Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 868

After a while, she remembered something. She raised her eyes to see her brother, who was still sitting on the chair beside her and helping her spread jam.

"Brother, why don't you go to work?"

Dabao seemed to have expected that she would ask, so he calmly answered her, "I've made an appointment with my client to meet at 10 o'clock today, just go out at home."

Niuniu believed his words. Looking at the time, it was only seven o'clock, so she accepted Dabao's intimate service.

When she finished her breakfast, she helped aunt Guan put things in the kitchen.

"Brother, if you have something to do, I'll go to see the script and figure out what I'm going to do in the afternoon."

Dabao nodded. It seemed that he was really busy. He picked up his laptop and walked towards the study. Seeing that the person had already flashed in, he turned back to probe out and said to Niuniu, "girl, if you feel bored, come in and have a look!"

Niuniu, of course, was not so sensible. She took the script and watched it in the sofa for a while. She couldn't figure out how to figure it out in some places, so she took the script and went out to play with dogs and cats for a while. Then she sat on the swing and continued to think about it.

Dabao was busy in his study for a while. When he came out to pour a glass of water, he found that the little girl was not in the living room. Walking out of the room, I saw a little girl sitting on the swing looking down at something. It should be reading the script.

Dabao shook his head and sighed. He went back to the house and took a coat.

"It's cool in the yard. I don't know how to wear many clothes when I come out."

When Dabao's hand touched her shoulder across the coat, it was obvious that her shoulder was shaking slightly.

Big treasure a surprised, immediately around in front of her, half squat down to look up at her, "what's the matter?"

This look really scared Dabao!

The little girl's face was full of tears. Maybe she was broken by Dabao. She felt embarrassed. Now she was wiping her face with her hands in a flurry, choking and explaining, "nothing... Nothing..."

Dabao's heart is breaking!

Glancing at the script spread out on her lap, he knew that it was the script that caused the trouble. However, even though he wanted to tear up the script immediately, he could only silently hold her in his arms, cover her face with one hand, caress her back with the other hand, and take a deep breath to make his voice sound gentle.

"Fool, didn't my brother tell you last night? It was a play! You don't need to be too serious. Besides, you're resting at home now. You should be happy and relax, instead of crying like in the play... "

"I'm... I'm worried that I don't know anything, which will drag down the progress of the crew, so I'll preview it in advance and brew my emotions."

"But I'm going to die for you, you know?" Dabao helped her wipe her tears painfully, knowing that he didn't blame her for her position, but watching her cry in silence, even though he knew that she was acting, he still couldn't stand it!

It's also because of this that he has never been to the studio since the film officially started shooting.

I'm afraid to see her hard work in shooting fighting scenes, and I'm afraid to see her suffering in front of the camera

So that day, Xiao Bao said that he would go to the set to support her. He didn't object, because he also wanted to go, but he was afraid that he couldn't stand her suffering and grievances. When he saw people there, he directly took them away!

"Well..." Niuniu actually understood Dabao's feelings. She closed the script, put her arms around his waist and put it in his warm arms.

At the tip of her nose, there was a familiar and comfortable atmosphere. The sadness that she had been immersed in the script was dispelled by this seemingly fresh but actually extremely domineering atmosphere. She closed her eyes and leaned in his arms for a long time.

"Brother, when I finish shooting this play, shall we go on a trip?"

"Good!" This softhearted Dabao, not to mention accompany her to travel, even if she asked him to accompany him to heaven and sea, he certainly wanted to nod and agreed without thinking.

"Brother, I'm sorry to worry you!" Niuniu looks up and kisses Dabao's lips with regret.


Even though there were thousands of resentments and unwillingness in Dabao's heart, they were comforted by the kiss with the taste of tears.

"Fool, what are you sorry for? You just try your best to work hard for the job you like. I should be happy and proud of you, shouldn't I? "

He can give her a lot of money, love and affection. No matter how much she wants, he can satisfy her.

But only, career, as well as self-confidence and their own value, he has no way to give her!

Then the only thing he can do is to support her!

Even if people all over the world object, he will support her as always. Because he is the one who loves her most in the world!


Probably because the morning brewing thoroughly, in the afternoon this group of tearful lens, Sihan unexpectedly is a ng did not eat, all one-time through!

This not only surprised director Sun, but even Fang Kai, a man who is not very boastful, could not help but give a thumbs up to Sihan, who was crying red in his eyes, when he heard director Sun yelling "OK".

"Sihan, today is great!"

Fang Kai said, and handed his assistant the wet towel to wipe his sweat to Sihan.

Sihan was stunned for a moment before she took over, "thank you!"

"As for sister Fang, she usually follows up like a piece of dog skin cream, but she can't shake it off. Why can't she see anyone today?"

Fang Kai deliberately digs the topic and looks around as if he is looking for sister Fang. In fact, he sees her embarrassment. After all, no one wants to be seen crying so much that his nose is red.

Especially, she is a teenager!

Sihan holds a wet towel on her eyes and gently presses the lacrimal gland. She is still in a low mood, but her elder brother said last night, "you are Ji Sihan. You can only have me in your mind!"

Miserably, he saw this red and swollen eye when he came home tonight, must be distressed again?


Fang Kai began to think that she was embarrassed and didn't want him to see her cry, but after a few words with her, she bowed her head and didn't respond, so he raised his voice.

"Well?" Sihan is finally awakened by his call, slightly frightened, and looks up at him.

Beautiful eyes red, covered with water vapor eyes flashed frightened fawn general panic.

Fang Kai was just concerned about her. Unexpectedly, he looked into her eyes and heart. It was like she was suddenly thrown into a high-speed centrifuge and completely out of control. Not only was the rhythm disordered, but even the direction seemed completely disordered

This completely out of control feeling, bad enough to let Fang Kai panic!

"Thank you, brother foncaire!" Sihan thanks him in a soft voice, which is unique after she cried.

Fang Kai, however, suddenly turned around and left as if he had been frightened.