Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 872

"Sister, do you want to see it?" Xiaobao is in a good mood to bump Niuniu's shoulder with her elbow.

Niu Niu shakes her head and looks at the TV screen without blinking. At this time, there are advertisements on TV.

Xiaobao sees that Niuniu doesn't respond to him, so she comments and gloats at Dabao.

"Now, he Yinyin's idea of taking a shortcut to the top position is taken as a matter of fact. However, with her reputation, even using this eye-catching topic may not attract the audience's attention."

Dabao was noncommittal about this. He shrugged and gave Niuniu a deep look,


The next day, Niuniu returned to the set, but he Yinyin, who was always a peacock, disappeared today.

Until Niu Niu sits in the dressing room to make up, she hears something from the chat of several makeup artists.

"Hey, did you watch the show of handsome Peng last night?" Makeup artist a said.

"Yes! I'm laughing to death! " Makeup artist B responded like this. Although Niu Niu closed her eyes, she could imagine the expression on her face from their tone. It must be full of banter and irony.

"Yes, people who usually boast so much are so miserable. Maybe they are scared to be silly on the spot?" It's impossible for those who watch the excitement to have any sympathy.

What's more, he Yinyin's usual performance in the crew is too swaggering and domineering, which offends many people. This makes her angry. Other people are more schadenfreude. They even think that last night's show is really exciting.

Sihan has been listening with her eyes closed, and has not expressed any opinions. Then, she hears the makeup artist behind her ask, "Sihan, did you watch the program last night?"

Sihan opens her eyes, her eyes are full of confusion.

"The show? I don't even watch TV. I have to do my homework when I go back in the evening! "

Sihan is a student in school, and everyone in the crew knows about it. Therefore, no one doubts her saying so.

"No, it's a pity! You missed a good play, little girl

He Yinyin has been working on Sihan all day in the production group. Sihan, who only focuses on acting, doesn't feel it. But other people, who listen to Sihan and look at Sihan, feel aggrieved for this little girl.

However, he Yinyin is the niece of the boss, one of the investors. No one in the crew knows about this. Therefore, no one dares to provoke he Yinyin openly. Even Tian Fang, who has always been hot and spicy, did not make any protest against he Yinyin this time. Therefore, most people in the crew thought that even Tian Fang did not dare to provoke he Yinyin.

But I don't know. It's not that Tian Fang doesn't dare to offend. It's that Tian Fang knows that someone is more capable and effective than her to completely shut up he Yinyin.

This morning, Sihan seems more silent than usual. Although her performance in front of the camera is still impressive, her standard is excellent, and she is praised by sun Dao and her predecessors from time to time, it is obvious that outside the camera, she is worried and depressed.

Tian Fang, a close agent, of course discovered the abnormality of her own artists. But she was busy negotiating with Mr. Mai about the schedule and matters of next month's advertising shooting in the morning, so even though she knew something was wrong with the little girl, she didn't have time to appease her. She just kept talking on the phone in a corner not far away from her.

Sihan's shooting in the morning was very smooth. After ten o'clock, she finished the shooting ahead of time. Sun Dao motioned her to have a rest and change another group of actors. Sihan sits down in a corner not far behind Sun Dao, takes the cup handed to her by the driver, nibbles the straw absently, and slowly sucks the Sydney juice in the cup.

Tian Fang's phone call for nearly 20 minutes, and finally hung up, Sihan still maintains a trance of biting a straw to drink juice.

Tian Fang is a little uneasy. She puts away the phone and goes to Sihan in a hurry.

"Girl, what's the matter with you? Didn't sleep well last night? " Say, subconsciously take palm to stick to her forehead, "have a fever?"

Sihan dog generally put his face on her palm and rubbed it, but he shook his head, "No."

Tian Fang frowned slightly. She didn't have a fever. Is that something on her mind?

In Tian Fang's mind, heart disease is more difficult to treat than physical disease. Because, heart disease can only be treated by heart medicine, and now on the market, there is no heart medicine to sell!

"What's the matter?" Tian Fang pulls a chair with concern and sits down beside her with Sihan's shoulder.

Sihan bit the straw and tilted her head to think deeply. After a while, she slowly spit out the straw that was so badly bitten. After looking around, she asked Tian Fang softly, "did you watch the program last night, sister Fang?"

Tian Fang also looked around, confirmed that there was no one around, then asked, "do you mean the program of he Yinyin?"

Sihan nodded, "well, did you see it?"

"See, why do you think she's pathetic?" Tian Fang raised her eyebrows slightly.

This little girl is still too young to go through the storm. She is full of kindness to people and things. It's no surprise that she feels pitiful to he Yinyin.

To Tian Fang's surprise, Sihan shook her head slowly.


He raised his eyelids and looked down at his slender fingers again. After a while, he raised his head and said to Tian Fang, "sister Fang, am I too bad? Last night, I was so happy to see her being treated so badly

Tian Fang Leng for a while, and then puffed out a smile. He raised his hand, rubbed her head and asked with a smile, "is that too bad? I feel happy, too. Seeing her like that, I just think she deserves it! What's more, I don't think it's bad enough. Am I hopelessly bad? "

Sihan's dark eyes fixed on her, waiting for her quietly.

"Girl, why do you feel happy?" Tian Fang is not in a hurry to analyze her mentality, but asks Sihan.

"Xiaobao told me last night that she spread rumors around the cast that I got the role of No.1 woman only after climbing onto the bed of the big boss surnamed Ji. I was very angry at that time. No matter how much she slandered me, I didn't care and could not investigate. But what she said seriously damaged my father's reputation. What's more, if her words get out of the way, it will probably turn into a new person climbing into boss Ji's bed. If it gets to my mom's ears, what will happen if it causes misunderstanding? "

Sihan's guess is not impossible.

If it had not been for sun guidao's strictness, the gossip and gossip of the crew would have been blocked very tightly. The rumor of he Yinyin would have been spread out for a long time, and it would have spread ten times and one hundred times. No one could have predicted what it would be like in the end.

"My parents don't know about it. If they do, they don't know what they think. They treat me so well. I don't want to hurt them because of me."