Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 882

It didn't take long for Dabao's words to come true.

Niuniu came back from playing with Dabao for a few days after she finished the advertisement, and then went back to the location for more than ten days. The film was completely finished, and then it was the post production. There was nothing wrong with the actors.

Niuniu finally returns to the campus and feels at ease. When her college student's tense final exam is over, Niuniu, who thinks she can have a rest in the summer vacation, suddenly receives teacher fan's notice, hoping that she can participate in the next national concert tour. As a result, Niuniu, who has just finished her final exam, begins to fly around in a state of flying in the air.

At the end of the concert tour, Mr. Mai had several fashion shows in major cities. Niu Niu had been busy for more than ten days. After more than a month's summer vacation, it was almost the end.

"Fangjie, in the next week, no matter what, don't arrange work for me. I'll go home to accompany my father, mother, brother and brother."

Tian Fang originally wanted to give Niu Niu a skin care product endorsement that came to her door automatically. The shooting was only three or two days, but the endorsement fee was not low. After listening to Niu Niu's words, she quietly pushed the endorsement.

As a result, there are some idle and fragmentary rumors in the market, saying that Tian Fangxin's artists are proud before they are popular, and the endorsement fee of several hundred thousand is too little.

And Tian Fang after hearing these gossips, had to smile to deal with, "yes, my home Sihan really don't look up to these hundreds of thousands."

Of course, others only think that Tian Fang can't eat. The grapes are sour, but they don't know that Sihan is much richer than many famous stars.

Not to mention the big red envelopes and pocket money given by the relatives of the Ji family and the Yang family, the money that Dabao began to deposit into Sihan's account in proportion from his investment income at the age of 12-13 is enough to make Sihan spend his life carefree and extravagantly.

However, who would have thought that Miss Ji Jia Er, who was not worried about food, clothing and flowers, would come to the performing arts circle to compete with them for food.

In this way, Niu Niu, who has been busy for more than half a year, is finally free in the last week of the summer vacation and is a good girl at home.

Dabao specially took two days off to play with her in the surrounding cities for two days. For the rest of the days, Niuniu helped mummy trim the flowers and plants in the yard in the morning, took Dahei Dahui to the park for a walk in the afternoon, and helped aunt Guan prepare dinner when she came back, waiting for the other four busy people to go home for dinner.

"Daddy, Mommy! Welcome home

Niuniu stands outside the yard to welcome her parents who first came home. Ji Rui and Letong give her a hug. Then Letong asks Ji Rui with a smile, "Daddy, how long have we not enjoyed the treatment of being welcomed home by our children?"

Ji Rui also showed a happy smile, "well, it's been a long time, for several years. When a child is older, he will never be as clingy as he was when he was a child. "

Ji Rui finished, feeling more sorry.

In a trance, when the couple came back from work, they were hugged by three little kids with their thighs and waist, shouting for sugar. It was just like yesterday. In a twinkling of an eye, several little kids had grown into handsome and charming young adults.

"Daddy, if we are still as sticky as before, will you clap us away?" Niuniu laughs and pokes the embarrassing story that President Ji likes to eat his children's dry vinegar.

Letong didn't give a face and laughed.

Ji Rui rubbed Niu Niu's hair and said solemnly, "girl, you can laugh at me now. In a few years, the jealous person will be Dabao!"

Niuniu didn't understand the meaning of his words at first. When she wanted to understand, her face turned red. At the same time, Dabao's car pulled into the alley and stopped outside the yard. When she got out of the car and saw her face turning red, she felt her forehead anxiously and asked, "have a fever?"

Xiao Bao took a look at her and snorted, "care is chaos!" Then, with an outsider's penetrating face, he pushed aside the fence and went into the yard, leaving the outside world to a pair of silly lovers.

"No..." Niuniu pulled off Dabao's hand, coughed twice, and pointed to the half of the sunset, "sun..."

How can Dabao be put off so easily?

"What's wrong? I'll show you to the doctor! "

Then he took her to the car.

Xiao Bao, who entered the room, probably told the story of the brother and sister outside. Letong stood at the gate and yelled, "Dabao, Niuniu is not ill, she's just shy."

Niu Niu, who has been publicized by mummy, is eager to find a hole in the ground.

Dabao looked at Niuniu carefully for a while, then asked with interest, "are you shy? What did Daddy and Mommy tell you? "

Niuniu ignores him. She pushes the door away from him and walks into the yard. Dabao follows her with a smile.

In the yard, Letong holds a handful of pink roses that have just been picked. She shoves them into Dabao's arms and squishes her eyes at him. "Your father wants to hold his grandson. Hurry up!"

Dabao laughs and looks at Niuniu's back as she rushes into the room. He shakes his head helplessly. "Mommy, she's only 19 years old. You two think too far."

Le Tong shrugged, "I was born to you at the age of 19, so your father may think the time is right."

Although she was forced to have no choice at that time, she never regretted giving birth to Dabao. Even later, both she and Dabao suffered a lot. But the role of a mother, after all, gives her more happiness than pain. So, now she often recalled that painful experience, there is only gratitude and happiness in her heart!

Dabao lowered his head and inhaled the fragrance of roses in his arms. His face was intoxicated, but his mouth said.

"Let daddy be patient. I don't want Niuniu to be a mom so early. She's still a child herself."

After all, Dabao is not willing to let Niuniu bear the responsibility of being a mother too early.

"It's only you who always treat Niuniu as a child!"

In fact, Letong doesn't agree with Dabao. Niuniu's growth and change over the past year are all in her eyes.

It's unfair to Niu Niu to say that she is still a child.

For the accusation of Mommy, Dabao does not deny, "just as we are always children in your eyes, Niuniu and Xiaobao are always children in my eyes."

This is the subconsciousness of Dabao as a competent brother. In his mind, no matter how old Niuniu or Xiaobao is, he will protect them and spoil them as a child.

"You tell daddy that if you want to have a grandson, you have to wait until Niu Niu reaches the legal age."