Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 890

Before, the reason why he would cooperate well was that he thought Niuniu would care a lot.

Now it seems that this girl is actually the same as him. She doesn't care about exposure or other people's eyes at all. What else is he hiding?

At this time, he even thought to himself that he would like to see all the intimate photos of him and Niuniu in the entertainment headlines tomorrow!

In that way, he can tell others that Sihan is Ji Yu's man. Other men can only look far away, not near!

Niuniu, of course, doesn't know Dabao's dirty thoughts, but she really doesn't care if her identity is exposed.

After this year, her mind has really grown a lot.

Knowing that something always happens, she would rather live in the sunshine than hide in the dark corner and dare not do anything. In short, she has a clear conscience.

As for the strange man who once mocked her that everything she had was a fake, he appeared once and then disappeared.

Once upon a time, Niuniu was also worried that this man would reappear and blow up the fact that she was the adopted daughter of the Ji family.

But now she has thought very clearly and thoroughly. With her relationship with her brother, she is an adopted daughter. Sooner or later, it will be made public.

Moreover, from the attitude of mom and Dad, they don't care about disclosing the relationship at all. Since they know that they can't avoid it, they should live according to their own mind. There's no need to deprive themselves and their families of happiness for the sake of a rat hiding in the dark corner.

Niu Niu, who has such an idea, really lives a lot more freely.

Therefore, it is rare for her to have a free night, so she should seize the opportunity to live a good life with her brother.

"Xiaohanhan, where shall we go before going to the cinema?" Dabao doesn't seem to disgust Niuniu to death. He never stops speaking in a sweet and greasy tone.

Niuniu sweeps her arm again, but she is too lazy to care about it with him, because the more she cares about it, he will definitely use a more sweet and greasy name to make her cold.

"Dinner first, of course. I've made a reservation."

Dabao looked up at the sky. "No, is the sun going to rise in the west?"

Niuniu knows what he means. In the past, no matter where to eat or where to play, he was always making up his mind. It's really rare for her to take the initiative like today.

"I received Mr. Mai's second issue of this season's endorsement a few days ago. Can't I invite you to eat, drink and have fun?"

Niuniu is thin skinned and embarrassed to say that she seldom has free time, so if she wants to spend time with him, she has to say something about receiving payment a few days earlier.

"Is that so?" Of course, Dabao didn't believe her. As soon as she heard this, she knew it was a reason for prevarication.

Over the past few years, her remuneration for endorsements and films has accumulated into a small Treasury. Of course, compared with the pocket money given to her by Dabao and her family, the small Treasury is actually insignificant.

Niuniu didn't say a word, and Dabao began to ramble, "well... Let me think about it, what's today's anniversary?"

In fact, the couple, who have changed from brother and sister to couple, have no awareness of memorial day.

But Dabao's words still let Niuniu instinctively use her brain to think about it, but she felt that this day could not be any anniversary.

"Anniversary? No? "

After asking, I found that my thinking was driven by my brother, "brother, if it's not commemorative, I can't have a good meal or watch a movie with you?"

Then he glared at Dabao.

Now Niuniu, sometimes she has a little temper.

However, in Dabao's view, this is not a bad thing. He didn't appreciate the submissive character of the Virgin Mary.

When two people get along with each other, there will always be some small frictions and disputes. If they can speak out, it means that they can solve them as soon as possible, instead of hiding them in their hearts. When they can't bear to break out, they may not have the possibility and opportunity to save them.

"Oh... So you just want to have a good meal with me and watch a movie happily? You have to say it openly, otherwise, how can I know? " Dabao smiles with interest. Although he is very young and handsome, Niuniu always thinks that he laughs like an old fox.

Well, it's not true. It should be said that this is a handsome male fox!

Niuniu's restaurant is the one Tian Fang warned Dabao not to take Niuniu to. This is the most famous restaurant for lovers in r city. The food in it is delicious, but the most famous one is good mood!

Dabao, as the one who was invited, today is a happy little white face. He takes Niuniu to the box and sits down safely.

The clear and melodious sound of the piano came from the central stage of the restaurant. Dabao followed the sound and saw a woman with long hair and shawl sitting in front of the piano playing impromptu.

"It's a good place. It deserves its reputation." Dabao looked around again and agreed with Niuniu's choice.

"Well, it's really good!" Niuniu actually found it in the online post about where lovers go. Like Dabao, it's her first time here.

In her mind, there is no such concept as male active female active passive.

From time to time, watching the girls on TV who come to ask for a date from jiaodidi and others, she will feel like hate and fake. In these enlightened times, it's not necessary for boys to ask their girlfriends where to go. Occasionally, girls can take the initiative to invite their boyfriends to a meal or a movie, which can not only enhance their feelings, but also increase some different interests.

And when these ideological changes happened, Niu Niu herself didn't know. Or, with more contact and knowledge, many of her ideas gradually changed.

She may not know, but when others look at her, they feel that she is now a little more confident and assertive. Her originally pretty face is now full of youth and high spirits.

Dabao also likes her change.

Of course, Dabao is also very clear that her changes are the result of her experience over the past year.

He was very glad that when she said she wanted to enter the entertainment industry, he did not selfishly stop her, but chose to support her unconditionally.

Niuniu was so thoroughly invited that even the food and drink had been ordered in advance. After sitting for a while, the waiter brought up the food and drink.

Dabao was not surprised to see that all the food in front of him was what he liked to eat.

Niuniu doesn't drink, and Dabao can't drink if she wants to drive. Therefore, Niuniu holds up her high glass with black tea and hands it to Dabao, "brother, thank you!"

Dabao glanced at the warm layout around him and the bright red rose on the table and said, "I'm not your brother!"