Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 874

Sun Dao throws the ball to Sihan. She doesn't like to trouble and force others. Naturally, she doesn't say anything and goes to find Fang Kai.

She has some understanding of sun Dao, so she knows how to give in to him. In addition, sun Dao is not generally good to her. Even if she doesn't bribe him with anything, she just asks him for leave, and sun Dao will never refuse.

But she didn't know Kay, let alone basic knowledge.

So, let her go to Fang Kai, she is actually very nervous. But after all, she can't resist the thought of accompanying her brother to travel. Seeing Fang Kai and his assistant sitting in a corner not far away smoking and chatting, Sihan weighs the box of milk she took from the car and goes over.

"Brother Fang Kai..."

Fang Kai turned his back to her, heard the call, turned his head slightly, squinted at the corner of his eyes, flashed a little surprise, then glanced at her faintly, "eh?"

Sihan is a little embarrassed. If she remembers correctly, at the beginning of entering the group, Fang Kai was not so enthusiastic about her, but he was not so indifferent. Even her careless people felt that he was obviously alienating her. There will be no more drama. Even those who eat will try their best to avoid sitting together.

Sihan can't remember where she has offended him, but she can't afford to ask him for proof. Seeing that he has the same attitude towards other people in the group, she can only let him ignore her. Later, she gets used to the pattern that he doesn't pay much attention to herself outside the camera.

But now she has something to ask him, had to be thick skinned, on his eyes slightly narrowed, horizontal heart in the hands of the milk in front of him a pass, "please drink!"

Fang Kai slightly drops her eyes and sweeps the box of milk in her hand. There is a smile in the corner of her eyes, but before Sihan realizes it, she conceals the past perfectly, raises her eyelids, and her eyes are indifferent.

"I'm not a kid. I don't like milk." The words are full of banter.

Sihan's smile was on her lips, and she awkwardly took the milk back. "I don't like it..."

But even though she suffered a blow, she couldn't stop her from trying to relax with her brother. She looked down and straightened out her distress. Then she looked up at him again, "what do you like to drink or eat, I'll treat you tomorrow!"

Fang Kai opened his eyes slightly in surprise. It seemed that he didn't expect that she would suddenly take the initiative and boldly show her kindness to him. With a twist of her foot, she turned completely to face her and looked at her with interest.

"What can I do for you? Or do you really want to invite me to dinner? "

Although Fang Kai was born in a poor family, he has been surrounded by flowers and honors for the past few years. Every day, he shows his good wishes to him, and there are not too many men and women who take the initiative to paste up.

Therefore, he is very confident in his own charm, and now, he will automatically sum up Sihan into the category of making advances to him.

The assistant sitting next to him has been with Fang Kai for several years. He knows his temper well. When he asks, he stands up wisely and nods to Sihan. When he leaves, he takes away Fang Kai's cigarette between his fingers.

"No..." Sihan subconsciously denies Fang Kai's conjecture, but after saying it, she sees Fang Kai frown slightly and realizes that she is insincere. Can't she say that she can't even invite others to dinner for making it difficult for others to cooperate with her itinerary?

Realizing that she had said something wrong, Sihan immediately said, "what do you like to eat, brother Fang Kai? I'll ask someone to make a reservation."

Fang Kai sees Sihan's embarrassment and embarrassment in his eyes. His face is light, but his heart is like a cat's paw scratching, which makes his heart itch.

Since he realized that he had more unusual interest in her, Fang Kai forced himself to alienate her for some time.

He is twenty-four years old. Naturally, he is not a boy in love. He knows what the sudden uncontrolled state of his heart is.

Kesihan is not a casual woman in the circle who is used to getting along with each other and getting along with each other. She is not a casual woman who can get along with each other all the time. She has a prominent family background and is conservative in some aspects. She is neither provoking nor interested in provoking.

Therefore, even though he knew that he was interested in her, he just killed the newly rising interest.

But that kind of strangulation, is in knowing that there will be no response or there will be no result in the case of ruthless heart. This, the other side took the initiative to give him an olive branch, his reason will be shaken unprecedented.

"Can I have anything I want?" Fang Kai looked at her with interest.

Sihan didn't know that Fang Kai had experienced a fierce inner struggle in a short time. She nodded, "of course, brother Fang Kai, just say what you want to eat. Don't be polite to me."

Sihan didn't mean anything when she said this. Instead, everyone knows that she is a college student. According to common sense, college students' economy will not be very prosperous. She just wanted to reassure Fang Kai that no matter how expensive the dinner is, she can afford it.

But listen to in Fang Kai Er, but became red fruit to please and accommodate.

Fang Kai is in a good mood. He wants to discuss with her about where to eat dinner, but he hears guide sun calling him out. He quickly stands up and says to Sihan, "OK, let me see. I'll tell you later."

After that, without waiting for Sihan's reaction, she ran away in the blink of an eye.

Sihan thought that since she had to listen to the other party's request, she didn't go deep into Fang kaigang's eyes, which were many times hotter than usual.

He went back to the place where he was sitting and took out the original drama for research. Tian Fang came out of nowhere and patted her on the shoulder. "What did you talk to Fang Kai just now? It seems that you are quite agreeable?"

Fang Kai has deliberately alienated Sihan for some time. Although Tian Fang knows it, she doesn't care much about it.

Anyway, he didn't pick Sihan's thorn in front of the camera, and their opponents acted smoothly. It's just not close to the camera. There's nothing to say.

Originally, they are strangers who have nothing to do with each other. In the future, there may not be any intersection. With Sihan's background, naturally, there is no need to please Fang Kai.

Therefore, she was slightly surprised to see Sihan standing with Fang Kai just now. I thought to myself, this little girl, who is a little shy in her daily life, would take the initiative to talk to Fang Kai, who is full of strong androgen?

What a strange thing!

Sihan doesn't know that Tian Fang's heart is full of twists and turns. She looks up at her and shoves the milk she just gave Fang Kai but didn't want into her hand.