Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 880

At the beginning of May, the crew will take a team to shoot on location.

Niuniu packing, Dabao helping. Originally, Letong came to help clean up, but Dabao sent him to accompany dad.

"The temperature in D province is still very low. You should bring some more thick coats and sweaters." Dabao told Niu Niu to clean up her clothes in the cloakroom while she packed her daily necessities.

"All right, brother. Will you come to visit us then?"

Even though Xiaobao has been working for Ji for several months, Dabao seems to be very busy all the time.

"I'll try my best..." Dabao was not sure.

"It doesn't matter if you don't come, 18 * * will have to come back, but it's only half a month."

To be honest, it's hard for two people in love not to see each other for half a month.

Sure enough, on the fifth day of Niuniu's location shooting, Dabao couldn't help but move his work and ask his secretary to book a ticket and fly directly to D province.

The location of the location is more than 100 kilometers away from the airport. Dabao said hello to his friend in D Province before. When he came out of the airport, his friend's car and driver were waiting for him outside.

Dabao refused the driver's kindness, only borrowed the car and drove to the location by himself.

Prior to that, he didn't tell Niuniu what he wanted to come over, nor did he mention it to Tian Fang. So when Niuniu saw Dabao in the restaurant of the hotel, she was so surprised that the ribs on the chopsticks fell to the table.

"Sun Dao, I want to borrow someone from you!"

Dabao didn't wait for Niuniu to react, so he stood up and put down her chopsticks.

"Yes, yes! Sihan, go and accompany your brother. " Sun waved his hand and let it go.

Dabao asked sun Dao to find some people to help him remove some boxes of fruit and food from the car. He said it was produced by his friend's family.

While waiting for the crew to move the fruit and food away, Niu Niu gets on the co driver, wears her seat belt and looks around curiously“ Is this car rented? "

"Uncle's..." Dabao's uncle is not Yang Sheng, but Zhang Yi, Letong's brother in D province.

In recent years, Zhang Yi's farm has become more and more impressive, and has opened many chain stores in D province. Niuniu came to D province to film. Letong didn't mention it to him. She was afraid to trouble him.

"Oh, where are we going now? You haven't eaten yet, have you

Since Dabao visited the studio last time, NiuDao asked him why. Later, Dabao went to the studio two or three times, and she didn't ask him why he came, because she already understood that he would come because he missed her!

Dabao didn't go far with Niuniu. I don't really care what I eat, but I just hope to have a chance to be alone with Niuniu.

The car was parked in front of the restaurant. They got out of the car. Dabao touched her red face and asked, "are you still used to it?"

Niuniu raised her face slightly and looked at Dabao with her misty eyes. "Well, I'm not used to it, but I can't see you."

Dabao put his arm around her waist and pecked her lips.

Fortunately, Dabao is a very rational person, otherwise, this little girl is afraid that she will not be able to eat this meal.

The decoration of the restaurant looks ordinary, but the dishes are very special, and the taste is very good. Niu Niu, who had a few days' plain food in the crew, has a good taste.

At first, Dabao gave her vegetables and meat with a smile. Later, when he saw her eating like a wolf, he became more and more distressed and pitied.

"Is the food for the crew bad?"

Dabao added a new bowl of soup to her and straightened out the meal. He just added food and soup to her.

"Yes, I've never had such a bad meal."

Niuniu always thinks she is not picky, because at home, she basically eats everything.

But she forgot that Aunt Guan and Mommy cook at home. Although aunt Guan's skill is not as good as mommy's, it's also better than those takeout outside.

When she was filming on the set, what she ate at noon was the lunch specially prepared for her by Letong. Until she came to the location for filming, she realized that when the crew were busy, there was really only a bag of bread to wrap her stomach.

She and Fang Kai, in particular, had to finish the ten day leave in advance, and the high-intensity intensive shooting made her suffer a lot.

"In fact, it's not urgent to take a holiday. You can wait for your summer vacation." Dabao looks at Niu Niu, who has obviously lost weight. She regrets that she didn't stop her proposal to travel together.

"But I want to accompany you!" Niuniu's mouth is full of food. When she says this, she puffs her cheeks. She looks like a Q character in a cartoon. She is so cute that Dabao bows her head and kisses her again.

Dabao finished kissing and licked his lower lip. He was quite intoxicated.

"Well... It's very cheesy."

Niu Niu's face was slightly red. She put a sweet and sour spareribs into her mouth, chewed it a few times, slightly raised herself, and took the initiative to kiss Dabao. After kissing, she forced herself to hide her blush.

"And this one?"

Dabao narrowed his eyes and laughed like a cunning fox. He licked his lips and thought deeply, "HMM... sweet and sour taste..."

Niu Niu couldn't help raising her hand and hitting him, "do you think it's yogurt? It's sweet and sour... "

Looking at her angry look, Dabao couldn't help teasing her. "Of course, it's not yogurt, it's the taste of love!"

It took a long time to have dinner. After dinner, it was nearly ten o'clock. After finishing the bill, she got into the car and drove to the hotel where the crew stayed. Only when the car drove to the hotel did Niu Niu think of a very important problem.

"Brother, where are you staying tonight?"

Dabao jokingly teased her, "I'll live where you live."

Niu Niu didn't think her brother was so poor before. She glared at him and blurted out, "I'll marry if I want to. Do you have common sense?"

Dabao couldn't help laughing. Niuniu, who was sitting in the co driver's seat, was flushed with laughter. Staring at him, he muttered in a low voice, "I'm not wrong. Even if you are willing to marry, your parents are not willing to."

Dabao managed to stop laughing and squeeze her face. "Oh, how can my wife be so cute? Why, can't wait to marry me? It's a pity that you are not 19 yet. You have to wait until 22 to marry me. What a headache

Niu Niu was teased to be angry, angry and ashamed. "What do you have to do? Maybe when I'm 22 years old, I don't want to marry your old uncle."

"Silly girl, haven't you ever heard of men's thirty-one flowers? Three years later, you are twenty-two and I am twenty-eight. It's just time to get married

Niuniu thinks that her eloquence is not bad, but as long as she has a pair of gems, she always has to eat the screw.

When Dabao saw that she was speechless, he confidently said, "besides, who else do you want to marry if you don't marry me?"