Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 866

"Hello, Ji Shao! I'm Qi Huan. What I told Ji Shao at noon today? How's Ji Shao thinking? "

The person on the other side of the phone is he Yinyin's uncle Qi, the boss Qi Huan.

Xiao Bao pulled up the corner of his lip and showed a smile that he didn't understand. He asked, "hmm? Yes? What did you tell me, boss Qi? "

In fact, he really didn't know what his brother said to boss Qi. However, he was sure that the man surnamed Qi came to beg his brother!

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone. Maybe I didn't expect that I would be despised by a young man in his early twenties.

"Ha ha..." Qi Huan said with a dry smile, "Ji Shaozhen is a noble man who forgets many things... He said that when he met at noon..."

Xiaobao picks his eyebrows, pretends to be confused and interrupts him, "ah, wait, boss Qi, I don't think I've met you!"

Boss Qi, who is on the other side of the microphone, must have lost his temper because he really teased him. He hummed angrily, "Ji Shao, is it interesting for me to play like this?"

Xiaobao replied innocently, "boss Qi, how dare I play with you? I really haven't seen you, not to mention this noon, we've never seen you! But I've heard of all kinds of brilliant deeds of boss Qi from my father and brother. I've admired you for a long time. If I have a chance, I'll visit you. At that time, boss Qi must not despise me! "

"Your brother?" Boss Qi realized that it was not right. There were two gifted CHILDES in the Ji family. He knew that, but he only met the big childe and the little childe of Ji, but he really didn't“ Are you young master Ji

Xiaobao answered him rightfully, "it's me! Who else do you think I am? "

"But isn't this Mr. Ji's mobile phone number?" The other side has less resentment but more doubts.

Xiao Bao paused, then pretended to be surprised and exclaimed, "I'm grass, I'm the same as my brother's mobile phone, I put his mobile phone in the bag together."

"Would you please hand over the call to Ji Dashao, young master Ji?" The other side said in a low voice.

Xiao Bao stretched out and leaned back on the back of the sofa. He stretched his long legs and put them on the coffee table comfortably. Then he said slowly, "boss Qi, I'm sorry. I'm eating out with my friends. I won't go home until early in the morning. You need to find my brother tomorrow."

Xiaobao listen to each other seems to be forced to temper, said thank you, and then the phone came to the sound of Dudu.

As for the master Ji, who boss Qi was looking for, he went to Niuniu's room and twisted the doorknob. When he found that the door had not been locked, he opened the door and locked it and pushed it in.

It was dusk now. The light in the room was very dark, but there was no light in the bedroom. Dabao blinked a few times before he could barely adapt to the light in the room. When he saw a dark shadow rising in the sofa, it must be a little girl sitting there.


Dabao called softly and walked towards the shadow.

"Well..." the shadow responded in a low voice, and then moved gently.

Dabao didn't rush to turn on the light, but went to the shadow and squatted down. He reached out and hugged Niuniu, who had shrunk into a ball.

"Tired?" Gentle and doting low Nan, like soft fluffy sweep, soft and gently caress in Niu Niu's heart.


Niuniu's stuffy voice came out from her arms. Since she came back, she has been holding her hands on her knees and putting her head between her arms like an ostrich.

"What's the matter? Not happy? "

Dabao has a lot of things to deal with today. Tian Fang only made a report call at noon, but Tian Fang didn't say that there was something wrong with her mood at that time. This afternoon has become like this. Did the report in the entertainment newspaper make her think too much?

Niu Niu has been indulging in the sad mood in the plot, until she hears Dabao's voice, which is like a gentle breeze coming from the depressed weather.

"Well..." the ostrich finally raised his head from the bend of his arm, put his arm around Dabao's neck, put his face on his face, and said miserably, "brother, Lin Yue is very poor..."

Lin Yue, the heroine of director Sun's "spring", is the role played by Niu Niu in the film.

As soon as Dabao heard it, he understood immediately!

This silly girl, is too deep into the play, emotional jump out of it!

"Fool, it was made up! It's a play, not a real one! "

As Dabao said this, his big warm hand swept her back, trying to calm her down.

"The screenwriter said that there is a real prototype..." Niuniu is a girl with rich feelings. Just because of this, she can't get out of the play.

"Well, it's just the process of her growth. In the end, isn't she happy?" Dabao also accompanied Niuniu to read the script several times, and even accompanied her to analyze the psychological changes of the female owner in several scenes.

Dabao comforted her. As soon as he fished, he picked up the girl who was like an ostrich on the sofa. Niuniu screamed with fright. Dabao took her fart and bumped twice to make her comfortable in her arms. Then he took her to the wall and turned on the light. Then he took her out of the terrace.

The terrace outside Niuniu's bedroom is very warm and chic. In addition to three lovely rocking chairs, there are also all kinds of beautiful potted plants with strong vitality.

Dabao sat down on the rocking chair with Niuniu in her arms, rubbed her face behind her neck, put her lips close to her ear, and asked softly, "girl, who am I?"

Niu Niu has always been very fond of his voice, which was slightly trembled by his voice.

"Brother..." Dabao's face is still rubbing her back neck. The itchy feeling makes her all over. She wants to hide, but she can't bear to leave the warm embrace, so she shrinks to his arms like a woodchuck.

"It's not my brother..." Dabao opened her mouth and held her earlobe in her mouth. Her sharp tiger teeth nibbled on the soft meat.

Niuniu trembled again, and her reason gradually ran away. "It's Ji Yu..." the breath of breath betrayed her confused mood at this time.

"Well... Who am I?"

The sharp corners of tiger teeth, deep and shallow across her ears, neck, brain is like a smoke.

"Yes..." she pause for a moment, want to say brother, but vaguely remember the answer was denied before, that in addition to brother, or what?

"What is it?" Behind the ears came a hoarse murmur, and then Niu Niu felt a sharp pain in her ears!

This pain made her confused brain flash an answer, "is... Boyfriend..."

"Well..." with the hum of satisfaction, the painful self skin was licked a few times, "girl, remember, your name is Ji Sihan, not Lin Yue, you can only have me in your mind!"