Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 889

During the October holiday, Niuniu and her family went abroad for a crazy week. When they came back, Mr. Mai's large fashion show began to enter the preparatory stage.

Niu Niu attaches great importance to this fashion show.

It's not that she didn't pay attention to it before, but from the point of view, in the past, she only used to be the spokesperson of this brand, but now it's not the same. She regards it as a business and has no reason to be lazy and perfunctory any more.

The fashion show at the end of November, after the October holiday, Niu Niu began to prepare for the fashion show.

She asked Tian Fang to find the most famous yoga teacher in r city to shape her body, and asked Mr. Mai to contact an internationally renowned supermodel to give her a few days of professional training in the video.

All kinds of training, together with many more college courses this semester, made her so busy that she even saved a lot of sleep time.

In the first few days of yoga class, even if she had martial arts skills and had been trained as a bodyguard for a whole period, she couldn't bear it. For a whole week, she was in a state of aching.

Dabao sees these things in his eyes, but he knows that he can only do what he loves, because now he can't stop her anyway.

"How long will this yoga class last?" Dabao is pinching the muscles on the back of Niu Niu's hands to relieve her pain.

"I have one issue. One issue is the first quarter." Niu Niu buries her head in the pillow and replies stiffly.

Dabao frowned slightly. "You are half disabled. Will it last for three months?"

Niuniu recognized Dabao's worry, turned her head, patted him on the back of her hand with her backhand and said, "no, the teacher said. After the first week, it's good to get used to it."

Dabao was suspicious, but he could only believe that if she came back like a dead dog every day after a week, he would definitely give her a new yoga teacher.

Fortunately, Niu Niu's state of agony disappeared after seven or eight days. Niu Niu, who has recovered her lively appearance, rarely has any other arrangements after school. For the first time, she calls Letong and asks for leave, saying that she wants to go to the cinema with Dabao.

Le Tong, who is examining and approving documents in the office, happily approved, "OK, if you two are late for a date, don't come back. Just stay in a hotel outside."

Letong's eagerness to send her daughter away makes Niuniu feel hurt by 10000 points.

"Mommy, is there one like you? It's like we wish we didn't go home all night! "

Letong still smiles brightly, "anyway, I'm not at a loss. My daughter won't disappear. She just becomes a daughter-in-law..."

Niuniu can't understand mummy's teasing. She only blushes back to her, "mummy, I'm your own."

In the Ji family, even though everyone knows that Niuniu is adopted, everyone feels that Niuniu is born, including Niuniu herself.

Of course, this kind of birth does not only refer to blood, but to the extent of care and consideration, Niuniu is actually more favored than the natural children of many families. Therefore, even if she did not shed the blood of Ji family, she never felt that she was not born of Letong Ji Rui.

"Of course, you are my own daughter and my own daughter-in-law, double insurance and double protection!" Sitting in the office, Letong teases the little girl very happily, and her daughter's flushed pretty face seems to be in front of her eyes.

Niu Niu turned red when she was teased. She murmured, "Mommy, are you selling insurance advertisements?", He hung up in a hurry and called Dabao instead.

When Dabao heard that the little girl asked him to go to the cinema, he quickly closed the documents on his hand, "OK, I'll pick you up now."

Since he had Tian Fang, an agent and close nurse, Dabao seldom went to school to pick up Niuniu. When he arrived at the appointed school gate, Niuniu was talking to a tall boy.

Dabao didn't plan to get off the bus. Seeing this, he got off the bus and walked to Niuniu with a pair of long legs. "Han Han, can you go now?"

Niuniu looks at him in surprise, because Dabao's "Hanhan" is so tender that no matter who hears it, she will feel that she has a lot to do with him.

Of course, in fact, her relationship with him is not simple.

"Oh, yes!"

Niuniu hands the notebook to the tall boy beside her, smiles and nods at him, then walks towards Dabao.

Dabao naturally hugged her shoulder and was about to ask who the boy was, but she heard Niuniu explain softly, "the boy just now, who is my fan, asked me to sign my name."

Dabao chuckled for his inexplicable jealousy and stinginess.

"It's amazing. My family Han Han already has small fans." After teasing, he opened the car door and helped her into the car.

"Brother, you'd better not call me Hanhan. You see, I have goose bumps on my arm."

Niu Niu sweeps her arms, looking like she's so cold.

Dabao looked at her with a smile. "If it's not Hanhan, it's Hani next time?"

Brother Niu make complaints about her brother and brother in the most half hour, and he has no way to Tucao.

"All right, all right, whatever you like!" Niu Niu quickly raises her hand to surrender before Dabao says something more powerful.

Dabao looked at her with a smile, and there were four big words clearly written on her face: you are smart!

"Isn't your sister Fang asking you not to make too much publicity? Go to the cinema with me, aren't you afraid? "

In fact, Dabao was warned by Tian Fang a lot more frequently than Niuniu.

In particular, "spring" that film is about to enter the publicity period, Tian Fang's not allowed more.

For example, Dabao is not allowed to be too intimate with Niuniu outside. Hugging between brother and sister is allowed, but kissing between lovers is absolutely not allowed!

Another example is that Dabao is not allowed to take Niuniu out of places where lovers come and go, and such stupid things as eating lovers' meals and wearing lovers' clothes are best not to happen!

Niu Niu stares at a pair of innocent big eyes, "be afraid of what? You are my brother

Niuniu thinks that Tian Fang is worried about nothing. She and her brother have been dating each other for three or four years. However, her brother has never shown anything that goes beyond the brother sister relationship in front of outsiders. If the gossip reporter is photographed, just say it's her brother.

She felt that being an actress did not conflict with her being the daughter of the Ji family.

Dabao actually thinks Tian Fang is worried too much. Let alone that Niuniu is not well-known now, no one will care about her private life. Even if someone really cares, with his current contacts and means, it's not easy to suppress this rumor?