Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 893

The next day, Niuniu had a class at noon, so she specially arranged the performance class in the morning, which Dabao sent her to.

Almost at the end of the class, Tian Fang came to Miss Tan's apartment as scheduled. By the way, she brought delicious snacks to the master and apprentice.

Mr. Tan's children have all moved, and his wife has gone out with them. Mr. Tan doesn't want to go out to be a second-class citizen, so he insists on staying.

After a morning's class, both of them were very hungry. Now they heard that there was a snack to eat, so they would not go to class. They sat on the sofa and enjoyed themselves around the tea table.

Niuniu looks at Tian Fang as she eats. She feels as if she is in high spirits today.

"Sister, you seem to be in a good mood today!" Niu Niu is puffing her cheeks, but she doesn't hide her gossip heart.

Tian Fang did not deny it, nodded with a smile and said, "yes, you also found out?"

Niuniu held her shoulder, "brother Zhihao proposed to you? Or did you win the lottery first prize and finally buy your happy villa? "

Tian Fang clapped her hand and glared at her, "get out of here!"

Niuniu shrinks her hand with a smile and continues her food journey without any intention. After eating for a while, she glances at Tian Fang with a smile.

"Don't say it, stingy!"

Tian Fang glanced at her helplessly, took out her iPad, opened the popular microblog, and then handed it to her. She said angrily, "have a look for yourself!"

Niu Niu looks up and scans the screen. The video playing on it is not clear. Niu Niu squints slightly and asks vaguely with food in her mouth“ What's this? "

Tian Fang once again gave her a white eye, and then turned her voice to the maximum. Niu Niu finally judged from the melodious and familiar sound of the piano that the black object in the video was herself playing the violin in the western restaurant last night.

"This is me?"

Niu Niu's idiotic question once again provokes Tian Fang's fierce stare.

"Nonsense, isn't it you who know the best?"

Niu Niu pointed to the black object on the screen with her greasy claw that she had just picked up the snack. "If I didn't hear this song, I'm not sure it's me!"

Tian Fang silently nuzui, with eyes motioned her to look down again.

Niuniu is patient. When she sees the middle of the song, the picture shakes violently. It seems that the photographer changes his angle, and then the video suddenly becomes clear. It seems that the photographer turns to the place opposite Niuniu, because Niuniu's face appears very clearly on the picture, just as the protagonist being secretly photographed, At that time, I was totally immersed in my own music world, and I didn't find that someone was secretly photographing myself.

Niuniu see here, forehead slightly exuded sweat, because, after shooting this song, she has a wonderful confession!

Although she doesn't mind being known about her real relationship with her brother, she doesn't want to be seen as using her privacy to promote the film.

Moreover, she doesn't mind that others know her life experience and the relationship with her brother, but it doesn't mean that she wants to show off or publicize this relationship. If she can, she still hopes that the audience will only pay attention to her works, rather than her privacy and private life.

"Sihan, you can do it! It's so hidden

When the restaurant burst into warm applause, Tian Fang couldn't help laughing and patting Sihan on the back, praising her sincerely.

Niuniu, however, has no problem paying attention to Tian Fang. Her heart is raised high. However, the video suddenly stops when the applause is strong. At this point, Niuniu's heart finally falls to the flat ground and breathes out a little involuntarily.

And Tian Fang, after watching the video, can't help but give Niu Niu a thumbs up, "well done!"

Niuniu was not infected by Tian Fang's joy, on the contrary, she frowned and looked very upset.

Tian Fang didn't feel any joy when she saw Niuniu. She just thought she didn't understand the magic of Weibo.

"Girl, look, you're an unknown newcomer. It's just one night. This video has been forwarded more than 50000 times, and it's the third most popular one. Even a lot of big stars are left behind by you. And the most important thing is, you see, you have aroused the audience's strong curiosity. Then, someone started to pick your identity, and found that you were the spokesperson of a famous brand of fashion. Moreover, you have been endorsing from youth series to youth series for several years. If you look at this again, some people have linked you with the amazing violin performers at the r university's mid autumn festival concert. They have guessed your true identity one after another, saying that you are not only the spokesperson of a famous brand, but also a university bully with connotation and strength. Tut Tut, you are so awesome! I haven't made my debut yet. I've quickly climbed into the fifth place in the connotative beauty Xueba list

Tian Fang chatters on and on, and her long finger keeps clicking on the screen to open the data, proving that Sihan has become a net star overnight through this non-commercial performance.

But what she said, Niuniu doesn't care, and she doesn't care. She's just in distress. She promised her brother to play this song only for him. Now, it's more popular than her actor and model. How can I explain it to her brother?

Tian Fang is also excited to open a variety of comments and websites, trying to show Sihan her charm and her stunning speed.

"Ah... I was thinking, do you want to be a pusher and put on a video of you and Mr. Fan on the stage during the summer vacation..."

As a senior agent, Tian Fang intuitively feels that this is a very good opportunity for speculation.

But at this time, Niu Niu's mind turned, but it was completely contrary to Tian Fang's idea.

"Sister Fang, can you use your relationship to find someone to delete this video?"

Tian Fang is still happily thinking about how to promote this rare promotion and speculation opportunity. Hearing Niu Niu's words, she stares at Niu Niu like a fool, and then naturally reaches out and touches her forehead.

"Ji Sihan, are you stupid to eat snacks?"

Niu Niu looked at her straight, "no, I'm awake!"

Tian Fang stared at her with wide eyes, "what did you just say? I didn't hear you

Niu Niu very seriously repeated the words, "can you use the relationship to find someone to delete this video?"

Tian Fang is an acute person. Listening to her serious words, she can't help patting her forehead angrily, "silly girl, do you know how many people can't worship heaven and earth to worship Bodhisattva for such a good opportunity, but you ask me to find someone to delete it? Come on, tell me quickly, what I just heard is not true! "