Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 883

It doesn't mean that you can hold a grandson.

It takes two parties to do something substantial to hold on.

But the problem is that Dabao and Niuniu have been sharing their hearts for four years, but they have only been in the state of hugging and kissing. President Ji Da's desire to embrace sun is only Utopian.

Is Dabao in a hurry?

I have to say, he is in a hurry.

Before Niu Niu was 18 years old, even if he was anxious, he could only be anxious.

However, when Niu Niu turned 18, she was busy preparing for filming. A lot of courses, such as college work, violin lessons, acting lessons, bodyguard training, and so on, seemed to be much busier than a few of them.

When the film started shooting, she was in a state of high tension, both physically and psychologically. Until those days of vacation, Dabao actually had some ideas secretly. But it was hard for little girl to relax and have fun, and he couldn't bear to let her paralyze in bed during her rare vacation.

Well, in fact, he can't bear her suffering.

After all, no matter he or she, it was the first time in his life. He hoped that each other could carry on under the condition of sufficient physical and mental preparation, so that no matter he or she could realize the beauty and beauty.

Most of the time, because of too much love, it is easy to hesitate when making decisions.

Even if Dabao is such a decisive man, he can't help thinking about the past and flinching for a long time and can't take the key first step.

When he hesitated, he forgot that Niu Niu was not fully enlightened in some way. The real thing between them can't be said that she wants to or doesn't want to, but that she doesn't have that consciousness at all.

No matter Dabao or Niuniu, they all seem to think that they are living a good life now. Everyone is busy, but they are so close to each other that they don't need to make any changes.

Until one day, Niu Niu's world outlook suddenly suffered a great impact.

At the beginning of the new semester, Tian Fang didn't arrange a new job for Niuniu, because the film will enter the publicity period soon after the October holiday. So Tian Fang wanted to give Niuniu a month to arrange her study.

Before the implementation of the new work, Tian Fang returned to her former life of accompanying Niu Niu in college and constantly switching with various courses and training places.

That day, Tian Fang picked up Niuniu at r university and wanted to send her to Mr. Tan's performance class. On the way, Tian Fang said that he would go to the drugstore to buy some things.

"Wait for me in the car!" Tian Fang told Niu Niu.

Niuniu suddenly remembered that Dabao's voice seemed a little uncomfortable these two days, so she got out of the car and wanted to choose two kinds of throat medicine or throat candy from the drugstore.

Tian Fang bought cold medicine for Zhihao. Standing on the shelves of their own choice, they took two or three kinds of medicine according to the shop assistant's recommendation. When checking out, Tian Fang naturally took a box of condoms and anti pregnancy medicine on the shelves of the checkout counter and pushed them to the cashier. The cashier also naturally slid the two kinds of goods Tian Fang had handed over to the scanner. Only Niu Niu, who followed Tian Fang, Face slightly embarrassed color, no way to stagger the line of sight, deliberately looking at other irrelevant places.

Tian Fang is familiar with Niuniu, and sometimes she can't help teasing her. Now she's wearing a seat belt with her ears slightly red, and she can't help teasing her, "girl, why are you so shy? Don't you and Yu Shao use these things? "

Although Tian Fang is nearly 30 years old, she is a woman with a strong sense of career. Zhihao's career is now on the rise, and both of them are not ready to be parents. Moreover, seeing that Niuniu is now on the rise, she discussed with Zhihao to postpone the plan of having children for two or three years.

Without outsiders, Niuniu can finally face this embarrassing problem bravely. Although her face is still red, she looks up at Tian Fang.

"We don't use these things."

Tian Fang originally just wanted to tease her and get the unexpected answer, staring at Niu Niu in amazement.

"Damn, don't you and Yu use these things? You two are not going to get married and have children, are you? What about your acting career? "

Tian Fang can't help but mutter in her heart. I've quit my job to take you. Are you ready to get married and have children at any time?

Niu Niu's face turned red again. She hesitated for a long time, then said awkwardly, "my brother and I have nothing at all..."

Tian Fang didn't understand her euphemism for a moment. She frowned slightly, "what is that?"

Niu Niu, smoking on her face, pointed to what Tian Fang had thrown at her hand and said, "we haven't reached the stage of you and Zhihao... These things are not available for the time being..."

Tian Fang looked unbelievable, "ha, isn't it? You and Yu Shao... No, haven't you been together for three or four years? Haven't you hit a home run yet? "

Niu Niu was embarrassed and shy. She patted her burning face with her hands. After a while, she raised her head and asked Tian Fang, "sister Fang, is this strange?"

Tian Fang almost wanted to say that Yu Shao couldn't do it. Fortunately, he took it back in time when he was about to say it. "No... no wonder... I'm not a man, so... I'm not very clear."

Tian Fang's intuition is that he accidentally stepped on a mine. This couple is not only a brother and sister, but also a lover. The situation is different from that of ordinary lovers. It is obviously not advisable for him to apply the normal of ordinary people to them.

Niu Niu listened to Tian Fang's words, completely silent.

I haven't talked much all the way. Tian Fang really doesn't know what to say to her.

Can you persuade me? I don't know where to start. After all, she didn't complain to herself.

Do you want to give her an adult education? I'm just the girl's agent, not a psychophysiological health doctor.

Send Niuniu to Miss Tan's apartment. Before entering, Tian Fang says to the thoughtful little girl.

"Niu, don't worry about what my sister said just now. This kind of thing really varies from person to person. There is no fixed pattern."

Niuniu nods, but in class, even Tian Fang, a layman, can see that she is often distracted, not to mention Miss Tan, a strict and demanding professional teacher.

"Sihan, you are absent-minded today, otherwise, you won't have class today. Another day when you get better, you can make another appointment with me."

Although she didn't scold Sihan, it was enough to make her depressed.

"It's all my fault. What can I tell you about a little girl?" Tian Fang generally starts the car and apologizes to Sihan, "I'm sorry, my sister will make an appointment for you another day."