.

"I don't think so. It's like flying to the capital to listen to your last concert tour."

Niuniu feels more and more pressure. She thought it would be nice to have more junior brothers and sisters. Now when Tian Fang says this, she has an impulse to turn around and run back to the car.

Then, Tian Fang's words confirmed that her intuition was right.

"The company plans to release its first album to them after the Spring Festival, but there are still a few songs left. The company means to see if you can try and make some songs for them."