Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 881

Yes, who else would she marry if she didn't marry him?

From the moment she saw her heart, she never thought that she could have any other friends with other men.

Although she did not outline the future in detail, her subconscious mind has actually determined that the unknown future is the common future with the man named Ji Yu.

Except for him, it seems that she really doesn't want to marry anyone.

Or, apart from him, she really can't think of who else she can marry?

In this world, who can love her, spoil her, protect her and coax her like him?

Having seen such a gentle and tolerant man, how can she see other men in her eyes?

Moreover, when she was 16 years old, or even earlier, the most important place in her heart had been filled with this man, and other men wanted to come in, and there was no room for them.

So, except for him, she really didn't want to marry anyone else.

"Well, since you're not me, I'm not you either."

Although the little girl thought that this person, she said very reluctantly.

Dabao knew that she just had a hard tongue, but they didn't pursue anything. Along with this topic, they talked about whether it was better to have a Chinese wedding or a western wedding, as if their wedding was just in recent days.

"In fact, I hope we don't exaggerate our wedding ceremony. Only our family can be present."

Niuniu thinks that this is just her own good wish. She also wants to know how the wedding of the eldest son of Ji's group can only be attended by her family“ However, it seems impractical... "

Niuniu laughed a few times to hide her unrealistic fantasy.

"What's impractical? Neither daddy nor Mommy will force us to do anything we don't like. The wedding is our business. It's enough to have family present. Why should we make it like a play and make it known to the whole people?"

Dabao doesn't think it's impractical. He or she has worked hard to earn so much money these years, not to make himself a puppet of money or others, but to make himself confident enough to do whatever he wants without looking at anyone's face.

"But daddy and Mommy will have their own ideas, and you will have your own."

"Fool, you still don't understand. As long as it's what you want and what you like, no matter it's daddy, Mommy or me, they won't refuse."

"But don't you think I'm willful?"

Niuniu has spent more time with the crew recently, and she has become more and more familiar with everyone. The word "capricious" is the word she hears most about chatting.

The willfulness in their mouth is not to accuse her of willfulness in the ordinary sense of losing her temper, but to accuse her of being a good young lady, but to come to this remote mountain area to suffer with everyone.


Dabao shakes his head!

Until she got back to the hotel, Niuniu was still thinking about this problem and completely forgot where Dabao was staying tonight.

She didn't think of it until Dabao sent her back to her room. Just as she wanted to ask, Dabao stood at the door and said, "I've opened a suite with two bedrooms. You can live with me tonight. You can go in and talk to Fangfang and change your clothes by the way."

Niuniu hasn't had time to get the room card, so the door opens from inside. Tian Fang, who is standing inside, flashes to signal the two people to come in.

"Come in if you need anything."

When they came in and closed the door, she said, "although there are no paparazzi here, there are a lot of gossip people. If you don't mind announcing your love story and disclosing your life experience tomorrow, just stand outside and chat slowly."

Dabao was scolded, but there was no sign of anger, because he knew Tian Fang was for Niuniu's sake. What's more, I didn't think about it carefully just now.

Although he has always been very careful in public, most people only regard them as brothers and sisters with excellent feelings. But recently, he often can't help it. It's hard to guarantee that he won't suddenly have a fever and do something extraordinary. At that time, he can't hide it.

Of course, if Niu Niu doesn't choose to enter this industry, it's no big deal to let people know their dual relationship.

But now she is in the entertainment industry, and she is still a newcomer without any works. It's better not to expose any sensitive news.

"I know. I reserved a suite. It's on the top floor here. Niuniu will live with me tonight."

Dabao rarely explained to Tian Fang that he would be too lazy and disdainful to explain such a thing if he had changed his normal life.

"Well, I see. Niu Niu, you have to get up early tomorrow. Don't talk too late tonight. "

Tian Fang is the same age as Zhihao. She is a few years older than Dabao. Of course, she doesn't have any airs in front of Dabao, but in front of Niuniu, she is used to the identity of her sister.

Niuniu is also obedient. She nods while packing her clothes. "Sister Fang, I know. I'll set the alarm clock later. You can call my mobile phone again tomorrow morning to remind me."

With this kind of double insurance, Tian Fang just let people go.

"Brother, do you come here on business or just to see me?" Niuniu came out after a bath and asked in Dabao's arms.

Although there are two bedrooms here, neither of them sleep in separate rooms. After taking a bath in the bedrooms on both sides, they both consciously return to the master bedroom.

Originally, Dabao had been psychologically prepared. If the little girl insisted on sleeping next door, he would play some tricks to coax her to stay.

But unexpectedly, this little girl is very conscious, after taking a bath, she climbed up to nest on him.

Dabao is very disappointed with her good habit, and doesn't want to lie to her. "The branch office here has been on the right track for a long time. I don't need to intervene. Today I'm here to see you."

Niu Niu seemed to expect that she would get such an answer: "are you going back tomorrow? Isn't it hard? "

During the meal, Dabao's phone rang several times. He told people on the phone that he would meet again tomorrow. Since he didn't come here on business, he must go back to r city tomorrow to deal with his business.

Dabao gently kisses her forehead, "what's the trouble? I was a flying man in the air some time ago. Isn't it the same?"

Niu Niu hugged him and took the initiative to kiss his lips, "you are really hard, but I can't help you."

Niuniu refers to you, including daddy, Mommy, brother and Xiaobao.

"Fool, you are still a newcomer now, so you just need to shoot on the set, and when this movie is on, you will be like me, flying in the air every day, publicizing everywhere."