Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 869

Sihan thinks Fang Kai is a little strange these days!

Usually, he works with her in an ordinary way.

Although they are partners, Fang Kai doesn't put on the airs of a movie king. When shooting with her, he will guide her into the play carefully and thoughtfully. Outside the camera, as long as she is open-minded, he will teach her seriously.

But even so, Sihan can still feel a kind of deliberate alienation from his words and deeds.

Don't ask why Sihan can feel it. In some ways, she has amazing intuition.

But these two days, he is not just alienated from her, Sihan can feel that he is hiding from her.

For example, he used to make up when he was in the dressing room. When he saw her come in, he would chat a few words after he said hello. But now, he just closed his eyes after saying hello, or he just said OK to the makeup artist, and then he left.

For another example, Sihan and Luo Qingru or Jiang Tao used to talk about plot handling at lunch, and he would also take the initiative to join in. Now, he always sits aside with his lunch box, puts on his headphones, and puts on a look of being an expert in the world.

This kind of change, Sihan can be aware of, Tian Fang, who has been struggling in society for so many years, is even more impossible not to see.

"Niu, what happened to you and Fang Kai? What's the conflict? "

Tian Fang is treating Niu Niu just like her sister. First, it's because of Zhihao. Second, this little girl is so sensible that she gradually let go of all her precautions.

This kind of completely open-minded treatment of a person is a very dangerous thing in principle, but her body seems to have completely lost the vigilance and vigilance to Niuniu. This kind of completely unprepared state of heart to heart, apart from her parents and Zhihao, can only face this little girl.

She used to feel strange about this. When she told Zhihao, he said, what's strange? Niuniu is so well protected by Dabao that she doesn't know that the world is dangerous. As long as you treat her better, she will treat you heart and soul.

At this time, the little girl looked at her innocently, "I don't know, sister Fang, when did I offend him by mistake?"

Tian Fang tried to think about the situation they had been getting along with these days, but couldn't remember anything special. Finally, she had to give up.

"Forget it, maybe we're being considerate. Fang Kai's hot fried chicken is good or bad for new people. You don't have to worry too much about it. Just do your own thing."

Niu Niu was a little relaxed by her advice, so she didn't pay much attention to it. She just started and finished work as usual.

In recent days, the emotional drama has been shot smoothly, and her mood has been more relaxed than before. Therefore, both Dabao and other members of the Ji family obviously feel that Niuniu's mood has changed a lot in recent days.

That evening, while Niuniu and Letong were whispering, Xiaobao kicked Dabao's calf and asked mysteriously, "brother, is boss Qi's problem solved?"

Dabao shook his head but said nothing.

Xiaobao was a little confused for a moment, "what do you mean?"

"Not solved!" Dabao didn't lift his head. He just threw three words to Xiaobao. He didn't know what he was busy with recently. He analyzed the forms one by one.

"Ah?" Xiaobao said that his smart brain still can't keep up with his brother's thinking rhythm, or that the two brothers never think on the same channel?

"He asked me for help, but I ignored him. Doesn't that mean it hasn't been solved?"

Big treasure white small treasure one eye, a little don't understand, oneself this clever younger brother, when also become stupid?

"Oh..." Xiaobao has a lollipop in his mouth, which Niuniu bought for him when she came back.

It's funny to say that their hobbies and interests have changed a lot since they were young, but their hobby of eating lollipops still remains.

What's more, what they like to eat are the ordinary lollipops that they ate in childhood.

As a result, people outside can't even guess that an expensive full meal of Manchu and Han people may not be more popular with the young master of Ji family than a few cents lollipop.

Of course, it has something to do with who gave it.

If unrelated people give this little man a lollipop, he really disdains to eat it.

It was given by his sister or his family that he could eat happily.

After dinner, Ji Xiaobao, who never watches TV, turned on the TV on his own initiative today, and specially called his parents, brothers and sisters to watch it together.

"Mommy, come on, those flowers will be watered tomorrow. They won't die."

Le Tong, who was watering the flowers in the yard, was forced back to the house by him. "Xiaobao, what do you want mommy to see?"

Niu Niu, who is leaning comfortably in Dabao's arms with a pillow, sees Xiaobao's exuberant appearance and has a flash of inspiration. "Xiaobao, it's not that you like female stars and hostesses, right?"

Dabao raised his lips and looked at Xiaobao with a smile. "Xiaobao, is it true that your sister guessed right?"

Xiao Bao snorted, "how can it be!", Sitting between Niuniu and Letong, he picks up the remote control and tunes the TV to a TV station with high ratings.

A family of five is sitting on the sofa. On the TV screen, advertisements are being broadcast. After the advertisements are displayed at the bottom of the screen, a popular variety show will be broadcast live.

"Xiaobao, when did you become a variety show fan?"

Niuniu, the little sister, anxiously lifted Xiaobao's back with her toes, just like teasing Dahei and Dahui.

But, Xiaobao is also very useful, take the remote control point under the shoulder a little place, "here, here, a little itchy."

"Dare you, I just don't want to scratch the paw?"

Niu Niu's mouth, tuckus, tiptoe moved obediently to make complaints about where the little master pointed.

"Hard, didn't you eat?" The young master is not so difficult to serve.

"Niu'er, you shouldn't pay attention to this smelly boy and go to find your own girlfriend. Why do you call my girlfriend?" Dabao turned his foot beside the sofa and kicked Xiaobao.

Xiaobao choked back without showing any weakness. "I'll call my sister. What's your business? Is it great to have a girlfriend? "

For so many years, Letong and Ji Rui have been used to the noisy way of the brothers and sisters, sitting happily drinking tea, waiting for the show to be staged, and turning a blind eye to the quarrels and frictions between the three brothers.

"Xiaobao, what do you want us to see?" The advertisement has been on for nearly five minutes, and the father is finally a little impatient. It's not easy for him to sit in front of the TV for five minutes, let alone watch these unattractive advertisements.

"The secret, in a word, is a surprise!"

Letong looked at the children. "Xiaobao, isn't it your sister's propaganda film?"