Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 873

It turns out that Sihan is worried because of her family, not why Yinyin is unfair!

After recognizing this fact, Tian Fang breathed a long breath!

It seems that this little girl is not as tolerant to everyone and everything as she is. She is not without temper, but because she has not touched her bottom line.

"It's best if you think so. I'm afraid you'll be silly and hold injustice for her!" Tian Fang does not despise good people, but a person is too kind, doomed to be oppressed by this cruel society.

Before, Tian Fang had been glad that Sihan was a girl. Fortunately, the Ji family was behind her. Otherwise, such a soft nature would be a great loss to the society.

But now it seems that they are too worried.

This girl, perhaps, is not so worried about.

"Sister Fang, although I'm not familiar with the world, I can't tell people's hearts."

Sihan always remembers what her brother said. The most complicated thing in the world is people's heart.

Therefore, Sihan will never sympathize with or sympathize with a person who spreads malicious rumors to hurt others.

Fang Jie finally put her heart down and stopped talking about he Yinyin. Instead, she took out her mobile phone and sent the new schedule to Sihan's mailbox.

"Mr. Mai has arranged to go abroad to shoot advertisements from the 15th to the 20th of next month. You can go back and talk to your brother about it."

Niu Niu looked at the schedule and said, "I'm going to fly for location shooting at the beginning of next month."

"Well, I'm in charge of communication with director Sun. Tell your family about it."

Niu Niu takes a look at the location of the advertisement. She remembers that she and her brother discussed traveling together not long ago. The location Mr. Mai chose is exactly where she and her brother want to go most.

"Sister Fang, ask director Sun if you can postpone my play. I want a holiday of about ten days."

Niuniu knows that her request is a bit wayward, but she's busy filming and studying. She really doesn't have much time to spend with her brother. If time permits, she hopes to spend some time with her brother after making the advertisement.

After all, no matter how important your career and study are, they are not as important as your brother!

Tian Fang Leng for a while, but did not ask the reason, just nodded, "I try, really can't, some of the less important parts can also use doubles."

Tian Fang this proposal, Niu Niu does not agree, "Fang Jie, if you can, I do not want to use doubles."

Niuniu has a good sense of self-knowledge. Although she is the heroine ordered by sun Daoqin, she is still a newcomer in the final analysis. In the first play, a large number of doubles are used, which makes people lose their confidence and reputation. How can she get along in the future?

Fangjie was slightly embarrassed. Niuniu thought about it for a moment and said, "well, I'll tell sun Dao and Fang Kaige about it myself. I'll see if I can make the ten day play as early as possible. Most of the ten day plot is a play against Fang Kaige."

Tian Fang disagreed, "no, it's better for me."

First of all, Tian Fang feels that this is her job as an agent.

Second, she felt that with such a thin skin as Si Han, she had no chance of winning a fight with such a strange old man as sun Dao.

Here, Tian Fang hasn't figured out how to tell sun Dao, but Sihan takes a bottle of wine from the back seat of the car while everyone is having lunch, hides it in her coat, and secretly delivers the wine to sun Dao.

"Sun Dao..."

Sun is a wine but doesn't like red wine or baijiu. But when we go out for dinner, we all prefer to drink red wine. Sihan, a careful girl, seldom finds sun Dao's preference.

"Girl, is this for me?"

Sun Dao smiles and looks at the old wine in front of him. It's his favorite brand of wine. It's always limited on the market. It's not easy to buy with money.

Sihan grinned and squeezed her eyes at him. "Yes, my dad bought it for my grandfather."

With a look of loss, guide sun reluctantly pushed the wine back to Sihan! Then you'd better take it back. I'm afraid to rob the old man's wine. "

His mouth said so, but his eyes were staring at the bottle without blinking.

Sihan pushed the wine back to guide sun, "guide sun, this bottle is not for my grandfather. I specially asked my father to buy another bottle to honor you."

When sun Dao listens, he laughs and hugs the wine. Now, even if Sihan wants to take the wine back, she is afraid that she can't do it.

After holding the bottle and studying it for a long time, guide sun raised his head and asked, "come on, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Sihan, who had been recognized, laughed twice and scratched her head not very well. "Sun Dao, I'm going to shoot an advertisement from the 15th to the 20th of next month. Then, I want to play with my brother in the shooting place for a few days, so I want to take ten days off, OK?"

Sun Daolu showed the expression I knew. He rolled his eyes a few times. "Isn't this kind of thing that a Fang should tell me? Why did you say it yourself?"

With his favorite wine in his arms, director Sun teased her in a good mood.

Sihan didn't know that the old man was teasing her. He replied solemnly, "sister Fang always helps me with everything. Asking for leave is my own opinion. Sister Fang doesn't agree with me at all. So I came to tell you secretly. Don't mention it to sister Fang, or she will scold me to death!"

Sihan in the spirit of a man to do things one by one, put Tian Fang completely out of this matter.

How smart is sun Dao? How can he not see that the little girl is lying?

However, he knew that this little girl was afraid of implicating Tian Fang, which was also a kind intention, so he didn't bother to expose her. In a word, you can't drink this wine for nothing, can you?

"Yes? All right, I won't tell her. Then you want to take ten days off. What about those plays? Do you use doubles? "

Sun Dao's thinking is the same as Tian Fang's. In fact, many famous movie stars are using doubles more and more frequently.

In the past, we used to use doubles in dangerous and bed plays, but now it's more than that. In any case, the big name is tired and wants to have a rest, but the director doesn't want to slow down the progress, but he can't force the big name to start work, so he has to use doubles to shoot most of them, and then he has to spend some time in post production.

Therefore, when sun Dao heard that the girl wanted to ask for leave, he subconsciously thought that she wanted to use a double.

Kesihan, a sincere girl, shakes her head firmly. "I don't need a double. Let's talk to brother Fang Kai to see if he can accommodate me and shoot the ten day play ahead of time."

Sun Dao really looks at the girl differently, but he can't decide for Fang Kai after all. Fang Kai's temper is also strange.

"Well, ask him, and if he agrees, advance your play."