Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 891

Niuniu knew, but she couldn't hide her coy smile. Her eyes were full of spring. She handed Dabao a cup again and said softly.

"Ji Yu, thank you!"

Dabao happily raised his glass and threw a very handsome eye at her, "I'll take your thank-you gift! But next time, I hope I can get something else! "

If Dabao means something, Niuniu blushes instantly.

"Ji Yu!"

Niuniu angrily glared at Dabao, then picked up the knife and fork, and cut the delicious steak on the plate like Dabao.

Dabao reaches over to touch her face. Niuniu subconsciously rubs his palm. Dabao is more happy and has a better appetite.

Niuniu, it seems, had expected that his appetite would be very good. She ordered almost twice as much food as usual.

"Girl, are you sure we can finish all this food?"

No matter how good Dabao's appetite is, looking at the food on the table, he still feels great pressure.

Niuniu nodded and pointed to the food on the table with her chin. "Well, it's a rare treat for me. You'd better eat it with your stomach open!"

This is full of threatening words, let Dabao feel, this girl is not know is Tian Fang teach bad, or by mommy teach bad.

Now he can understand why daddy always looks at Mommy with indulgent and helpless eyes!

However, even if he was threatened and let go of Dabao, he could only feel his stomach and watch the rest of the food shake his head.

Niu Niu picked up her mobile phone and photographed him feeling his stomach helplessly. She sent it to a private micro blog.

With the picture, a few words are attached: "master Ji, who is full of food!"

Soon, he received Xiaobao's angry expression!

Then, it's the expression of Letong's smile!

After that, a dog from willow!

Dabao also picked up her mobile phone to forward her microblog, and attached the text: no one pity me?! Cry!

Niuniu saw Dabao's tearful expression on Weibo. She couldn't help but raise her lips and look up at Dabao. Then she forwarded Dabao's Weibo: touch your head, master Ji doesn't cry. Even if you eat too much, you are a handsome baby!

Then, this micro blog ended in Xiaobao's furious forwarding: please don't abuse single dogs any moreļ¼ˆ Anger, fire)

They put down their cell phones at the same time, chatting about Xiaobao's rage, and then they all laughed on the table.

Finally stopping laughing, Niu Niu got up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom..."

Dabao just had a phone call coming in and got through.

The phone call was from the secretary. It was about tomorrow's negotiation with the customer. The time of the phone talk was a little long. Because Niuniu was not there, Dabao was not in a hurry and seriously confirmed with the secretary one by one.

Suddenly, a clear and familiar voice came to my ear, "the following song is played for my favorite person. Thank him for his support and tolerance for so many years."

Dabao said goodbye to his secretary in a hurry, pinched the phone, and subconsciously looked at the stage in the middle of the restaurant. He saw his beloved, wearing a pure white dress, was as beautiful as a fairy under the halo of the stage.

The melodious violin music is playing slowly. This piece is very beautiful, but Dabao is 100% sure that he has never heard Niuniu play before.

The restaurant was filled with warm applause. The guests near the stage asked the waiter to pass a note to the performer. The beautiful girl looked down and unfolded the note.

Dabao, who was sitting in the box, had already stood up, because he thought it was a note that the guests molested his baby. Then, he saw her baby raise her head, face him, meet his nervous eyes, smile, and then said softly, "I'm sorry, this song is written for my favorite person. The title of the song, of course, must be kept secret!"

It turns out that this song is composed by Niuniu herself. No wonder Dabao has never heard of it.

But even for the first time, he was sure that it was the most beautiful tune he had ever heard in his life!

There was another round of applause in the restaurant. This time, it was even more enthusiastic than the previous one.

Niu Niu, standing on the stage, slightly bowed down to the stage. Then she stepped down quickly and came to Dabao.

Dabao's mood at this time can not be described as overjoyed, but he remembers what he promised Tian Fang. He just reaches out to Niuniu and gently pinches the back of her hand.

Then, generously let her sit back in the opposite seat.

This let those who craned their necks to see the excitement is very disappointed, because, we all think, next will see a pair of beautiful men and women excitedly hugging and kissing scene.

As everyone knows, the man is really very handsome, but he is too calm. Maybe the girl's object of confession is not him? If it is, so cold, too heartless, right?

As the protagonist despised by a crowd, Dabao is looking at Niu Niu with a calm face. However, Niu Niu, who is looking at him directly, can see the burning warmth and love in his dark and deep eyes.

And these warmth and love, whether he or she, do not need to show to other people, just need, they understand.

Niuniu looked at him without blinking. After a long time, she licked her lips and asked, "does it sound good?"

"Thank you Dabao answered gently and asked, "now can you tell me its name?"

Niu Niu powder lips slightly open, only spit out a simple word, "love!"

It is such a simple word, but it contains the memory of their common growth in the past ten years. In these memories, there are warm, sweet, bitter and painful.

And these intricate full of all kinds of sweet and sour taste, Dabao from just that song all out, and other guests, of course, can't understand this belongs to two people's song.

"Very nice!"

Dabao's hand reached over the table and held her hand on her lap.

"Well, you like it!" Niuniu's uneasy heart is finally back to the plain. From Dabao's affectionate eyes, she knows that he has received her love and mood in the song.

Dabao suddenly stared at her very seriously. After a while, he said formally, "promise me!"

Niu Niu was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand why his painting style suddenly changed.

"Huh?" Just recovered from the small heart, and began to thump fast rhythm beat up.

"In the future, I'll only be allowed to listen to this tune by myself!" Dabao said it very seriously.