Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 867

The next morning, Dabao came out of Niuniu's room and walked straight into the dining room. Xiaobao, who was sitting in the dining room with milk and looking at the newspaper, raised eyebrows at him and said, "I'm going to be an uncle?"

It's a joke, but there's no joke in his black eyes. He's very serious.

Dabao knocked him on the head, pulled away the chair and sat down, "what are you talking about? She's still young

No one knows how many times the two brothers have tried this conversation in private.

Xiaobaoxing casually licked the milk on his lips. "Who knows? You are twenty-four! "

Dabao stares at him, takes a piece of bread, spreads jam and says, "what's wrong with me? I'm not a beast. You don't have to remind me all the time. I know it. It's you who answered Qi's phone last night. Didn't you go too far? "

Xiaobao didn't seem to hear what he said behind him. "In a word, you must say what you have done, so that I can be psychologically prepared!"

Dabao was both angry and funny. He stood up and put the bread with jam into the young master's mouth. He said with a smile, "young master Jihuan, I'm really curious. What kind of psychological preparation do you want to make? Well

Dabao put his arms in his arms and leaned back on the chair. He looked at xiaobaojing and waited for his answer.

Xiao Bao took a bite of the bread and said, "a lot? For example, the elder sister who has been called for more than ten years should be changed into a sister-in-law; For another example, I'm still a child, but I'm going to be an uncle. I'm afraid I'm out of favor and I'm not prepared for it. I'm afraid I'll be jealous and I'll be unbalanced. Then I'll abuse your baby son if I'm not careful. What do you say? "

Looking at his serious appearance, Dabao broke his skill and burst out laughing. He came close to the dining table with his hands on the table and approached Xiaobao as close as possible. They looked at each other.

"Ji Xiaobao, I know you are the elder sister control, but I'm not the little hooligans outside. I'm your brother! What nonsense? What psychological imbalance? Are you overprotecting your sister? "

Xiao Bao snorted coldly, ignored him, and continued to nibble at the bread, as if the piece of bread had a deep hatred with him.

Dabao thought that the young master had finally stopped. He sat down contentedly and picked up a piece of bread again. The young master opposite stared at him and said slowly, "don't say how noble you are. You are no different from those hooligans!"

Dabao really has no temper now. He puts down the bread, raises his hand to the young master's eyes, and solemnly says, "young master Jihuan, I Jiyu swear that if you are likely to be an uncle, I will inform you at the first time, OK?"

Xiao Bao let out a "hum", took a glass, poured a glass of milk, and pushed it to Da Bao.

Big treasure white he one eye, "how? Now I'm your brother? Isn't it a rascal bullying your sister? "

Xiao Bao snorted, holding the cup with his hand, and pretending to take it back. Big Bao was quick-sighted, and fished the cup in one hand. He lifted his head and drank most of the milk in the cup.

After the heart to heart exchange in the early morning, the two brothers were able to have breakfast peacefully.

"You didn't kill Qi yesterday, did you?" Dabao began to turn the topic to irrelevant outsiders with a clear face.

"How can you be so sure I'll make a fool of him?" Xiao Bao scoffed.

"Boy, don't forget, I'm your brother!"

Dabao looked at the young man with a smile. His eyes were full of his brother's special indulgence and indulgence. It seemed that the man who was at war with the young man just now was not him.

"If that's enough to piss him off, he deserves it!"


"What are the brothers talking about in the morning? It's so hot

Letong's voice came. Soon, the slim figure in the work suit flashed in.

"When are you going to be a grandmother?" The topic that two brothers walk around not easily, be asked so by Yue Tong, easy again circled to come back.

Letong looks at Dabao with interest, but the one who is looked at eats his bread calmly.

"Xiaobao, do you want to be an uncle? I don't think your brother wanted me to have a grandson so early. They haven't had enough of each other. How can they get a small bean to hinder him so early? "

I have to say that it's Letong who knows Dabao as a mother.

Don't say he hasn't entered the home run yet. Even if he really got there, he can't have children so early. After all, in his mind, Niuniu is still too young. Although she looks like an adult physically, she is still between children and adults mentally.

For Dabao, love is a matter of both sides, both physically and psychologically, both sides have to have enough capacity to bear, in the case of willing to carry out is 100% perfect.

Although, in today's age, even love and marriage, which should be eternal things, have become instant food, his idea seems particularly conservative and even ridiculous.

But he always insisted that he would not take the last step until Niuniu was fully aware and willing, both physically and psychologically.

Therefore, in the present situation, it's far away for mummy to be a grandmother and Xiaobao to be an uncle!

Soon, even Ji Rui, who is a father, joined the interesting and attractive guessing game of when he will be a grandfather.

It was not until the other party, the little Douding mummy in their mouth, walked into the dining room with a sleepy face, that they stopped talking.

Then, they all looked at her with interest. As usual, after greeting everyone, they yawned and sat down in the chair beside Dabao.

Dabao looked at her confused appearance. He couldn't help flapping her head and pinching her face. "Did you sleep well?"

"Well..." Niuniu took a sip of milk from her cup and said, "brother, why don't you wake me up?"

Dabao is almost full. She reaches for the bread and helps her spread a thick layer of blueberry sauce. This girl likes to eat this kind of sour and sweet food.

"Fangfang said you had no chance in the morning. She said hello to director Sun. You can have lunch at home. She will come to pick you up at noon."

Niuniu took the bread from Dabao and opened her mouth to chew it.

Xiaobao suddenly a pair of did not see the appearance, glanced at the two opposite as if no one show love, got up and went out.

Le Tong and Ji Rui also stand up one after another, "girl, we are full, you eat slowly, what do you want to eat at noon, let aunt Guan help you, we go to work."

Niu Niu's mouth was stuffed with bread, and her cheeks said, "goodbye, daddy and Mommy. Be careful on the way."