Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 884

Tian Fang sends Sihan back to the gate of Ji's yard with great anxiety. Sihan gets out of the car with her bag on her back, holds the door of the car and bends over to say thank you to her, "sister Fang, be careful on the way!"

Then he closed the door.

Tian Fang quickly pressed the window, "Sihan!"

Niu Niu turns around and stares at her with inquiring eyes, "eh?"

"Don't worry about today..."

Niuniu nodded, waved to her and turned away.

Tian Fang asked her not to care. How could it be?

Niuniu didn't think about it for her brother at all, but she didn't think about it many times, because every time she tried or hinted, Dabao would twist her face and warn her that children should not think about it.

After several attempts, Niuniu didn't think about it any more. Occasionally, they shared the same bed, and her brother hugged her, but she always stopped. And she, slowly get used to this degree of intimacy, do not resist, but never thought of further.

Even more did not think that she is a little girl, perhaps not eager for something, but her brother is a 25-year-old adult man, need is the most normal thing.

How did he survive these years?

Niu Niu's mind is full of this difficult or even unsolvable problem. She goes back to the house and says hello to Aunt Guan. Then she hides in her bedroom and goes online to find the answer.

In the encyclopedia, the definition of an adult is not only psychological, but also physiological.

Psychological definition, more abstract, but Niuniu can understand.

In fact, the definition of physiology is not abstract. Niuniu can also see it, which is similar to what Tian Fang suggested. But it's just that she can see it, and the more she sees it, the more she feels it's not good.

Then, according to her search words, a bunch of Posts pop up in the search. She tries to open a few posts and looks at them carefully. When she looks at them, her palms are covered with gurgling cold sweat.

The first post she read was called "the discordant life of husband and wife leads to opportunities for Xiao * San". This kind of post, in normal times, Niu Niu disdains to have a look at it. Now she has an idea in her heart. She shakes her hands slightly and opens it up. She is scared to see it!

The next few posts are not the same couple as the first one, but the causes are similar, and the ending is basically the same.

In the end, because of the disharmony in some aspects of their lives, these couples either break up or get divorced, or there is a third child involved, which leads to the separation between them

Niu Niu was sweating at first, but later, her back was wet.

She always thought that her feelings with her brother were indestructible. No matter who or what happened, it was impossible to destroy their feelings.

But after reading those posts, she no longer had the determination.

My brother is twenty-five years old. According to the analysis of the respondents in the post, this age is just the age when they are curious about heterosexuality and have great physiological needs. If they can't achieve physical and mental harmony with their lovers, it's almost 100% that they change their minds or get involved by a third party.

Niuniu saw a bunch of similar posts and netizens reply, and her heart was cold. It's not that she doesn't trust her brother, but that she feels like an idiot. She only knows how to express herself because she likes her brother, but she never thinks that she, as a lover, should give him more trust and understanding besides giving him oral promises.

It's no wonder Tian Fang is so surprised after hearing her words. After all, they have been lovers for a long time, but they are still in the stage of pure love. This kind of Platonic love is really surprising and unexpected.

After reading a lot of encyclopedias and posts, Niu Niu was very upset. She fidgeted in her bedroom for a while, and then went out to tease two dogs.

When Dabao came back, she saw Niuniu sitting on the grass, holding Dahei in one hand and leaning her head against Dahei's head.

Dabao feels strange that since Sun's film was finished, Niuniu has completely withdrawn herself from the film and returned to reality after almost a week. The situation of being in a daze or hiding in a corner has never happened again.

But in front of her, the girl holding the dog in a daze seems to be back to the state of secretly guessing the role at home a few months ago.

But she hasn't received the play yet. Does it mean that Tian Fang secretly helped her pick up the new play?

Dabao went over doubtfully. If it was normal, Niuniu would have found him. But now, until a pair of shoes appeared in front of her, she slowly raised her eyelids. Her dull eyes stared at Dabao for a long time, and then she found the focal length. It was like waking up from a dream. She suddenly stood up and stared at Dabao and cried, "brother!"

Dabao bent over and sat down slowly with one hand on the grass.


Tian Fang has mentioned to him several times that Niuniu is in such a state that she can take on new plays at any time. It's hard to guarantee whether she has seen a good script. She'll cut it first and then play it. She'll talk to Niuniu first and then come back to report to him.

Niu Niu's eyes were dazed. After a while, she realized what he meant. She shook her head and said, "no..."

Dabao rubbed her head with his hand. "If you don't, why are you so stupid? I'm going to have an acting class with Mr. tan today? Why did you come back so early? "

"I'm thinking about something..." Niuniu didn't want to hide it, but she didn't know how to tell Dabao“ Mr. Tan said that I was in a bad state and asked me to go to class another day, so I came back early. "

Dabao doesn't doubt the little girl's words, because she's really in a bad condition now.

"What do you think? Are you upset? "

Over the past year or so, Niuniu's psychological growth has been very fast. In the past, she used to ask for help for big things, but now she seldom asks for help.

Niuniu didn't answer him, but looked at him carefully.

Dabao was a little hairy because her eyes were not the same as usual.

Usually, she looks at him with adoring eyes, infatuated eyes or distressed eyes

But rarely like now, like in the study of a puzzle general inquiry eyes.

"What's the matter? Is it someone who told you something messy, and then you've got your head in your head again? "

Dabao thinks he knows this girl very well, but at the moment, he can't see through her mind.

Could it be that she heard some gossip and misunderstood something from that complicated circle?

Dabao's conjecture is actually a little edgy, but he never thought how to do it. What the girl is thinking now is something that is not suitable for children.

"No..." Niu shook her head again and denied.

Dabao see pry her mouth, also no longer ask, want to call back to ask Tian Fang, in the end this girl today is hit what evil?