Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 899

"Sihan, what are you going to do next? How did you think about the play you showed me last time? Although it's only half a leading role, that role is very pleasing. "

The film that Luo Qingru invited Sihan to play the same role was recommended to start shooting next spring due to investment problems, and Sihan has always been the best candidate for Luo Qingru.

Sihan takes a look at Tian Fang. The movie is a drama and the script is very good, but Sihan doesn't think she can play such a role.

"Sister Luo, there's no problem with the script. I'm afraid my acting skills can't support that role."

Sihan dares to accept the film "spring". Besides sun's invitation, she doesn't know anything at that time. The so-called newborn is not afraid of tigers, which means Sihan a year ago.

After she made "spring", she was no longer a newcomer. She had a lot of ideas and feelings about acting. She understood that acting, which was not a noble profession in other people's eyes, would take more sweat and hardship than many other industries to do well.

The part Luo Qingru invited her to play in her youth was very important. She was afraid that if she made a little mistake, she would even destroy Luo Qingru's middle-aged and old roles.

Luo Qingru didn't expect that the reason why she didn't nod her head all the time was because she was afraid of bad control. She thought that she just felt that the role was only half of the protagonist, so she looked down on the role.

"Sihan, to tell you the truth, among female artists of your age, your acting skills are not the best. After all, you are not a professional. Even if you are much better than we expected, you are by no means the best one. Why do I always want to partner with you? It's because I like your professional attitude. Acting is important, but attitude is also important. In the play, although you and I play in different periods, we are always the same person. Our appearance can be changed, but the feeling to the audience can't be changed. I think we are most likely to reach such a tacit understanding with you. "

It seems that Luo Qingru is also determined to play Sihan's young "self". The words of persuasion are carefully thought out.

Sihan was so moved by her words that she hesitated and turned to Tian Fang, "what's your opinion, sister Fang?"

As soon as Luo Qingru heard her words, she knew that she had let go. She quickly said, "there are not many location plays for the role of a Fang and Sihan. Most of them are completed in the video studio. Even if she has to pay attention to her studies, it's OK. Moreover, the shooting period of her role should be 40 to 50 days."

Tian Fang naturally saw Sihan's thoughts, so she said to Luo Qingru, "Mr. Luo, can you give me a few days? This matter has to be approved by the senior management of the company."

As far as this is concerned, the three people all know that this matter is basically certain.

Listening to Tian Fang talking about the company, several of you are all curious about Sihan's entertainment. As the oldest director, sun Dao asks you questions.

"Ah Fang, it's said that the office of Xinying entertainment is in the suburb, and the environment is very good. Who else is there in your company besides Sihan? Why didn't you mention it? "

Sihan also looked at Tian Fang curiously, "sister Fang, is our company located in the suburbs? Take me back to see it sometime. "

Others are more curious and turn their eyes to Sihan, "isn't it? Even Sihan has never been back to the company? "

Tian Fang laughs, "Sihan has to film and go to school. I don't mean to drag her back to the company all day. Anyway, the artist is a special occupation. It doesn't matter if she doesn't go back to the company."

Sihan accepted her explanation.

"As for other artists, they are in training now, and they should come out to see you soon."

Tian Fang's announcement made Sihan happy. "Sister Fang, then I'm going to be a senior sister? Hey, when will you take me back for a walk? I'll invite my younger martial brothers and sisters to dinner. "

Delicious dishes were soon delivered, and it was easy for us to chat about the latest entertainment gossip.

As for Fang Kai, although the lively party scene is not 100% what he wants, to be able to sit next to her, listen to her and see her smiling and smiling, is like a long drought and rainy day for him.

Fang Kai knows very well that Sihan is far away from him. Therefore, as long as he could look at her from such a distance as now, he would be satisfied.

Seeing that everyone was eating, Fang Kai went out and thought that he had gone to settle the bill secretly.

The manager told him that the account had been settled in advance, and asked Fang Kai what he needed. Finally, Fang Kai, who was wearing sunglasses, was recognized by the sharp eyed female manager, and was "detained" at the service desk and signed dozens of signatures before he was put back to Yajian.

Sihan doesn't know that he's going out to check out secretly. She thinks he's going out to breathe. When she sees him sitting down, she jokes with him.

"Brother Fang Kai, you won't be recognized by the fans, you can't release people until you sign your name?"

Fang Kai nodded generously and shook his hand. "Yes, my hands are soft."

Sihan just took the mobile phone, flicked his hand down and said with a smile, "well, this is the trouble of big stars!"

Fang Kai rolled his eyes helplessly, and then glanced at her as a passer-by. "Don't laugh at me. After the film begins to promote, you will be the same as me. You have to dress up wherever you go, or you will be soft handed when you sign in."

A meal, of course, is to enjoy the guests and the host.

Sihan asks the manager to come in and check out, but the manager comes in and says to sun Daoji, "sun Daoji, young master Ji has given orders. He'll take care of the rest of your entertainment!"

Sihan knows that her brother has done everything well, but she still has class early tomorrow morning, so she can't play with them any more.

Explain the reason to sun Dao. Naturally, several predecessors did not dare to force her.

"Sister Fang, my brother just sent a message to me, saying that he happened to be eating with customers nearby. After eating, he came to pick me up. Otherwise, you can stay with them."

Tian Fang in the heart belly Fei, accompany a ghost customer, is certainly not at ease baby sister, so specially ran to meet!

"Well, I'll play with sun Dao for a while. You go first, and I'll pick you up tomorrow."

When Sihan leaves, a group of people turn to the club, order wine and continue to have fun.

The light in the parking lot is very dim. The place where Dabao stops is just the backlight. Before Sihan gets on the bus, Dabao looks at her by the weak light and says, "have a good time?"