Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 892

To tell you the truth, he is still a little angry and feels that others have touched him. It's really cheap to listen to the music that belongs to him alone. At this time, the customers who are dining here will be out.

Niuniu didn't answer him immediately, but quietly stared at him with round eyes. Seeing that Dabao's face was not good, she just gave a sly smile, "can't we play at our wedding?"

Dabao's dark face turned to sunny in an instant. He forced his happy smile and nodded solemnly, "this can be

They come out of the restaurant. Young master Ji, who is comfortable from body to heart, continues to be his little white face and follows Niuniu to the cinema. They tacitly choose a romantic foreign art film. The 90 minute film is coming to an end. The woman is blind and the man's lower limbs are cut off, Niu Niu, a girl with rich feelings, is still red eyed by the cruel but romantic plot.

Dabao listens to her nose and hands her the tissue in front of her quietly. Niuniu takes the tissue and covers her nose, but her tearful eyes are always staring at the big screen.

On the screen, a woman full of silver is pushing the man in the wheelchair. They are standing on the beach. The snow-white seagulls are flying around them. Facing the blue sky, the man says, dear, it's hard for you!

Women also said, dear, hard you!

The man turned his wrinkled face and looked up slightly, looking for the woman's hand. He raised his trembling hand and held the woman's hand tightly.

At this time, a string of white subtitles were sprinkled on the screen like snowflakes: you said, you are my eyes. As I said, I'm your foot.

And the film, in the end, draws an end to this touching scene.

"Let's sit for a while and then go out, no hurry!" When Dabao saw that Niuniu was crying so much that her eyes were red, he held her close and patted her on the back.

Niuniu nodded in silence and stayed in the dark cinema for about five or six minutes. Then she pulled Dabao's clothes and said in a low voice, "you can go..."

Dabao gently kisses her lips and the tip of her nose in the dark, and then hugs her out of the cinema.

Dabao doesn't ask Niuniu what she's going to do, just hugs her and gets into the car.

Niu Niu, who finally calmed down, looked up at the night sky, reached for Dabao's hand and said, "shall we go to see the stars?"

Not to mention her poor red eyes, even if she is in a good mood, Dabao will not refuse her request.

"Well, are you thirsty? Would you like a glass of juice? "

"No, I'll have water." Niuniu reached out and took a box of water from the back, unscrewed the cap and filled most of the bottle, then handed the remaining half to Dabao, "do you want to drink?"

Dabao shook his head. "I'm not thirsty!"

I thought, I'm not you. I'm crying like a tearful man. Of course I'm thirsty.

"Where do you want to see the stars?" When the car drove out of the parking lot of the cinema, Dabao asked Niuniu for instructions.

Niuniu thought for a moment, and unexpectedly, she said something that surprised Dabao.

Big treasure Leng for a while, confirm a way to her again, "are you sure, go home now?"

Niuniu nodded, "well, I want to lie on the grass in the yard and watch the stars quietly. Even if I fall asleep, you will carry me back to bed, right?"

Dabao smiles, reaches over and pinches her face. Her eyes are full of doting. "So, are you afraid that you will fall asleep accidentally and I will throw you away? Are you really a pig? "

Niu Niu was amused by his words and laughed, "if I'm a pig, then you're a pig, too. Hello, brother pig!"

"Even if I'm a pig, I'm a pig husband, not a pig brother." This is the second time that Dabao has rectified his name today.

When they get home, Letong and Ji Rui, who are sitting in the living room enjoying tea and chatting, show a surprised face when they see aliens.

"Daddy and Mommy, what are you doing? We are not thieves. Why are you looking at us with such amazing eyes?"

Dabao didn't know that Letong had said that to Niuniu. Before Letong came back to him, he pretended to take Niuniu back two steps, with a face I understood. "Oh, I know. It's because Niuniu and I disturb you and daddy's world, right?"

Le Tong conveniently took a pillow to throw to come over, "disturb you big head ghost, I am not royal to avoid you two go home of entrance guard?"? Why are you back so early? "

Dabao looks at Niuniu strangely. Niuniu looks at him and nods.

"Mommy, Niuniu is your precious daughter. Did you push her into the wolf's den like this?" Dabao throws the pillow back, but the target is not Letong, but the president of Jida.

Jida president calmly took the pillow, staring Dabao eyes: I with you what hatred what resentment, throw me?!

Dabao ignores his father's stare and walks into the living room with Niuniu in her arms.

"As like as two peas, you see your son's cheek virtue, just like you," he said. "He is so bright and admits that he is an uneasy wolf." Letong throws the fire on Ji Rui irresponsibly.

"Normal men are wolves!" Father and son, rarely united front, said in unison.

Letong looks at the father and son, gives them the same white eye, and then opens her arms to Niuniu, "baby, come here, mummy, mummy protect you!"

Dabao went to the utility room with his arms around him. "I've abducted your little baby. After a while, we'll go to the yard to see the stars. Please avoid yourself if you are idle!"

Letong watched her son lead her daughter out of the groceries room with a cushion. Then, she went out from under their eyes. Before Letong had time to express any opinions with President Ji, Dabao, who came back from the past, leaned out from the porch and said, "remember, don't disturb us!"

Le Tong rolled a big white eye to him, "mellow ground rolls you! What a thick skin

Dabao smiles and touches his pretty face. "Daddy inherited it!" Then, Ji Rui, who was shot innocent, spat out his tongue and made a face, then ran away in a twinkling of an eye.

Letong has to take back her sight and stare at Ji Rui.

Ji Rui shrugged his shoulders and said innocently, "don't you often say that I can't help my mother? For me, it's not up to my father to be big! "

As a result, Niuniu and Dabao were watching the stars on the grass in the yard. Except for the big black and the big gray who heard the little master come and sit with them for a while, the witty parents and young master didn't come out to disturb them.

And Niuniu, with Dabao on her arms, chatted while watching the stars. Finally, she fell asleep in Dabao's arms after chatting.

And Dabao had no choice but to take her back to bed and kiss her on her cool lips, "good night, piggy!"

[whew, how about love each other? The fourth change is coming. Today, eight thousand words have been added. What about the tickets...]