Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 870

Ji Rui believed it, and his impatient face immediately eased a lot, and his sitting posture became extremely upright.

"Oh, really? That's a good look! " Usually serious face, instant full of expectations.

Niu Niu, the client, laughs with embarrassment, "no, mom and dad. I've been filming on the set, and I haven't made any promotional films. Moreover, director Sun also said that the report of the entertainment newspaper a few days ago has aroused many audiences' curiosity and concern about me. Next, I'll try to keep a low profile and mystery, It won't be publicized until the film is finished. "

Niu Niu's explanation makes Letong and Ji Rui feel disappointed.

"Isn't it going to take a long time to see you?"

Unconsciously, Letong and Ji Rui have forgotten their original intention of not wanting Niuniu to enter the entertainment industry. They hope to see their baby daughter's wonderful performance on TV or on the big screen immediately.

In the final analysis, like millions of parents in the world, when their children choose the direction of life, their first reaction is to hope that they can choose an easier and more comfortable direction. However, when their children's choice is not what they want, they will eventually use a supportive attitude to hope that their children can make achievements in the field they choose.

Even if it is only a little achievement in the eyes of others, it will become a great achievement and glory in the eyes of parents, enough to make them proud and proud of their children.

"Mommy, you can go to the set to see Niu Niu filming."

Dabao didn't have the courage to go, but he never objected to his family visiting.

Letong looks at Niuniu, hesitates for a moment, and finally shakes her head, "forget it, if I go with your daddy, it's too publicity, it's not good for Niuniu!"

Although Letong is not a member of the entertainment industry, her popularity as Ji Rui's vice president is no lower than Ji Rui's.

Over the years, she has won several outstanding entrepreneur awards, and her name has appeared in the annual list of top 100 women in China for several consecutive times. As an outstanding woman and famous philanthropist in R City, she is well-known in r city and even in China. She has been interviewed by various well-known media, so there should be many people who know her.

Since Niu Niu decided to go to the performing arts circle, she has worked very hard, even harder than those who have no background at all. Letong is a mother.

Because of this, she deeply believes that, even without her and Ji Rui or Dabao and Xiaobao, Niuniu can break her own way in the performing arts world by her own ability.

Therefore, if in front of Sihan's name, the daughter of Letong and Jirui, who has made great efforts to affirm herself, this kind of name is unfair.

As for the relationship between her children and herself, she only hopes that when others introduce her, this is Ji Yu's mummy, not Letong's son (daughter).

Whether it's Dabao Xiaobao's two gifted sons or Niuniu's daughter, who is not her own but is better than her own, she hopes that they can live their own lives instead of living under the shadow or shelter of their parents.

The children can't reach the peak of their career overnight. Therefore, both she and Ji Rui have a consensus that they will never interfere in the future or direction of their children when they have no choice but to do so, so as not to cover up all their efforts.

"Next time I go on a visit, I'll record a video for you. But you should be prepared. My sister is a tearful little expert. When that happens, Mommy's eyes will be swollen. Don't blame me!" Xiaobao actively volunteered, and, played a good preventive injection.

Le Tong, who has long been curious about Niu Niu's performance, nods and agrees.

As for why Xiaobao said that, it's entirely because when he went to visit duty that day, Niuniu happened to be playing a sad drama. Standing on one side, he looked at his familiar sister's pitiful little eyes, and almost couldn't help rushing to the camera to coax her and tease her.

As for Mommy, a person with rich feelings, it's certainly easier to be infected.

Ji Rui, a father, can't help but wonder why Dabao is not so active as Xiaobao in the matter of going on a visit?

"Dabao, it seems that you haven't visited the class, have you?"

Niuniu suddenly woke up, right! In addition to the day of the opening ceremony, my brother did not come to visit the class once!

At first, Niuniu always thought that her brother was too busy. Now when her father asked, she could not help but be curious. She turned to Dabao and said, "yes, brother, why don't you come to visit my class?"

Letong stares at Ji Rui with an idiotic look, grits her teeth and says, "Mr. Ji, you're stupid. Just think about it. If I'm Niu Niu, would you go to the visiting team to see me cry in front of the camera, or do you want to see me with other men?"

Ji Rui was stunned immediately!

Realizing that he accidentally stepped on a powerful mine, he looked at his eldest son apologetically and said that he was also careless!

Dabao met Niuniu's inquiring eyes in a complicated mood, nodded, shrugged his shoulders and admitted honestly, "Mommy is right. I can't see you crying. Of course, it's not so generous!"

The look in Dabao's eyes made Niuniu stay for a while, and all kinds of tastes came up in her heart. She leaned against him silently and didn't say a word.

Her choice, to be honest, he didn't like it.

But he didn't say anything, just silently behind her to support her.

For those things that he could not accept, he simply chose to avoid.

I must have saved the banking department in my last life, right? This life will let me meet such a good family, and such a good man!

Niu Niu read silently in her heart, her hands tightly around his waist.

"Come on, come on, don't talk so much nonsense!" Master Xiaobao clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention back to the TV screen.

"Who on earth is so charming that our young master works so hard to make her Amway for him?"

Letong sits with her waist straight for a long time, but she is a little tired. She leans toward Ji Rui habitually. Ji Rui opens her arms, naturally embraces her, raises her hand, and takes a thin quilt from the back of the sofa to cover Letong thoughtfully.

Xiaobao looked left and right, and then a look of disgust Tut, "I told you to watch TV, but you come to abuse dogs?"

Dabao was about to return something to him, but he heard Niuniu exclaim, "brother, you see, isn't that he Yinyin?"

Dabao subconsciously takes a look at Xiaobao, and then turns his eyes to the screen.