Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 865

People in the cast have more taboos on Sihan. Although the origin of Xinying entertainment is unknown, the power of the entertainment company can be seen from the front page of the most popular entertainment newspaper.

Except for he Yinyin, she scoffed at the report.

"Che, a newcomer who is nothing, who knows what means or what shady things he did to make a front page headline? However, such a short-lived actress is not without, when favored by the gold Lord, what to have, when out of favor, it is nothing, or their own strong enough more reliable ah! "

What she said is no more than a satire that Sihan got the scenery by the favor of the gold Lord. Where she is like, she is in a rich family, and she is precious. If she wants anything, she can talk to her family, and they will put everything in her hands.

When she said this, she was full of awe. It's a pity that there are people outside the mountains in the world. Her family is just like ants standing in front of an elephant. Therefore, this time, even if her family wants to take something for her, under the pressure of such a big mountain town as the Ji family, it's doomed that she can't get anything. It's her good life not to be crushed to pieces! In other words, it is the kindness of Ji family.

She said these words, in fact, a little bit can't reach Sihan's ears, more can't affect Sihan, that girl just as always in front of the camera and behind the camera thinking about the role.

But Sihan can't hear it, which doesn't mean Ji family can't hear it.

When it comes to Ji's family, Xiao Bao is the one who can't help it.

"Brother, I'll take care of this! I'll let her know who she can't afford to offend! "

For Xiaobao, his sister is stupid. It's really a wonderful pleasure to bully her, but bullying her is his privilege. What kind of dog is he Yinyin? It's just the daughter of an upstart family and an uncle with a little money. With such ability and capital, you want to bully young master Ji's sister?

Hum, they are not qualified yet!

Dabao naturally has a lot of ways to make he Yinyin shut up and admit her fault. However, since Xiaobao hates this man so much, he is not allowed to vent his anger properly for fear that there will be no peace at home.

"Well, it's up to you."

Xiao Bao made an OK gesture to him and turned to arrange it.

After two days, Sihan and Fangkai are playing a love drama. This is after several times of NG, Sihan has been brewing alone for a long time, and it's hard to get the mood in place. In this case, Si Hanhong in front of the camera looks at Fang Kai's words, and the poor little expression makes the director and staff outside the camera feel sad.


All of a sudden, a cry of surprise set off a good atmosphere.

Sun Dao, who nervously stands behind the camera with the script in his hand and looks at the emotional scene of the camera, is so frightened by the exclamation that he almost loses the script in his hand. He turns to blow his beard and yells at the culprit in the distance, "he Yinyin, get out of here!"

As soon as the words fell, the script in hand flew out and went straight to he Yinyin's face!

He Yinyin's smiling face passed a trace of panic. She dodged the script and ran into the dressing room for refuge!

Her assistant quickly picked up the script on the ground and handed it to director Sun with both hands in fear“ Sun Dao... I'm sorry. Yinyin is too happy. That's why... "

"Happy fart! Can you shout on the set when you are happy? " Sun Dao, who was interrupted, was extremely irritable. He took the script and threw it at the little assistant.

The little assistant didn't dare to hide. He just stood in front of the script and made a small cut on his face, exuding red blood. But even so, the little assistant didn't dare to run. His master irritated sun Dao and didn't let him vent his anger. In the future, his life will not be easy.

"Go away!"

Sun Dao's eyes were burning, but when he saw her face turned red, he couldn't do anything more. He waved to her angrily to get out of his sight.

Why is he Yinyin so happy?

It turns out that she has been invited to a variety show which is very popular in China. This variety show is conducted in the form of interviews and games. The audience rating is extremely high, and the guests who can go are all the most popular first-line movie stars. So, no wonder he Yinyin is so happy to receive this invitation.

But it's her business to be happy. It's an indisputable fact that she offended director Sun that day. Fortunately, although director Sun's temper is a little strange, he has a clear distinction between public and private. He didn't embarrass her much in front of the camera.

But her actions, such as biting her tongue and so on, which are extremely annoying to director Sun, coupled with today's crime, directly let director Sun draw a big fork on the name of he Yinyin in his heart, and directly put her in one of the forbidden actors in the future.

Of course, he Yinyin didn't know this, and she was still immersed in the joy of taking part in the most popular variety show.

And Sihan, who is attentive to acting and doesn't hear things outside the window, certainly doesn't know these. All day long, she was shooting sentimental scenes. Until the end of work, she was still immersed in sentimentality and couldn't get out of it.

On the way home, Tian Fang, who is vaguely aware of her abnormal mood, spends a lot of time teasing her. But Sihan, who usually talks a lot, is silent all the way. Until she gets home, she is still very depressed.

She went home earlier than others today. When Dabao and Xiaobao got home, there was no one in the living room, but outside the yard, there was a car to pick up Niuniu.

"Aunt Guan, where's Niuniu?" Dabao quickly goes to the kitchen and asks aunt Guan who is preparing dinner.

"Oh, I don't know if she's tired today. As soon as she came back, she went into the bedroom and never came out."

Dabao's heart immediately pulled up, could it be that she listened to some cold words, sad?

Dabao turns and walks to Niuniu's bedroom. Midway, the phone rings. Dabao picks up the phone to have a look. He flashes a fierce look in his eyes. He presses his finger and refuses to answer directly. Then he presses the mute button and throws the phone into the sofa.

Xiaobao, who came back to play games on the sofa, saw his brother's reaction in his eyes, picked out his pretty eyebrows and asked tentatively, "Qi?"

Dabao snorted coldly from his nose and turned to find Niuniu.

Fearing that the world is not in chaos, Xiaobao climbs over and takes Dabao's phone from the sofa. He sees that the other party is still persistently calling in.

Xiaobao's eyes with a mocking smile, slender fingers pressed, connected the phone.

"Hello Xiao Bao said politely, and the teasing and coldness in his eyes were obviously chilling.