Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 898

At that time, he just opened it casually. At first, he felt that although he had never heard it, the melody was beautiful. Even he, who didn't know much about music, just opened it casually and couldn't help but want to listen to it.

When there were only melodious music around his ears, there was only one sentence floating in his mind: good music can make your ears pregnant!

When a clear face appeared on the screen, he almost fell the iPad on his hand, thinking that he had an illusion, because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't put someone down, so he subconsciously transplanted her face to the face of the main character in the video.

He watched the video several times, and finally confirmed that it was not his subconsciousness that caused the trouble, but the protagonist of the video was the person he knew.

Originally, I thought that I could let go of the forgotten people through my busy work, but because of this video, I couldn't help but pick up a series of thoughts I missed and shouldn't have.

His reason was completely hijacked by some unknown and powerful emotion that he had never experienced before. Uncontrollably, he used his personal phone to dial her.

When the sound of "Dudu" came from the microphone, he imitated to see that his ECG was jumping with the rhythm of "Dudu".

When the sound of the microphone turns into a long beep, the heart line, along with the sharp long beep, draws a smooth straight line without waves, no more ups and downs!

I thought that if she didn't answer the phone, she would die. But after a few hours, she took the assistant's phone and dialed it again, which he knew by heart, but it was very small.

This time, after four or five rings, the phone was connected.

Fang Kai's joy was extinguished by her "super brother".

After a long silence, she scrambled together her self-esteem, saying that she was not a Chao, but Fang Kai.

Her voice is more clean and crisp than his memory, just like a breath of cool air in the hot summer.

Clean, fresh, people can't help but want to close their eyes and take a few deep breaths.

I asked her to have dinner in the evening, and she said it happened to be something.

He can't express his disappointment, but getting along with her is always like riding a roller coaster. The car just fell to the bottom and suddenly jumped to the peak.

She said, the day after tomorrow evening, she asked.

It doesn't matter who invites. What's important is that he can take this opportunity to see her whom he hasn't seen for months!

Fang Kai doesn't confirm and investigate whether the protagonist of this video is Sihan. He just takes out his personal phone and dials Sihan again.

The phone that Sihan put on the desk rang immediately. After three rings, when Sihan put it in the palm of her hand to light up the screen, the ring stopped.

"This is my phone number. I didn't know you didn't answer strange calls."

After all, he was still a little concerned that she didn't answer his phone that day, but answered Chao Ge's phone.

Knowing that his private number was known by no one but his relatives and friends, Chao Ge and sun Dao, he still couldn't help caring.

Sihan slightly lengxia, look at the phone number next to, shows the number of missed "2", this just remembered, that day in the classroom did not pick up that strange number.

"It's not that I didn't pick up. I was just in class that day. I was about to pick up when I was watched by the professor. I almost didn't stand on the platform!"

Sihan is telling the truth, but Fangkai only thinks that she is comforting himself, but even if it is comforting, his heart is comfortable.

Looking at her smiling eyes, he said sincerely, "sorry, the professor didn't blacklist you?"

Sihan pursed her lower lip and shook her head. "No, I'm a good student. I have no bad record."

Sihan's life experience, indeed, has no black history. Even now, she has many responsibilities. In school, she still takes notes in class as much as possible. If she is absent in the monthly exam, she will also apply to the teacher for the make-up exam.

"In December, the film will enter the publicity. Can you be busy then?"

Although Fang Kai didn't go to school for many years, he should have no common topic with Sihan, but he rarely caught a topic and went on.

Of course, he did worry about her.

Can you bear to see that she is very thin and has to film and go to school. She should have received a lot of advertisements?

"Well, it's OK! My teachers and classmates take good care of me, so it's not hard. "

Compared with those who want to go where to have fun and where to eat delicious food after class, Sihan is definitely hard-working.

But for her, now such a busy life, is what she wants.

She kept in mind that what you pay may not be directly proportional to the harvest, but if you don't pay at all, your harvest will always be zero.

This is a bowl of dull soul chicken soup, but if it is changed into a mathematical formula, it is easy to understand. Pay x ratio = harvest, if pay is 0, then no matter how high your ratio, harvest is always 0.

Of course, Sihan seldom tells people about these ideas.

After all, in most people's eyes, a rich lady with a very prominent family like her only needs to know how to eat, drink and play, and be her dandy.

Most of them, it seems, include Fang Kai.

"You are still young. In fact, it's not too late to go to university first and then fight for it."

Fang Kai really doesn't understand. Can a young lady like Si Han fight like a poor person who has no choice but to fight on this road?

"There are some things that you don't have to do, do you? When the opportunity comes, we should make good use of it. "

Sihan is easy to say. The opportunity she refers to naturally refers to sun Dao's insight.

"Sihan is a rare girl!" Sun Dao, who has been chatting with Luo Qingru, suddenly answers.

Sihan, who was named and praised in public, is very embarrassed. In front of these old people, she is really tender. However, now she is able to deal with this kind of situation.

Of course, also understand how to adjust the atmosphere, "Sun Dao, today is not a commendation meeting! Although it's my treat to dinner, I don't need to say a good word. I promise to make everyone have a good and full meal. "

With that, he got up to serve sun Dao and his predecessors with tea.

"I don't worry about that. You don't need money!"

All of you, except Luo Qingru and Jiang Tao, know the background of Sihan.

However, even if Luo Qingru and Jiang Tao don't know exactly who the mountain is behind Sihan, judging from her conversation and the posture of her brother and younger brother, it must be a big family with a great future.

Perhaps, her backer is Ji Jia, who controls most of the economic lifeline of r city.